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APA Ready for Federal Mediation...

I'm glad you think that way. I'm glad you would like to slow AA's progress as they get further and further behind the crowd.

As people can tell, I'm anti-union (in general), because unions always end up becoming power-hungry and start to act irrationally and uneducated, as AA's unions are acting now. They are greedy, and all they expect is "more, more, more" in a time when airlines can't give more. And don't even go there with the "but management gets paid XXX" garbage. They are management. They deserve to get paid more. It's not unfair at all. They run the company, they recieved higher education, they are smarter, they control the company's future. They are obviously going to get paid more, and obviously by a significant amount.

AA needs to go into bankruptcy, throw out pensions and employee contracts, lower wages, and start from scratch. They need to take a lesson from UA and DL.

Can you just sh*t up?

If you are so anti-union, please seek employment here: MAH4546's new employer
I'm glad you think that way. I'm glad you would like to slow AA's progress as they get further and further behind the crowd.

As people can tell, I'm anti-union (in general), because unions always end up becoming power-hungry and start to act irrationally and uneducated, as AA's unions are acting now. They are greedy, and all they expect is "more, more, more" in a time when airlines can't give more. And don't even go there with the "but management gets paid XXX" garbage. They are management. They deserve to get paid more. It's not unfair at all. They run the company, they recieved higher education, they are smarter, they control the company's future. They are obviously going to get paid more, and obviously by a significant amount.

AA needs to go into bankruptcy, throw out pensions and employee contracts, lower wages, and start from scratch. They need to take a lesson from UA and DL.

You are a complete DELETED BY MODERATOR These rocket scientists we have for management have done nothing that a first year college graduate couldn't do. As the other posters have noted in response to your comment, it was a hole that management started digging once Don Carty took over from Crandal. For a while there AA was losing something like 5 million a day while Carty was sitting on his over educated ass doing nothing about it. This was while we were locked in to a 6 year concessionary contract. In fact, if one were to take away the savings the union and non-union employees provided to AA by accepting the recent paycuts from the last contract - the company would have not been able to claim a profit for any recent quarters period.

Imagine, the resume's of these heros, as you claim shopping their talents - how would it go? "Hey, I just took a healthy multi billion dollar company into bankruptsy - won't you hire me?" Sadly, some of these shleps found employment including Carty - AKA the black cloud.

These employees that you talk about screwing are the company - not management. It would be kinda hard for AA to go into BK while sitting on six billion bucks. So whats a company to do? call Don Carty - hell he could figure out how to piss that away in no time at all.

I just dont have the energy to name the management brainstorms

How about
More room throughout coach

That was such a good one after removing a few thousand seats management says bad idea lets put them back in.

Here is a better one for you

Lets spend 6 billion and buy TWA

Im sure Bob and the Informer can name a few more management brainstorms that lost billions in revenue
It would be kinda hard for AA to go into BK while sitting on six billion bucks.

Not at all. ANY company can go into Chapter 11 reorganization, regardless of assets or cash on hand. The only thing preventing AA from doing it right now is they don't want some bankruptcy trustee to have control over those billions, instead of the executives.

But make no mistake, they could have 50 billion on hand and they are still entitled to file C11 and ask the bankruptcy court for help in reorganizing the company, or at minimum, protection while they do it. Just because you can afford something doesn't mean you have to pay for it. That's the beauty of the bankruptcy laws in the USA!
Folks, there are posts in this thread which are a perfect example of how to get a free visit to the corn field. What part of NO PERSONAL INSULTS OR ATTACKS don't you folks get?

Noreasta and Vortilon, everyone has a right to speak their mind, and you may answer the ISSUE, but you may not call someone names or insult them.

No more warnings.

And no using of profanity by disguising a letter--even misspelled profanities are a no no.
I just dont have the energy to name the management brainstorms

How about
More room throughout coach

That was such a good one after removing a few thousand seats management says bad idea lets put them back in.

UA has regained profitability without canceling its E+; the mistake for AA was in reinstalling the seats.

Here is a better one for you

Lets spend 6 billion and buy TWA

Im sure Bob and the Informer can name a few more management brainstorms that lost billions in revenue

The TWA purchase cost nowhere near $6 billion; furthermore, it added billions in new revenue. May not have turned out to be a resounding success, but hardly a waste of money.
The TWA purchase cost nowhere near $6 billion; furthermore, it added billions in new revenue. May not have turned out to be a resounding success, but hardly a waste of money.

I would have to disagree
billions in revenue
I doubt it
I think the cost far outweighed the gain
Just retrofitting the twa aircraft to match the AA fleet had to cost a bundle
Maybe the purchase price wasnt 6 billion but it sure as hell wasnt 600K either
Back to the original Topic.

I wonder if a Mediator will see that the pilots get that 50-60 percent pay raise. I wonder if a mediator will see if Management not giving us a red cent is fair.

This ought to be interesting. A mediator has to deal with two greedy groups
The argument was
Name one sacrifice AA made. Not everyone else who dealt with AA

In particular AA's upper management

Read before you ramble on and on

OK, Skippy, but that's not what you said:

Name one sacrifice AA made

The only ones who sacrificed were the employees

The only ones who didn't sacrifice are a very small number of people, and that includes the PUP participants and the TWU, APA, and APFA leadership. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see where they took pay cuts to offset the reduction in dues.
OK, Skippy, but that's not what you said:

The only ones who didn't sacrifice are a very small number of people, and that includes the PUP participants and the TWU, APA, and APFA leadership. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see where they took pay cuts to offset the reduction in dues.

You've got an answer, rhetorical or otherwise, for just about everything dontcha corporate. I would surely hate to have your obvious stress level, which of course you'll deny having.
And you've got the predictable "sky is falling" type response for just about everything lately.

Trust me, stress levels before and after AMR are no comparison. The fact that I don't have to worry about what an irrational group of employees might do to my career has probably added 15 to 20 years to my life expectancy.
OK, Skippy, but that's not what you said:

The only ones who didn't sacrifice are a very small number of people, and that includes the PUP participants and the TWU, APA, and APFA leadership. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see where they took pay cuts to offset the reduction in dues.

Sorry eolesen,

Your APA leadership info is wrong. Their rates are based on regular pilot hourly rates. They took in the shorts like everyone else. The top 3 guys have a couple of minor expense bennies, nothing to brag about.
DALLAS (AP) -- American Airlines said Monday it opposes a request by the pilots' union to bring a federal mediator into contract talks, which have lasted more than a year with little visible progress.

No surprise there! They've obviously heard rumors of an April strike - they just want to prove to the pilots that not only can they not strike, but just who is and who isn't in control!