WHOA--WHOA--WHOA..beauty, ..take a ZANAX, Shet, take 4 ZANAX...."Just SHUT THE FUUK UP"(please, for a second) !!
(Sigh...wiping sweating brow) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of All....your right, AA is ANYTHING but...Pure and Innocent !!
BUT(and whether you like this or not) It's TRUE;
Buying asset's "from" a BK filing, Does NOT make AA a BK carrier !!
(Jesus, I can remember when UAL bought "pieces" from a broken down Capital airlines, but don't concern yourself with THAT) !!
(like it or not) I get a "defined benefit" retiree check, You will NEVER, AND , I NEVER took any concessions !!!!!!!!! I "GTFO" mere weeks before the cuts went into effect.
Granted, spineless DFW/pilots, F/a's and FSC's, and spineless TUL/AMT's, allowed AA to wrench concessions from the whole workforce.
Never having "stiffed " any creditors, is NOT THE SAME as...."well you P R O B A B L Y ..would have"
"shoulda'--coulda'--woulda' " (THAT, AS YOU WELL KNOW, does'nt "hold water"
When(not if) other carriers, besides AA, "hop into the sack, and therefore wind up spending their respective "rainy day funds", plays RIGHT into AA's HANDS, while AA's "RDF" $$$, keeps getting LARGER.
I will admit, that "after a mid to long period of time, a hypothetical NW/DL hook up would have tremendous worldwide reach, ask yourself what will AA be doing, during THAT protracted period of at least 5+ years ???
And finally, as BAGBELT mentioned a few posts before, (and his theory is VERY close and dear to my way of thinking), we ALL will see a smaller AA work force, making MORE $$$$$.
(Remember, a smaller AA does NOT mean a smaller "AMR"
And THAT will be(IMHO) possible because of AA's current "most valuable/versitile weapon...American Eagle !!
I've TRIED(so far In Vain) to tell you beauty, that when it comes to AA, THEY have had a LUCKY horseshoe up their A$$, for as long as I can remember.
"It IS what it IS"..beauty. I know you DON'T like IT, but..."It IS what it IS" !!!!!