Another School Massacre

Wow you are an obnoxiously rude individual. Can you be any more insulting while trying to have a discussion?

I so quickly happened to your erudite, extremely eloquent and highly intelligent notion of: "Do us a favor and loose your juvenile attitude. It does nothing to further your argument."...? ;)

If your belief is truly that: "I have already said I am not in favor of banning guns..." then we've no serious argument, save that of the insanity inherent in allowing the government camel's nose into the tent any further. Having apparently settled that: Where can any point be rationally advanced that I or any should magically become "criminals" simply due to the number of rounds a given magazine can hold? Lastly: Who do you think criminals buy guns from, if not from definably other criminals?
You are the one hurling the insults.

Ms Tree: "Do us a favor and loose your juvenile attitude.".... "Wow you are an obnoxiously rude individual." ;)

Not all of us reside exclusively in Fantasyland and do observe the world around us as it exists, rather than as we might wish. You might reasonably want to try that philosophy yourself. Doing so would greatly reduce your chances of suffering future muggings as an unarmed victim.
You would not know reality if it came up and b!tch slapped you. Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else.
You would not know reality if it came up and b!tch slapped you. Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else.

The pathetically inexperienced, grossly uninformed, as well as woefully uneducated inevitably love to offer up such nonsense. It is, after all, their only "defense". ;) What, in your estimation, makes your opinion here of even the slightest value?...The fact that you assert you were successfully robbed at gun point? What particular type of Decoration or "respect" do you feel appropriate for merely surviving your helpless victimization?....And why should/would any actually thinking people seek to emulate your notions on "controlling", well....anything at all? When push came to shove, and "reality came up and b!tch slapped you", proved yourself nothing more than a helpless, easy target and victim....and from your fine and proud example; the rest of us should now govern our actions? I think not.

As for: "You would not know reality if it came up and b!tch slapped you."...? I can only give properly heartfelt thanks to Allmighty God that such as yourself were not found anywhere within my command when "reality", aka war, came calling, long ago now. Of course, in all fairness; I've never experienced the trauma associated with showing up unarmed for a mugging.

"Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else." Sure thing, if you say so, after all. :)
Now, now East, don't fill Cousin IT with any intelligence that does not conform to ITs ideology. IT will prove you wrong to ITs blinder's point of view ;)
Ms Tree: "Do us a favor and loose your juvenile attitude.".... "Wow you are an obnoxiously rude individual." ;)

Not all of us reside exclusively in Fantasyland and do observe the world around us as it exists, rather than as we might wish. You might reasonably want to try that philosophy yourself. Doing so would greatly reduce your chances of suffering future muggings as an unarmed victim.
East, you're about one post away from being blocked by Tree. That's the level of maturity you're dealing with. A 50 something juvenile delinquent that is accustomed to having his way and who knows what's best for every one else. He also suffers from a sexual identity mental illness. In almost every tread he will eventually turns it into some kind of gay rights issue.
East, you're about one post away from being blocked by Tree.............. and who knows what's best for every one else.

"...and who knows what's best for every one else." Indeed. If I've ever the need for directions on how to be mugged while making sure that I'm both helpless and clueless in the process....I'll know exactly where to turn for expert advice and guidance.

"you're about one post away from being blocked by Tree" Hmm..while troubling: I've yet no radar warnings nor even any sirens for incoming missles, so, should such a tragedy occur: I somehow suspect I'll survive even a calamity of that magnitude! ;) On second thought, and just to be sure....I'd best immediately adopt good old smokin' Joe's suggestions and insanely step outside and blindly fire "two blasts" from a double barreled shotgun! :) I now understand that such behavior keeps people "safe". I mean; the guy IS the Vice President that's advocating this newly-minted fantasy of gun "control", after he just can't be an utterly hopeless, village idiot, ummm....can he.....? ;)

Seriously folks: Which of these two men do you feel evidence more actual intelligence within their presentations? Which would/should you trust?

I predict you will lose zero seconds of sleep.

A most probable outcome indeed sir.

Seriously though; don't you find that John Cleese playing the part of a village idiot far eclipses in demonstrated intelligence, that of Joe Biden's, while he's ineptly playing the part of Vice President? ;)
A most probable outcome indeed sir.

Seriously though; don't you find that John Cleese playing the part of a village idiot far eclipses in demonstrated intelligence, that of Joe Biden's, while he's ineptly playing the part of Vice President? ;)

He's Obama's insurance policy. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about.
This argument always goes the same way. Someone like East will pull a bunch of articles showing examples of home owners who protected their house against various numbers of intruders and the circle jerk continues. Then the onus is on you to show that things did not happen. Nearly impossible to do. How do you show how many homes were not robbed? How do you show how many people were not killed and why? Has your family just been lucky for 121 years or have there been mitigating factors such as not placing your self in harms way and making ones residence an undesirable target? Who knows. How do you show how many people have not been murdered and why? Did some of them have a gun on them when someone might have been considering cause harm to them? Who knows.

I was robbed at gun point (two people and two guns). I was caught from behind at a shopping mall. Had I been carrying a concealed or exposed weapon would I have still been robbed? Who knows. No way to play the scenario over to see what an alternate out come would have been. I do not own a gun and see no point in it. Statistically I am unlikely to ever need it. And given my wife’s proclivity to being startled at the slightest noise I think it is best to keep it that way even though she has asked a few times about how I feel about getting a gun.

I do agree with the gun rights advocates that banning guns won't work. I like the idea but I know it will not work. Too many guns, too many people and it is just unrealistic. I have been arguing for universal background checks, no P2P sales without BC, all future gun's must be titled and all owners must be liable for their weapons. This does not infringe upon the 2nd and it will help reduce the number of guns accessible to people who should not own them.

You set yourself up for a robbery from poor situational awareness.
That's how it happens. Gun or no gun.