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AAG had 113,300 employees as of Dec. 31. That’s up nearly 3,000

700UW said:
Well once again you have lied.
UA MCO ramp has rotating days off, they work four on and two off, that is what the members requested, only some of the leads and the Grievance Committee Chairman have fixed days off.
That is per a UA MCO ramp person, who actually works there.
[SIZE=10.5pt]700UW knows a guy who knows a guy who dated a girl who had an ex whose third cousin knew a guy that did that.[/SIZE]
WorldTraveler said:
first, you are hardly the only person on here... if you want to have a personal conversation, send me an invite... I'll be happy to show up.
WorldTraveler said:
problem is that you and others think that DL's QOL is so bad that they will trade other forms of compensation in order to gain higher QOL. very few other employees actually will trade anything. and given that DL pays its employees better overall and has provided larger increases, the onus is on you to prove that DL employees are willing to give any of that up to gain better QOL.
Don't believe I have said that....

WorldTraveler said:
no company just gives to its employees without receiving something in return. It is hardly an AA or DL thing.
Delta just gave us a raise.... didn't take anything in return.
Again you live in a Bankruptcy word. That isn't the case anymore.

WorldTraveler said:
I'd sit tight and see how the AM JV actually plays out... it's still pretty new - and so is the new mgmt. that pushed for getting the large engine cell. somehow you seem unable to believe that DL can do anything other than screw you every chance you can get.
 year operating, 4-5 years to market pre-opening and its still new? 
Got damn I hope TechOps management isn't nearly that stupid. We would never get a contract if it took them 6 years to get something done. 
and the management isn't new. 
WorldTraveler said:
and yes, TUL's future is far from certain. It is dependent on local concessions far more so than any other US carrier maintenance facility, its lease is not long-term, and Parker has demonstrated a bent for outsourcing more than keeping work inhouse.
he has? To bad outsourcing MX %s have gone down under Parker not up. 
WorldTraveler said:
there are few AA people who realistically believe that the TWU is going to be anywhere close to a hindrance to Parker if he decides to close or more likely reduce the size of TUL.
if you say so. As it it the TWU allows less outsourcing than Delta so............ 
WorldTraveler said:
I'd be happy if TUL is here for the long term but it is a lot less certain than you might want us to believe.
No you wouldn't. the second it closed you would be on here telling all those employees that just got laid off how they suck, American sucks and Delta is better. 
you constantly do it now with other outsourcing so don't act like you give a single crap. 
IMHO I bet you pray at night TUL does shut down just so you'll have another stupid talking point to make Delta seem better. 
WorldTraveler said:
US' level of maintenance outsourcing peaked at 63.7% in 2008 and has fallen to 54.2% in 2013, the most recent year of data available.

while Parker might have brought SOME maintenance back inhouse US still has the highest percentage of maintenance outsourcing of the US legacy carriers.

but we know it is based on dollars and not heads and it is also government data so it doesn't count and is all just made up anyway.

and we know that if the IAM was really effective, US would never been allowed to get even to 63.7%. If unions can't stop mgmt. in BK, then it is kind of hard to argue that they are of value just because they can rebuild from a far worse place than before BK or from other non-union competitors.
US has been outsourcing under Parker 
err not really but STILL! 
ThirdSeatHero said:
Correct on both counts - word is with the expanding next-gen fleet, we may crank the CFM lines back up - we'll see.
I hope so. I can't believe the 737 fleet you guys have and not have a CFM56 shop
Of course I can't believe the 320 fleet you have and not have a V2500 shop. 
WorldTraveler said:
and yet newer aircraft require less maintenance at least for several years

AA is counting big time on a maintenance holiday because of all of its new aircraft.

once again, note that DL spent far more in total than either AA or UA and yet DL had less employees than either.

IN AA's case, DL spent over $1 BILLION more and yet had 35,000 fewer employees.

any notion that DL employees are anything but the highest paid legacy carrier employees in the US is simply inaccurate.
Yeah ThirdSeat would be talking about bring the CFM56 in house at UAL. 
Kev3188 said:
...and now we know the rest of the story...
I think we all already knew why AA, US and UA outsource as much as they do. 
Sad part is Delta employees have even less of a voice. 
shame on you for even suggesting that I want TUL to be outsourced.

what a pathetically warped mind you have.

I go by the facts which show that US' level of outsourcing has remained as high as it has despite the fact that US employees have been so low in their pay compared with other legacies for years.

yes, US has recovered some work largely because US' maintenance budget is virtually FLAT for the past 5 years and is lower than what it was 6 years ago.

that is remarkable to have NO GROWTH in the cost of maintenance over 6 years - and it is SOLELY because US has bought new aircraft while not increasing its maintenance spend that its level of outsourcing has improved

US is spending NO MORE on maintenance now than it was 6 years ago.

The IAM hasn't increased anything for US employees.. they have simply remained static while US has bought new airplanes.

to not realize that is at the minimum what Parker intends to do at AA is the height of walking around with a sack over your head.

AA's maintenance costs will go down if for no other reason than that so many people will retire regardless of whether a package is offered or not.

any increase in pay will be offset by a loss of personnel. Work isn't increasing. AA is outsourcing functions that it did inhouse and which other carriers including US have outsourced.

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