Any Rove Opinions?

My ass about not being heard. Everyone from the Communist News Network to NBC, CBS, ABC, BBC would out yell any talk show or other form of media if they had anything to propose. What was Kerry proposing last fall??????????? As far as Bill Clinton was concerned, he gets rewarded for being at the right place at the right time, just like Reagan was. By the way, Clinton did lie and was impeached by the Senate. Nobody here or at or any other person can prove that Bush lied about WMDs regarding Iraq. I'm saying this now bbecause that is the obvious answer you'll give.
And just so you know, I believe all politicians in D.C. are totall skunks, getting rich off our backs. I'm not necessarily sticking up for one side or another, I just think that political hatred blinds the majority of Americans in this country. They are all screwing us over, regardless of which party controls what. There are many examples showing how both parties are failing right now.
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  • #33
Fair enough, some things we agree on and some we dont. But lets try to keep things focust on the current scandle. At least you are joining in the discussion. There seem to be a lot of conservative viewpoints who frequesnt these forums remaining unusually silent, WTF?
sentrido said:
There seem to be a lot of conservative viewpoints who frequesnt these forums remaining unusually silent, WTF?
Because they know that treason isn't as big a deal as a blowjob.
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  • #35
So, does anyone wana defend Bush's total FLIP FLOP on his standard for firing in leak case? :)
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  • #36
The latest scoop is that Rove didnt disclose that he had discussed Plame with Cooper to the FBI investigators. Hardly the behavour of somebody cooperating fully with an investigation.
sentrido said:
The latest scoop is that Rove didnt disclose that he had discussed Plame with Cooper to the FBI investigators. Hardly the behavour of somebody cooperating fully with an investigation.
Unless Valerie Palme gave Rove a blowjob on company time, the Republicans will not be outraged.
markkus757 said:
I'm not necessarily sticking up for one side or another, I just think that political hatred blinds the majority of Americans in this country.

Yet the man you have been defending, Karl Rove, is one of the main causes of that. His entire career has been built on character assassination and the politics of division, so do pardon the rest of us if we find it hard to feel sorry for him when he is caught breaking the law in the process.
Where the hell was I defending the guy. I said he was a jerk, I didn't think we could assume that he broke the law until the investigation was finished. If he did in fact break the law, then throw the book at him. As far as who's behind what, there are a lot of outsiders funding the direction on the Democrat party right now. They are destroying a lot of what makes this country what it is. For as many times that you can say the Republicans are squashing certain opinions in this country because they do not agree, I can say offer up arguments that political correctness is out of control, silencing decent people as well.
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  • #42
So here is the latest. The memo was actually ditributed BEFORE Wilsons op-ed, and then requested again after the the op-ed. The information about Wilsons wife in the memo was marked secret.

The guts of the memo:
Wilson went to Niger & found nothing. The CIA didnt even want to send him cause 3 or 4 other sources had already debunked the saddam/Africa link.
markkus757 said:
This is a lot of nonsense. If you guys really think that the freedom of expression was in jeopardy in this country, half of the Democrats that called Bush a liar and a traitor last fall would be imprisoned already. Get over it. Rove is a jerk, but I do not think he broke a law. He'll get off on a technicality of a broad law. As far as the border, I don't hear the Democrats proposing anything to help in regards to this issue or any other that affects our lives. When they have something to contribute besides conspiracy theories and whines, then I'll listen.

On that note, we agree. The Dems are on the wrong side of the 'illegal' question, along with the Wall Street Reps.

I live where the illegals are going to ground, and it is a nightmare, and going to get worse.

They are putting incredible pressure on the school systems, social services, law enforcement and the court system, which trickles down to we taxpayers.

Every ethnic group, including WASP's, controls their own crime sooner or later, and the Latinos are our equals, and so will be no different. The muscle, in the shape of gangs like M13, is arriving.

What is to stop them from carrying out an al Qaeda mission?

Nothing, and they would probably do it for free.

Just got finished with Yergen's history of oil, 'The Prize.' During the period when Mexico nationalized their oil fields, he noted the one thing that united Mexicans across all classes was their hatred of 'Yankee imperialists.'

It's not all that hard to imagine you could still find a few folks who feel that way.

And we're going to turn our face as they enter our country illegally.

"A clear and present danger" is not an overstatement.
Ahhhh, it seems Scooter is involved, too.


Watch this Admin start parsing words a la the last Admin..... ;)
markkus757 said:
For as many times that you can say the Republicans are squashing certain opinions in this country because they do not agree, I can say offer up arguments that political correctness is out of control, silencing decent people as well.

Really? Imagine if Bill Clinton were the president arguing in favor of the so-called Patriot Act and Janet Reno was in charge of enforcing it. Think the Republicans would think it was such a great idea then?

The facts are: The president said he would fire anyone involved in the CIA leak, Karl Rove has admitted he was involved in the CIA leak, and the president hasn't fired Rove. Rove violated the provisions of his security clearance by discussing the issue with the media in yet another attempt at political assassination, yet he retains that security clearance.

The Bush administration lied to get us into Iraq, lied about lying to get us into Iraq, and then lied about trying to get at Wilson through his wife because he exposed their lies.

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