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Another School Massacre

You went to a taxpayer funded community college, dirt cheap, but that wasn't enough mooching, you got a scholarship, at a community college no less. You washed out of cosmetology and based on your imaginary community college success you got a scholarship to a four year school? And washed out again. Is this an achievement you tell people about to gain credibility?

I give you credit. You proved me wrong. I couldn't think of anything more pathetic than your life.

Your imaginary life is worse.
Thanks Dell , but I guess once Dog runs out of one sentence replys, he gets flustered !
#1 Dog, I "EARNED" a 4 year ride, football scholarship, and while playing against an opponent, susstained a career ending injury, almost lost a kidney. But that's life, no one said it was fair !
#2 "Earned" a partial ride to a 2 year school, playing soccer, yes I paid for part of it !

And you know what, ever since I've been working, I've paid into the system and in my 34 years of working, I collected 2 weeks worth of unemployment, that I "EARNED!"

So blow it out your ass..................Dog !
Quag's continually engage in the tactics of personal destruction makes me wonder.....
Tell me you're wrong.
I am wrong Dell.

You are correct. I should not engage in hurtful, personal attacks on Southwind, or anyone here. I will try and keep my comments about facts, policy, and opinion on the subject at hand.

However, I will continue to call people out when they fail to present a coherent argument based on sound research and sources.
So, wikipedia's in ?
Why not try "scholarly" resources. If you did indeed attend a University, you should know the definition of it and what fits into that category.


I've never engaged in 'personal destruction' to you !

dell, are You fightin' southwind's battles now ????

And for the record, I've NEVER claimed to HATE southwind, or dis-like the 'good ol' boy' !!!!!!!!

No it's your recent post regarding Jesus. It's put me on a new path of Christianity.
I've really had enough of this debate.

The Obama Administration is either totally stupid when it comes to the COTUS and 2nd Amemdment, pandering to it's base OR they have found an opening with this tragic event to move forward their agenda to confiscate every privately owned firearm in the United States

OTOH, The NRA isn't making any points with me either with the armed guard in every school. It's unworkable and IMO not the answer. Humans deranged or otherwise are to blame for gun deaths. So the question then becomes a little more complex in both the asking and answering.

How do you maximze Liberty of all and Safety of children at the same time?.

I would argue that before we ban guns of anytime we try the following:

1. We agressively enforce the existing gun laws. We have some pretty fair and reasonable laws out there. Most are victims of lax enforcement. Let's tighten it up and see what happens.

2. Mental Health - This area has been the bastard stepchild of Health Care since before I was an adult.Keeping guns out of the Adam Lanza's of the world is part of the solution.

3. Immediately end the insane war on drugs and based on history you instantly lower violent crime by 40%, based on the drop from the repeal of Prohibition.

4. In school security measures can be as simple as locking the doors. Additionally video can be used to monitor the school. You could even have swipe cards or fingerprint recognition entrance devices.

The key is to make security as unintrusive as possible with an emphasis on identifying possible threats and getting those people off the street either through the criminal justice system of the Mental Health system. There are many things to try before we resort to any additional gun control laws.
The Obama Administration is either totally stupid when it comes to the COTUS and 2nd Amemdment, pandering to it's base OR they have found an opening with this tragic event to move forward their agenda to confiscate every privately owned firearm in the United States
Please show me where:

The Obama Administration... has "found an opening with this tragic event to move forward their agenda to confiscate every privately owned firearm in the United States"

I see the drama queen faux libertarian is back.

Gun laws in TX are nearly non existent. I can walk up to anyone, give them money, they give me a gun and I walk away. Absolute insanity.
Gun laws in TX are nearly non existent. I can walk up to anyone, give them money, they give me a gun and I walk away. Absolute insanity.

Really? Now ask yourself "When was the last mass murder of school aged children?"
Not sure how that sheds any light onto the issue. Is that the only metric by which we judge gun violence?

Anyone can come to TX and buy a gun and travel with the gun. The gun laws in TX and in the rest of the country are a joke.
Not sure how that sheds any light onto the issue. Is that the only metric by which we judge gun violence?

Anyone can come to TX and buy a gun and travel with the gun. The gun laws in TX and in the rest of the country are a joke.
You Sir are the joke. BTW the last mass murder in TX that I've found was in 1966 in Austin, TX. By my count that's 46 years ago. Pretty long time between events considering how all those guns are around. See Tree the problem with a "Feel Good" argument is you have no facts to support your opinon.

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