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Lawyers want to question Kelleher about American Airlines and US Airways

Since there's really nothing of any substance to this lawsuit, much less this thread, why bother getting back on topic?

Wow, someone wants to question Herb, which really shouldn't matter since he's no longer a principal at WN.

Did anyone happen to question Bob Crandall or Gerard Arpey, just in case?... He and Parker were friendly, too. Hey, better call up Don Carty, David Bonner, Dave Seigel and Ed Beauvais as well...

I care less about my score than you do, but since you don't care, let me tell you what I noticed while I was in Europe last week...

Your normal posting pattern is around UTC-3 0700.

When I'm in UTC+1, your posts start coming in between 1100 and 1200, right around my lunch break. And then, shortly thereafter, the newer posts wind up with one green up-vote.

But there aren't any other people logged into the board.

Funny how that works, eh?... Nobody else is around, you get upvotes, and then somehow there aren't any more upvotes to suddenly appear after your 8th to 10th post of the day.

It's like whoever logged that early somehow ran out of upvotes, well before people in the US Eastern time zone start posting until around UTC-6 0600.

Maybe you can explain how that's happening. You seem to be quite knowledgeable on a lot of things.
sure is strange... you don't care about the score but yet you're still working overtime trying to make sure that you can boast about your reputation score compared to mine.

For the sixteen zillionth time, the accuracy of how one is perceived by those who read these boards - which is well beyond the registered users of the forum - is based on the ability to accurately speak to the key issues of the industry.


BTW, you do realize that the world has 24 time zones and not everyone who even posts on here lives in the same one. You do realize that, don't you?

Is it too much to focus the discussion on industry competition instead of competition for green arrows?
WT Im trying to guess what WT stands for?? Maybe White Trash? Makes sense to me! Even tho you are on Ignore it still shows that you posted! I don't read the Deltaflot nonsense, but the forum needs to have a permanent DELETE option!!
Oh I almost forgot American Airlines is the WORLDS LARGEST AIRLINE!!!!! Could someone send WT an anti anxiety medication!! LOL Like I said the Ignore option is wonderful!!
Nah, not putting any overtime in, WT.

Just noticing things as I go about my day, and recognizing patterns is something that analysts and consultants tend to do.

I haven't even mentioned my score. Just yours. Deflecting isn't necessary for me to make a point.
So has any lawyers questioned Herb yet? Didn't think so. I would probably pay to see that one. They should put it all out there live, pretty sure it would be entertaining, LOL...
"We have bumped into each other over the years, including at the annual gatherings of airline and aerospace executives held in Jackson, Wyoming."

Ah, the infamous "round table" meetings where these guys plot how they are going to screw the rest of us, the meetings that the pro-management folks around here claim dont happen.
executives in the airline industry have historically been known to engage in social meetings which is exactly why the DOJ is justified in raising antitrust concerns. I doubt that you see groups of executives from other industries socializing and more and more legal departments in all kinds of industries are telling their execs that they cannot socialize with execs of their direct competitors - it simply exposes the company to too much risk.

The DOJ is the one that wants to be the fly on the wall when these types of social events happen and the best way to keep them out of your business - and to eliminate potential charges even from private antitrust groups - is to simply not cooperate at all.

Let's remember that the DOJ unearthed all kinds of evidence of communication between AA and US executives as part of their original antitrust complaint and nothing more was said about any of that nor was there ever any proof provided to their charge that illegal and oligopolistic cooperation within the legacy segment of the airline industry exists with other carriers outside of AA and US.

Given that the DOJ made decisions that affect the entire industry based on actions of a few players, there very much is the chance that there will be legal challenges if the DOJ's actions cannot be supported by proof of their allegations.
WorldTraveler said:
executives in the airline industry have historically been known to engage in social meetings which is exactly why the DOJ is justified in raising antitrust concerns. I doubt that you see groups of executives from other industries socializing and more and more legal departments in all kinds of industries are telling their execs that they cannot socialize with execs of their direct competitors - it simply exposes the company to too much risk.The DOJ is the one that wants to be the fly on the wall when these types of social events happen and the best way to keep them out of your business - and to eliminate potential charges even from private antitrust groups - is to simply not cooperate at all.Let's remember that the DOJ unearthed all kinds of evidence of communication between AA and US executives as part of their original antitrust complaint and nothing more was said about any of that nor was there ever any proof provided to their charge that illegal and oligopolistic cooperation within the legacy segment of the airline industry exists with other carriers outside of AA and US.Given that the DOJ made decisions that affect the entire industry based on actions of a few players, there very much is the chance that there will be legal challenges if the DOJ's actions cannot be supported by proof of their allegations.
. I can tell you for a fact that historically they do it in the petrochemical industry and while they may not take notes they are anything but social. My father was a chauffeur for Union Carbide and recalled bringing the CEO to meet other CEOs in these round table discussions where he admitted that they were there to discuss their political agendas. After one meeting he uncharacteristically discussed what they were discussing and how they needed to get the Republicans back in charge . The boss asked my father if he voted, then asked if he minded if he asked if he was registered to any political party. my father said Yes, registered Republican, his boss was relieved, then my father said "but I always vote Democrat". His boss became agitated and started talking about how all these restrictions the Democrats put in hurt business, and my father told him, " well the Republicans are the party for the rich and will do what is best for them and the Democrats are the party for the rest of us. "

So they may call them "Social events " but it's all business, just nothing is documented, wonder if they claim the expenses on their taxes or it they have the company pick up the tab? My dad was paid as regular hours worked but then again the same was true if he drove them to the opera, or to the airport where they took the company jet on vacation etcetc.
The Air Transport Association or Airlines 4 America or whatever is now called is a political machine that has lobbying as its objective.

there is nothing illegal about what industry lobbying groups do... but I am also certain that there are lawyers present at groups like that which make sure that what is said can be defended within US antitrust laws.

private lunch or dinner meetings or cab rides may or may not violate those laws - and the lunch or dinner between Kelleher and Parker may or may not have.

But it raises the possibility that it may not have been all above board and that is why the question is being raised as part of a lawsuit.

And it doesn't change that Parker worked at AA when many of the competitively sensitive events between AA and WN and their implications on N. Texas aviation played out and it further raises questions about what lines might have been crossed.
Told you so.  I like the statement that this was voluntarily pulled.  Did any of you on here notice that usa1 posted this and ran, never to be seen again on this subject.  Do you ever wonder why people do that.  Not once in the 57, now 58 postings has he/she responded to any of this,  Hmmmm...

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