High school?I also attended a 4 year school
Nevermind the fact that if he didn't have access to guns, He could have and most probably would have, used other means to attain his agenda, given his mental state !
High school?
If you went to university on a scholarship, those people should get a refund.
I have not met a college graduate that communicated at your level. Of course you did not say you graduated from anywhere...just attended.
No, we may already know what caused it.
His mother had started the steps to have him committed. He found out, and he killed her. Then went to the place where she volunteered her time, and killed all those who had been stealing her time and attention...
Dell's post from earlier hits the real issue. CT requires due process to have someone evaluated before they're involuntarily committed. Apparently a mother being concerned that her son presented a a danger to others wasn't good enough...
And now, instead of focusing on the shortcomings of that law, the media and gun-haters instead focus on the fact he had a gun instead of a pipe bomb, or didn't plow thru the playground at recess. God forbid they address the real issue.
From article:
"His mom Nancy had always instructed me to keep an eye on him at all times, never turn my back or even go to the bathroom or anything like that. Which I found odd but I really didn't ask; it wasn't any of my business," said Kraft, who lives in Hermosa Beach. "But looking back at it now, I guess there was something else going on."
When the couple divorced in 2009, he left their spacious home to Nancy Lanza and told her she would never have to work another day in her life...
So she knew the kid had some severe problems but kept it to herself? Maybe the mother had mental health issues, too???
From article:
"His mom Nancy had always instructed me to keep an eye on him at all times, never turn my back or even go to the bathroom or anything like that. Which I found odd but I really didn't ask; it wasn't any of my business," said Kraft, who lives in Hermosa Beach. "But looking back at it now, I guess there was something else going on."
When the couple divorced in 2009, he left their spacious home to Nancy Lanza and told her she would never have to work another day in her life...
So she knew the kid had some severe problems but kept it to herself? Maybe the mother had mental health issues, too???
Sorry Dog. My scholarships weren't provided by Joe Taxpayer !
You went to a taxpayer funded community college, dirt cheap, but that wasn't enough mooching, you got a scholarship, at a community college no less. You washed out of cosmetology and based on your imaginary community college success you got a scholarship to a four year school? And washed out again. Is this an achievement you tell people about to gain credibility?
I give you credit. You proved me wrong. I couldn't think of anything more pathetic than your life.
Your imaginary life is worse.
Dog, I consider us to be friends.....I like your witty comebacks and all.
But the fact that you, NHBB, Tree, Quag's continually engage in the tactics of personal destruction makes me wonder.....you guys sound like what Hillary always whined about.
Tell me you're wrong.
I've never engaged in 'personal destruction' to you !
dell, are You fightin' southwind's battles now ????
And for the record, I've NEVER claimed to HATE southwind, or dis-like the 'good ol' boy' !!!!!!!!