On 4/17/2003 7:31:00 AM A77IGW wrote:
why do you preach Union constitution. The Union constitution only means something to you when you want it to. Just like it only means something to management when they want it to. I agree with airwar why call for someones resignation (an elected official that you elected) because you did not get your way. It does seem childish but I am not Union so this is just a simple opinion ....not an attackOn 4/17/2003 7:31:00 AM A77IGW wrote:
Because, the union constitution lists the objectives of the organization, how its is governed, operated and how representation on the various levels will work and be recognized.
It is not a recall for not getting something one way or another. If that was the case John Ward would have been out long ago.
The officers of this organization compromised it. The vote, and our CBA. They didn''t follow the memberships wishes. Instead offered an extended day of voting. There were reasons against doing this the first time. One was security. All of a sudden is was no longer an issue, when AA needed a change. I was as most of us were prepared to live out and abide by the decision of the majority. They spoke and the officers bent over, for the company.