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Another School Massacre

We probably won't know exactly what caused this monster to carry out what he did. I find it a little too uneasing that he targeted 6 and 7 year olds.

No, we may already know what caused it.

His mother had started the steps to have him committed. He found out, and he killed her. Then went to the place where she volunteered her time, and killed all those who had been stealing her time and attention...

Dell's post from earlier hits the real issue. CT requires due process to have someone evaluated before they're involuntarily committed. Apparently a mother being concerned that her son presented a a danger to others wasn't good enough...

And now, instead of focusing on the shortcomings of that law, the media and gun-haters instead focus on the fact he had a gun instead of a pipe bomb, or didn't plow thru the playground at recess. God forbid they address the real issue.
No, we may already know what caused it.

His mother had started the steps to have him committed. He found out, and he killed her. Then went to the place where she volunteered her time, and killed all those who had been stealing her time and attention...

Dell's post from earlier hits the real issue. CT requires due process to have someone evaluated before they're involuntarily committed. Apparently a mother being concerned that her son presented a a danger to others wasn't good enough...

And now, instead of focusing on the shortcomings of that law, the media and gun-haters instead focus on the fact he had a gun instead of a pipe bomb, or didn't plow thru the playground at recess. God forbid they address the real issue.

So eoleson....would you object to passing a law that said that if you were thinking of commiting a family member to a mental instituion that you GIVE YOU YOUR #### ARSENAL until it's a bit safer? Yeah...it's the the guy that killed those kids, but didn't it give you the warm fuzzies that the mom considered taking the kid to the range to shoot the AR15 (a friendly gun if there ever was one) as a family time??
See that
No, we may already know what caused it.

His mother had started the steps to have him committed. He found out, and he killed her. Then went to the place where she volunteered her time, and killed all those who had been stealing her time and attention...

Dell's post from earlier hits the real issue. CT requires due process to have someone evaluated before they're involuntarily committed. Apparently a mother being concerned that her son presented a a danger to others wasn't good enough...

And now, instead of focusing on the shortcomings of that law, the media and gun-haters instead focus on the fact he had a gun instead of a pipe bomb, or didn't plow thru the playground at recess. God forbid they address the real issue.

His mother was going to have him committed...lets say maybe. If she was so concerned, and rational, why didn't she remove the weapons and put them somewhere the kid couldn't find them?

The law is shortcoming in that the only way to committ someone, aside from them confessing, there has to be proof that one intends to harm himself or others. Now lets get to the jist of it, if you live in a half a million dollar house and can afford to buy an arsenal of weapons and you can't afford a therapist for your son, then grab a violin and cry me a river.

Mine is just a theory, E, so it might not be accurate but it may answer why he targeted who he targeted.
So eoleson....would you object to passing a law that said that if you were thinking of commiting a family member to a mental instituion that you GIVE YOU YOUR #### ARSENAL until it's a bit safer? Yeah...it's the the guy that killed those kids, but didn't it give you the warm fuzzies that the mom considered taking the kid to the range to shoot the AR15 (a friendly gun if there ever was one) as a family time??

Totally agree.
Of course not, but these guys are out to keep us from banning all guns, although none of us has proposed that....just that maybe we ban guns that are used on a battlefield. BUT....by gosh, we can't have that...so instead we paint the Bushmaster as the kind of gun you'd like to have over for coffee sometime. Maybe take your daughter to the prom. Or entertain at the kiddo's birthday party. The Bushmaster AR15 is such a doggone FRIENDLY gun that only a commie facist would want to ban them.

Now it's unfortunate that it gets a bad rep because it shot up a few schools and a movie theater and a shopping mall...we all know THAT's because these were all "gun free zones", which only encouraged metally deranged people to head there for their target practice. The whole time that AR15 was saying " are we going to the park? Are we going to entertain children?", because after all, the AR15 just screams "I'm a friendly gun". But of course the shooter didn't do that. He was set on shooting up a school, and for some reason, the shotgun and 30-06, both of which would have proven far deadlier (yet not as easy to fire) weren't so excited about heading out on a 'field trip' from the gun rack. But the AR15 is always up for a little morning entertainment.

I walked by my gun cabinet last night and overheard

'Pssst.....we gotta little time to kill"
Of course not, but these guys are out to keep us from banning all guns, although none of us has proposed that....just that maybe we ban guns that are used on a battlefield. BUT....by gosh, we can't have that...so instead we paint the Bushmaster as the kind of gun you'd like to have over for coffee sometime. Maybe take your daughter to the prom. Or entertain at the kiddo's birthday party. The Bushmaster AR15 is such a doggone FRIENDLY gun that only a commie facist would want to ban them.

Now it's unfortunate that it gets a bad rep because it shot up a few schools and a movie theater and a shopping mall...we all know THAT's because these were all "gun free zones", which only encouraged metally deranged people to head there for their target practice. The whole time that AR15 was saying " are we going to the park? Are we going to entertain children?", because after all, the AR15 just screams "I'm a friendly gun". But of course the shooter didn't do that. He was set on shooting up a school, and for some reason, the shotgun and 30-06, both of which would have proven far deadlier (yet not as easy to fire) weren't so excited about heading out on a 'field trip' from the gun rack. But the AR15 is always up for a little morning entertainment.

So lets put your line of thought to the events of 9/11 2001.

By your line of reasoning we need to ban all airliners that carry large number of people. Since clearly it was not the fault of the terrorist psycho that caused all those deaths that day...it was the easy access to all those 300,000 pound aircraft that is the real problem.

Like the looming fiscal cliff, they are arguing over tax increases when the real problem is we are spending 1 trillion more a year than we take in, no amout of tax increase is ever going to address the real problem of spending way more than you make.

This issue is the very same, you can ban this gun or that gun or even all guns and still not do any good because you have not addressed the real issue.

And yes I am against any further gun restrictions. The gun groups out there like brady's group and Bloombergs group want ALL weapons banned, not just the "assault" style. If they have their way the end result will be every illegal gun carrying criminal out there knowing that he/she has free reign no matter where they go or who they rob. Since only the criminals will possess the firearms.

Enforce the rules that are in effect, and address the real issues that have been brought up in this thread about mental health etc.

But that is probably too much to ask for considering this administration that is all fired up to ban assault style weapons knew about and helped facilitate the fast and furious gun running scheme that delivered....yep you guessed it, Bushmaster style weapons to the mexican criminal cartels.

Cannot have law abiding US citizens able to own a AR-15, but by golly the government will help you deliver a bunch of them to a drug cartel!
So lets put your line of thought to the events of 9/11 2001.

By your line of reasoning we need to ban all airliners that carry large number of people. Since clearly it was not the fault of the terrorist psycho that caused all those deaths that day...it was the easy access to all those 300,000 pound aircraft that is the real problem.

Like the looming fiscal cliff, they are arguing over tax increases when the real problem is we are spending 1 trillion more a year than we take in, no amout of tax increase is ever going to address the real problem of spending way more than you make.

This issue is the very same, you can ban this gun or that gun or even all guns and still not do any good because you have not addressed the real issue.

And yes I am against any further gun restrictions. The gun groups out there like brady's group and Bloombergs group want ALL weapons banned, not just the "assault" style. If they have their way the end result will be every illegal gun carrying criminal out there knowing that he/she has free reign no matter where they go or who they rob. Since only the criminals will possess the firearms.

Enforce the rules that are in effect, and address the real issues that have been brought up in this thread about mental health etc.

But that is probably too much to ask for considering this administration that is all fired up to ban assault style weapons knew about and helped facilitate the fast and furious gun running scheme that delivered....yep you guessed it, Bushmaster style weapons to the mexican criminal cartels.

Cannot have law abiding US citizens able to own a AR-15, but by golly the government will help you deliver a bunch of them to a drug cartel!

I'm sorry....I thought we were talking about a school shooting
For me I believe it was a .22 for christmas when I was 13 and a 12 gauge when I was 14. Oddly enough I have never had an urge to shoot anyone. I did have parents that were in my life and taught me from an early age firearms safety etc. In the 80's in highschool during hunting season most of the student pickup trucks in the parking lot had rifles and shotguns hanging in the back glass where the students had been hunting that morning. It was a common everyday thing. Can you imagine the sh%tstorm that would cause in the press now?

You want to fix the violence problems we have today? Parents have to go look in the mirror...It starts at home. You have vacant parents that don't parent and let TV and video games raise their child and you end up with a society full of whackjobs.

I heard today on the radio people calling in all cheesed off that the NRA guy suggested that there should be a policeman stationed at all our schools, and what an awful traumatizing event it would be for their kids........Really??? My sons school district has had a armed sheriff deputy assigned to each school for years. That is his post and he is there everyday and his marked police car parks in a special spot at the front of the school so there is no mistaking that he is there. If Conn. had the same policy I doubt this thread would exist.

The gun laws in this nation have never been tighter than they are right now, yet as the laws have tighened up you see more mass shootings etc. We did not have this problem in the 40's 50's 60's 70's etc to the degree we are seeing today. It's not the guns its society and crap parents in my opinion.

Again I found this harvard study very interesting. http://www.google.co...jefcrgGnZLbX1Bg

The authors set out to show one thing and the results came up the opposite.

However I am sure fear and misunderstanding of the problem will continue to dominate forum posts like this all over the country for the foreseeable future.

Other interesting facts that Bloomberg and others don't want you to know is the correlation between right to carry states/countries and the drop in crime rates in those states/countries. It is covered in the linked study above also.

Quite simply criminals in general are cowards, when they are looking for a target to rob or house to break into they will almost always go to the one they know is not armed. Pass all the gun restrictions you want, it still is not going to stop the criminal that has no intention of obeying the law anyhow. All you succeed in doing is disarming the honest law abiding citizens and making them prime targets.

I know for a large number of you that will read this, that concept is completly foreign to you. There are millions of legal concealed carry permit citizens in this country. You pass by them everyday in the wal-mart or at the gas station and probably even say "hello" or strike up a conversation with them about the weather or whatever. they got the carry permit by going to training, and sitting through several hours of classes, by getting fingerprinted and SBI and FBI background checked. Guess what, pass all the laws you want, the only ones you will disarm are the ones that did all that to carry legally. Your drug dealers, mental cases, robbers, and rapists will still be untrained, unregistered, and armed.

In Texas, I can walk up to anyone with cash in hand, give them the cash and walk away with a gun. No check, no verification.. nothing.

The gun laws in this country are a joke and have enough holes in them to make Swiss cheese jealous.
I'm sorry....I thought we were talking about a school shooting

Notice this from one of your 'Boy's'...?

“It’s outrageous and unsettling that the NRA would choose to address gun violence not by taking assault weapons off our streets, but by adding more guns to our schools,” Emanuel said in a written statement. “That is not the right answer for our society, our schools and most importantly our children.”
The mayor added: “People across this country, from small towns to big cities, are united and ready to pass common-sense gun control legislation. The time has come for the NRA to get on board or get out of the way.”

First, he's full of BS about citizens being united.....concealed carry applications and gun sales kill that idea.

Second, 'by adding more guns to our schools'...wonder how the families at Sandy Hook would characterize that statement now.
Eveyone that has a gun and shoots 6 year old's MULTIPLE times must insane. The gun didn't do it, the insane maniac did it.

Ergo, if someone gets ahold of a gun and goes to a movie opening and kills and maimes innocent movie goers, that person can't be insane, or why else is the Colorado DA filing charges?

"On July 30, Colorado prosecutors filed formal charges against Holmes that included 24 counts of first degree murder, 116 counts of attempted murder, possession of explosive devices, and inciting violence. The multiple charges expand the opportunities for prosecutors to obtain convictions. For each person killed in the shooting, Holmes is charged with one count of murder with deliberation and one count of murder with extreme indifference.[sup][66][/sup] Holmes agreed in court to waive his right to a preliminary hearing within 35 days."

If they were insane, they'd just commit them to an asylum, right? Why waste the time on a trial? Send him away, lock the cell and give him prosaic.

It wasn't the gun. It wasn't the availablity of the gun. It wasn't the fact that someone bought the gun in a pro-gun, anti-life state and crossed hundreds of miles on interstate roads, (which were bought by all of our TRYANNICAL taxes). No, no, no, it was the insane person holding the gun.

Shame on those 6 year old for not having guns in their pockets. Shame on those innocent, angelic faces for not having the right parents that sent them to a public school instead of home skoolin' them and teachin' them the world was kreated in sixs day. Instead of the Cub Scouts teaching honor on the first day of a troop meeting, they should be handed an automatic and taught to pull util they are safe from those insane idiots that the state of Colorado somehow wants to prosecute for being sane and killing folks for going to a movie.
Nevermind the fact that if he didn't have access to guns, He could have and most probably would have, used other means to attain his agenda, given his mental state !