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Another School Massacre

Why stop with firefighters....let's arm postmen, Let's arm pastors and priests...no telling when a nutcase might burst into a church. And we should arm doctors. Lawyers should carry guns. Truck drivers need them, the oil change guys at jiffy lube should also have guns.

We should pass a law REQUIRING every American to carry a gun at all times...the answer is not to ban one TYPE of gun....it's to legalize ALL types of guns and force Americans to carry them. Talk about your well regulated militia. We could have the black guy in the hoodie take out the white kid heading towards the elementary school, and THEN we could haved the crossing guard shoot the black guy (because it's a fact that a black guy in a hoodie is up to no good) who just stopped the school shooting by shooting the shooter get shot by the crossing guard whose gunfire would catch the ear of the boys at the fire station who would shoot the crossing guard because they the bullets whizzed passed.

There have been good samaritan laws passed, you'd need an oops law for those scenarios.
Why stop with firefighters....let's arm postmen, Let's arm pastors and priests...no telling when a nutcase might burst into a church. And we should arm doctors. Lawyers should carry guns. Truck drivers need them, the oil change guys at jiffy lube should also have guns.

We should pass a law REQUIRING every American to carry a gun at all times...the answer is not to ban one TYPE of gun....it's to legalize ALL types of guns and force Americans to carry them. Talk about your well regulated militia. We could have the black guy in the hoodie take out the white kid heading towards the elementary school, and THEN we could haved the crossing guard shoot the black guy (because it's a fact that a black guy in a hoodie is up to no good) who just stopped the school shooting by shooting the shooter get shot by the crossing guard whose gunfire would catch the ear of the boys at the fire station who would shoot the crossing guard because they the bullets whizzed passed.

First off.....there are several locales that have done that. Crime rate about nil.
Second.....in this society do you actually think you could get people involved at that level of interaction? Hell people stand by and watch others being shot, stabbed, robbed so how could you expect your vision to work?
I guess if a few good light bulbs get taken out ion the process it's just the cost of freedom right?

Nice to see you've been reading the 2nd Amendment. Next you'll be joining the Campaign for Liberty.I see Paulbot in your future.
Seriously? Lets see how you feel when a family member is taken out.

There are ways to regulate the gun industry which would not affect 2nd amendment rights. Not even the 1st amendment is absolute.
When why do criminals continually go up against cops? What happens is it turns into an escalation. People react to things that happened instead of trying to be proactive.
I think most criminals know the cops are packing, they don't know, I am !
Seriously? Lets see how you feel when a family member is taken out.

There are ways to regulate the gun industry which would not affect 2nd amendment rights. Not even the 1st amendment is absolute.

How do you know one wasn't "taken out" but for want of a gun to defend themselves?

Also, How come it's perfectly OK for the FBI & ATF to murder innocent children at Waco and Ruby Ridge?

I guess it's because the little darlings this go around were ffrom a Libtard bastion of anti gun nuts and it happened in Whielandia.
Now that FIREMEN are getting butchered responding to a fire (to try and HELP) (they never respond to try and HURT)...I've got a SIMPLE question about the AR-15(and similiar type weapons),....and high capacity clips that go with them................................

Where do you 2nd ammendment NEO-CONS here on this site, Draw the line on this "type" of weapon" ????????

(This ought to be Good) !!!!!!!!!!!