or else what? Bankruptcy? Seriously, that was a false threat, and of all F/A's those who are supposedly Senior at AA would have known that..Right? You guys have been there ,done that ,right? "Remember 93..Those Glorious years"..How we "AA"ctually showed the company who we really are? The mistake was AA never filed the bankruptcy they should have when they had the chance..BK is nothing more than a business tactic to relive yourself from debt, and move on..instead, the company decided to use it as a loaded gun, and supposedly told JW, and staff if they don't cave then guess what?....so tell me, What? It would have been worse off? , and you know that how? You are the judge? personally know the judge? Tell me more?...
Just look at the other airlines out there? Hmm....Let's see? UA? Hired off of the street, NOBODY on involutnary furlough, paid holidays, Please..Give me a break..You Seniors know it all! Hmmm...Delta? Now the worlds larges airline...Right? please correct me?..No furloughs..Hired off of the street...Hmm...What did they have in common? A Bk filing.
Point is JW and company didn't prepare for any negotations during the RPA of '03...In fact, he didn't want to believe his precious contract that he negotiated would even be gutted like it was, and when it came down to the last minute to come up with concessions his response was nothing more then throw it to the JR F/A's...Not knowing today...There are NO Jr F/a's in this company.
Also,...Those on here who want to talk about pay rates vs the other carriers?...give me a break...So , we may make "AA" (very) little more, exception being WN, then most ,but this industry has never been an industry where one can get rich. Right? Come on!