GOOD LETTER.............My fellow Pilots I have posted, emailed and spoke up at the UNION meetings and have served on a couple committees and sat at the BPR table all for one thing. All of us. I have never thought of my self one time when it came to who or what I supported. I have both worked with and against several of my fellow pilots never losing respect for each of them. Even when things said were disrespectful. With that said, looking at the last week of communications we find our selves once again with another pilot group thinking of them selves in stead of the whole. APA has decided to throw in with Management and take the seniority integration to where no one really wants to go. They may think that it will give them a better chance at the table but it won't. It will how ever take us to arbitration were someone else will decide all of our futures. In the mean time Parker will get what he loves and has enjoyed for the last 7 years. A fractured Pilot group. I always had faith that one day the Pilots of this industry would figure it out and start acting like brothers and sisters for all Pilots at all Airlines. Looking at the past ALPA has failed at that task and USAPA and APA as well. Now APA has sent to their Pilots an update proving they have no respect for the very Pilot group that sacrificed for all Pilots at all Airlines. How you ask? One word, Pension. With out our fight and our investigation APA would have lost their pension as we did. Instead the PBGC hurting from our investigation prompted them to freeze assets to cover APA's pension short fall. USAPA has succeeded in protecting this Pilot group from a personal vendetta disguised as an arbitration award from an angry arbitrator. No one in this industry who calls them self a professional pilot has said the Nicolaou award was fair. Even ALPA didn't think so. We fought long and hard against everyone. Management, AWA, NMB and the court system in a plaintiff's home town. WE WON. Now APA takes the ramblings of a judge pissed off because the law is on our side and tells their Pilots that it was a ruling. Where is APA's legal team? I sure hope that they know that everything a judge says before the ruling has no bearing on anything. USAPA will be the Bargaining agent in the McCaskill-Bond procedures even if APA get single UNION status. APA is the reason that we have the McCaskill-Bond law. Do they think we will not go to court and get a judge to tell them that? They think we are quick to fight. Well, yes we are. Only because that is what we had to do for the last 7 years. APA, I want you to mark my words. You will find out just what the US Airways Pilot have been going through over the last 7 years in 2016. If you think the parity pay raises are set you better think again.
It only took 2 days for my last post to make it to the APA Pilots. One of them called me an angry pilot. Another Pilot told him or her that I was not angry and that I was smart. I thank that Pilot and he is right, I am smart. There is one thing about that. There are Pilots a hell of a lot smarter than me on the BPR of USAPA and in various committees. They are all willing to fight for what is right. APA ought to keep that in mind next time they cozy up with management.
I want to see APA and USAPA work together and it can still happen. APA all you have to do is come back to the table and let USAPA represent the US Airways Pilots the way APA represents the American Pilots. That is all we want. After that APA is going to be our UNION and I will be happy with that. Remember the last time an arbitrator ruled on seniority integration for a bankrupted Airline, it did not go well for said carrier.