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Libtard Stupidity At Its Finest

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For someone living their life transgendered, it's not a problem. I don't know anyone who would stand in the way of that.

Where the California law specifically runs afoul is that there's no "means test" -- a boy can just decide he's associating with being female, and by the letter of the law, he can't be denied access.

The legislators even acknowledged that when the law went into effect, but never bothered to fill the loophole and come up with a way to make sure it's not just some guy looking to get easy access to half dressed girls.

It's going to take someone's daughter being groped, photographed, or raped before the law gets locked down a little more.
The Supreme Judicial Court pointed out that its ruling was based on the circumstances of the case in which there was ample documentation of the student's gender identity. "Our opinion must not be read to require schools to permit students casual access to any bathroom of their choice," he wrote.
700UW said:
You are completely out there in right field. (That is because stupidity like this shoved me in that direction)
Your thread topic is misleading and the only liar is you. (I would not expect a libtard to recognize anything based in reality)
You cant handle people that act or think different from you, your closed minded and backwards. (This is what all liberals say when you do not support their libtard agenda)
School officials violated state anti-discrimination law when they would not allow a transgender fifth-grader to use the girls' bathroom, according to a ruling by the highest court in Maine that's believed to be the first of its kind.
Colorado officials said last year that a suburban Colorado Springs school district discriminated against a 6-year-old transgender girl  by preventing her from using the girls' bathroom.
Nicole is a biological male who identified as a girl beginning at age 2.
Time for a reality check.
Look at the ages and try to libtard spin your way out of it. Idiot.
Great to see you cant debate with using facts, you have posted nothing that shows the case was based on liberalism.
You lose any credibility when you call people names.
Show the board where in the transcript of the case that the Judge's decision was based on liberalism and not rule of law.
Oh wait you cant, you will just call people names like usual.
Since conservatives are all Bible-thumping gun-clinging backward people who hate anyone that isn't White, then by the process of elimination, it's liberalism.

Certainly, the laws around non-discrimination, and how to treat the I'm-not-the-sex-I-was-born people certainly didn't come from conservatives, so who else would you suggest is behind all those laws, and why do they exist primarily in Blue states?...
I guess you have us there. Not like any conservatives speak out for the rights of those they disagree with. The ACLU pretty much standings alone in its fight to defend the COTUS. There is no conservative equivalent. Why is that? Why do conservatives seem to not give a crap about equality?
700UW said:
You are completely out there in right field.
You cant handle people that act or think different from you, your closed minded and backwards.
700UW said:
Great to see you cant debate with using facts, you have posted nothing that shows the case was based on liberalism.
Show the board where in the transcript of the case that the Judge's decision was based on liberalism and not rule of law.
Oh wait you cant, you will just call people names like usual.
Oh, I see. This law is not based on a liberal agenda but if I disagree with it I am "completely out there in right field" and  " closed minded and backwards".
Logic straight from the mind of a liberal.
Ms Tree said:
I guess you have us there. Not like any conservatives speak out for the rights of those they disagree with. The ACLU pretty much standings alone in its fight to defend the COTUS. There is no conservative equivalent. Why is that? Why do conservatives seem to not give a crap about equality?
Because conservatives believe that government should not be in every aspect of everyone's lives and the ACLU is a terrorist group that tries to warp the law and manipulate the government to push a liberal agenda on an unreceptive public.
Class dismissed.
Do you have any more stupid questions?
 Ms Tree =
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Because conservatives believe that government should not be in every aspect of everyone's lives and the ACLU is a terrorist group that tries to warp the law and manipulate the government to push a liberal agenda on an unreceptive public.
Class dismissed.
Do you have any more stupid questions?
No they just want to control a woman and her reproductive rights.
Because conservatives believe that government should not be in every aspect of everyone's lives.
 Fi La La =
In this case government was telling people where to go to the bathroom.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Because conservatives believe that government should not be in every aspect of everyone's lives .......

700UW said:
No they just want to control a woman and her reproductive rights.

Dog Wonder said:
In this case government was telling people where to go to the bathroom.
Ironic isn't it? Lol

Should we tell him that the ACLU has defended countless conservatives and their rights or would that ruin the fun?
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