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Another School Massacre

Better than being shot first and asking no questions later !

Last year at my daughters high school a kid decided to do a "senior prank" involving a toy guy. IT got the school locked down for 4 hours. I can see how productivity might improve with the 'shoot first, ask questions later' line of thinking. Yep, it was a dumb move on his part, but it's not the first time a teenager did something stupid. In the "Arm America" movement, he'd be 6 feet under.

NRA's dream for America

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Don't let facts and figures get in the way of anti- gun peeps Dell, they've got a catastrophe to take advantage of !

To bad none of those are equal comparisons. DUI is close but there are restrictions on DUI such as age requirements, laws preventing bar tenders from serving to much, DUI check points... Too bad there is nothing like that for guns huh? Other than that it makes a very pretty chart.

Is is just me or does the chart look like a gun? May be the chart is trying to say something?
How do you know one wasn't "taken out" but for want of a gun to defend themselves?

Also, How come it's perfectly OK for the FBI & ATF to murder innocent children at Waco and Ruby Ridge?

I guess it's because the little darlings this go around were ffrom a Libtard bastion of anti gun nuts and it happened in Whielandia.

We were not talking about someone taken out because they did not have a gun to defend them selves. We are talking about someone being taken out by law enforcment who was inocent because they were going after the bad guys... kind of like Ruby and Waco.....
Now that FIREMEN are getting butchered responding to a fire (to try and HELP) (they never respond to try and HURT)...I've got a SIMPLE question about the AR-15(and similiar type weapons),....and high capacity clips that go with them................................

Where do you 2nd ammendment NEO-CONS here on this site, Draw the line on this "type" of weapon" ????????

(This ought to be Good) !!!!!!!!!!!

I think the better queation is what idea do the neo-cons have to prevent a convicted fellon from getting access to a rifle.
Last year at my daughters high school a kid decided to do a "senior prank" involving a toy guy. IT got the school locked down for 4 hours. I can see how productivity might improve with the 'shoot first, ask questions later' line of thinking. Yep, it was a dumb move on his part, but it's not the first time a teenager did something stupid. In the "Arm America" movement, he'd be 6 feet under.

NRA's dream for America

In Sparrows world sometimnes the inoocent will have to die in orderto get the bad guys. Such is the circle of life.
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Last year at my daughters high school a kid decided to do a "senior prank" involving a toy guy. IT got the school locked down for 4 hours. I can see how productivity might improve with the 'shoot first, ask questions later' line of thinking. Yep, it was a dumb move on his part, but it's not the first time a teenager did something stupid. In the "Arm America" movement, he'd be 6 feet under.

NRA's dream for America

I don't know where you get this shoot first crap.....you can't get the average American to help someone in a dire time of need let alone shoot one.

KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house. In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition. The ordinance states the gun law is needed to "protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants." Then-councilman J.O. Stephenson said after the ordinance was passed, everyone "went crazy." "People all over the country said there would be shootings in the street and violence in homes," he said. "Of course, that wasn't the case." In fact, according to Stephenson, it caused the crime rate in the city to plunge. "I didn't think it could be written in a constitutional fashion," he said. "Obviously, it was constitutional, because the American Civil Liberties Union challenged it in court and we won." Jones said the ACLU challenged the law in a federal court just after it was passed. In response, the city added a clause adding conscientious objectors to the list of those exempt.
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I don't know where you get this shoot first crap.....you can't get the average American to help someone in a dire time of need let alone shoot one.

Well Dell...In the aftermath of the school shooting we heard that "if the teachers would have been armed."..especially in the office. Does the office staff have the gun on them at all times? Let's take the idiot kid at my kids school....you're in the office...you see someone with a gun...you hear some bangs. Do you shoot? After all - gun...bang...bad guy. Nope...just an idiot kid shooting a starters pistol. No the fix is "take him out before he does any (more) damage" There...dead kid, toy gun.

Or if the NRA dream of every teacher having a gun...you are in class...you hear gunfire...you grab your piece and head to the hallway. Unfortunately so did 3 other teachers. There's a panic...you see a person with a gun. Is it friend or foe? No time to think, we gotta stop it before any more damage is done....dead teacher from friendly fire. There's an old saying that when you only have a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. The solution for all the ills of society is guns.

There is outcry that we need to look at mental health and not ban guns. Great idea. A psychiatric exam for every gun purchaser. The NRA would bless that....right? Or would that infringe on their second amendment rights because let's face it, there are a lot of people out there who really shouldn't own a gun that have them...legally. It's their right.
Well Dell...In the aftermath of the school shooting we heard that "if the teachers would have been armed."..especially in the office. Does the office staff have the gun on them at all times? Let's take the idiot kid at my kids school....you're in the office...you see someone with a gun...you hear some bangs. Do you shoot? After all - gun...bang...bad guy. Nope...just an idiot kid shooting a starters pistol. No the fix is "take him out before he does any (more) damage" There...dead kid, toy gun.

Or if the NRA dream of every teacher having a gun...you are in class...you hear gunfire...you grab your piece and head to the hallway. Unfortunately so did 3 other teachers. There's a panic...you see a person with a gun. Is it friend or foe? No time to think, we gotta stop it before any more damage is done....dead teacher from friendly fire. There's an old saying that when you only have a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. The solution for all the ills of society is guns.

There is outcry that we need to look at mental health and not ban guns. Great idea. A psychiatric exam for every gun purchaser. The NRA would bless that....right? Or would that infringe on their second amendment rights because let's face it, there are a lot of people out there who really shouldn't own a gun that have them...legally. It's their right.

A sidearm would be required to be worn at all times. Keeping it in the drawer just wouldn't do, don't you think? What would be the purpose of arming staff if it was in the drawer?
Who says it is the NRA dream.....was a suggestion last I read.....And highly trained.

A mental health exam for every American....that flush a little better? Maybe you get a bug in your head and get a gun? Never happen??

I think if you check into the 13,000 reg's in the best healthcare ever dreamed up, that there will be special taxes or fees for risky behaviour that would make it unfair for you to use more of HC than people who don't. You know, like eat too much, ride a cycle, skydive, own hand guns.....
You seem to advocate some tweedle dee utopian world without violence. Ain't going to happen on this planet until the second coming....oh, you don't believe in religion?
Now what?

Baseball bats and knives are more readily available than guns in a moment of violent crime, so what about that?
Last year at my daughters high school a kid decided to do a "senior prank" involving a toy guy. IT got the school locked down for 4 hours. I can see how productivity might improve with the 'shoot first, ask questions later' line of thinking. Yep, it was a dumb move on his part, but it's not the first time a teenager did something stupid. In the "Arm America" movement, he'd be 6 feet under.

NRA's dream for America

Sorry if it sounds cruel but, you ever hear "Survival of the fittest" ? If a child is stupid enough to bring a toy gun to school, "IN THIS DAY AND AGE"..........................and I guarantee that once that happened, a lot of kids would wise up !

Like I said to Sparrow, lets wait till you or a family member is shot and then come talk to me how it's better.
Hopefully said family member will be armed, when attacked by a predator !

To bad none of those are equal comparisons. DUI is close but there are restrictions on DUI such as age requirements, laws preventing bar tenders from serving to much, DUI check points... Too bad there is nothing like that for guns huh? Other than that it makes a very pretty chart.

Is is just me or does the chart look like a gun? May be the chart is trying to say something?
So what you are saying is there are "NO" guns laws in effect, only laws concerning dui ! People see what they want to see and yes, it is a very pretty chart !

We were not talking about someone taken out because they did not have a gun to defend them selves. We are talking about someone being taken out by law enforcment who was inocent because they were going after the bad guys... kind of like Ruby and Waco.....
Err, once the cops show up, I put my weapon away !

In Sparrows world sometimnes the inoocent will have to die in orderto get the bad guys. Such is the circle of life.
No one ever said this world we live in , is perfect !
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Sorry if it sounds cruel but, you ever hear "Survival of the fittest" ? If a child is stupid enough to bring a toy gun to school, "IN THIS DAY AND AGE"..........................and I guarantee that once that happened, a lot of kids would wise up !

I'm sure you'd feel the same way if it were your kid. Or maybe not.
I think the better queation is what idea do the neo-cons have to prevent a convicted fellon from getting access to a rifle.

"What idea"...Tree, They don't HAVE or WANT an Idea. Like the G-D..NRA, they are unbending.
Lets refer to them as the "Group of N O " ! (Can you think of a major political party who subscibed to that LOSING Concept) ????? : )

And further, it makes NO difference if (say) I ...S U P P O R T thier right to own Pistols, Shotguns,..30 - 30's etc.

Funny how back in the day, (say in KCF's state of Dodge City KS.) , most everyone owned a colt-45, and a 30 - 30, the Sherriff and his deputies did fine without AR-15's) !

The Wayne LaPierre F'n GUN NUTS..flat out dont G-A-Sh!t. So SADLY I welcome the first family AR-15 tragedy that befalls one of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never to be confused as an ANYTHING Liberal...Joe Scarborough Changed his mind about AR-15's and high capacity clips.

And Finally, I just saw an advertisment on the top page of US Aviation advertising Support for the 2nd Ammendment. In the picture they showed a...." P I S T O L ". So my Question to you Tree, or anyone who wants to take a guess at this question, (maybe YOU dell) WHY didn't the ad show an AR-15 ??????????????
Ok I'll ask again why is it perfectly OK for the Federal Government to MURDER innocent Children at Waco & Rudy Ridge?

Why isn't Janet Reno in jail?

Why should the jack booted thugs of tyranny (FBI, ATF, Marshal Service) have more firepower then the average citizen?

Why it is OK for our government to use drones in undeclared wars in Pakistan, Afghanistan & Iraq resulting in thousands of of innovent children die?

Why does all the hand wringing over 28 people killed by a mentally ill person trump all of the above if there is no agenda to confiscate guns from liberty loving citizens?

I used to laugh off the comparisons between Hitle and Obama. Now I'm not so sure.
Why it is OK for our government to use drones in undeclared wars in Pakistan, Afghanistan & Iraq resulting in thousands of of innovent children die?

Why does all the hand wringing over 28 people killed by a mentally ill person trump all of the above if there is no agenda to confiscate guns from liberty loving citizens?

I used to laugh off the comparisons between Hitle and Obama. Now I'm not so sure.

Were you concerned about the women and children killed ( who had nothing to do with the attack on the US) when we intrroduced "shock and awe" on the Iraqi people back in 2003? Does the fact that we "declared war" on Iraq make a difference? Does it make a difference that not one single reason that we "declared war" on Iraq proved true make those deaths any less tragic than drone attacks on Afghans?

It's rather funny....Hitler can be tied to just about anybody. For example, when we were in Iraq, a lot of us lefties used the following words to illustrate what our leadership was doing
[size="+1"]"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."

[size="+1"]If you ask [size="+1"]me, those words[size="+1"] from a follower [size="+1"]of HItler were pretty darn close to what we faced here in Am[size="+1"]eri[size="+1"]ca in 2003. When I [size="+1"]spoke out against the war i[size="+1"]n Iraq, I was called a terrorist supporting troop hater who WANTED us to be attacked[size="+1"]. [size="+1"]Sorry.[size="+1"]...the comparison to Hitler hits closer to home with the neocons than it ever did with Obama. [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]