Another School Massacre

SparrowHawk said:
I'm a "people" and I'm not the least bit concerned. Truth is if I wake up and decide to kill you, then dead you shall be.
You now address a very basic and fundamental concept that no "liberals" could even possibly begin to ever understand. They can only ever exist inside Fantasyland, and only even then when "Mr. Liberal's Insane Ride" is protected by armed others,for whom they hold the highest contempt, while somehow, however amazingly, arrogantly or just completely childishly, imagining themselves wholly exempt from all rules of Nature. One has to just laugh at all such "innocents". ;)
Even among the Lakota Sioux....such idiots, clearly and obviously insane/etc, were considered "touched by the Great Spirit", and as such; not to be reasonably killed, and the gene pool's been pretty much screwed up ever  since. :)
Glenn Quagmire said:
Damn, Dude. You have lost your sense of humor?

As for East. WTF?

I guess all of your toughness from the distance behind your keyboard puts you squarely in the liberal category you so eloquently described above?
You tossed in the word 'pathetic'......
Don't mess with me, I studied killer karate 40 years ago....don't worry about it Glen....LOL
Dog Wonder said:
Fantasyland is waking up and deciding to kill some one.
Sigh!...I've a suggestion for you, one-liner-halfwit: Attend a war/combat zone for awhile, not even for long, and then get back to us all with your infantile, drooling fantasies. Meanwhile?...Have a dog biscuit.
BTW: IF such as your pathetic self ever decided "to kill someone", I'd just have to properly laugh.
delldude, on 02 Jun 2014 - 8:52 PM, said:
You tossed in the word 'pathetic'......
Glenn Quagmire said:
Wax off man.
And "Glen"?...You've just personified "Pathetic" with your postings. No matter really. ;) Most all "liberals" are dependably just half-witted fools, without the slightest semblance of any "mind", much less less spine, so no worries, or surprises here.
What so quickly happened to your earlier "tough guy"/miyagi persona? Just far too much of an actual wimp for any backup for that?....Sigh!...Typical liberal....
Mommy!/Big Brother!...Can somebody else take care of the "bad guy!!! Waah!"...? :) As a previous "somebody else" taking care of the "bad guy" for you...Well...Your sort just makes me sick.
Dog Wonder said:
Some people have enough respect for life not to fantasize about killing.
You have ZERO respect for life, or you would know that only Freedom makes life worth anything at all.  Blood has always flowed there. From the Revolutionary War to the present; I'll make a solid wager that you've NO/zip/ZERO concept of how many American lives have been sacrificed. Killing is the ugliest thing that we as humans ever do. Per "fantasize"? Having "been there/done that" I can assure you I abhor killing FAR more than your tiny little insignificant excuse for a "mind" can ever even imagine. All you are is a pathetic little twisted wimp with a "big", if only one-liner, mouth. Have a nice life...and no worries, I suppose. There will apparently yet be enough younger versions of such sorry sorts as myself, whom you detest, to protect your pathetic little self against the big, bad world, that's so obviously and entirely outside of even your wildest, "politically correct" imaginings. ;)
Your being apparently a completely delusional little pussy changes nothing in this too-often-harsh world of ours. I made none of the "rules" of human interaction. I certainly didn't invent war, nor do i much relish the thought of ANY other human beings being blown to pieces. I've come to simply accept reality. Two words = GROW UP!
Same for personally held weapons by our fellow citizens . = Just GROW UP! An unsoliceted and "politically incorrect" observance here, since most "liberals" perversely ("WAAAH!...I want my mommy!") imagine themselves exempt: We all die. You wili/I will/All will. What we do in the meanwhile might just matter.
SparrowHawk said:
I'm a "people" and I'm not the least bit concerned. Truth is if I wake up and decide to kill you, then dead you shall be. If I have to beat you to death with a pair of Johnston & Murphy dress shoes. Why? Because I have a character flaw, that's why..
Oh and bother way, drones are pretty effective at killing innocents. Difference being is your butt boy and racist rat bastard Obama orders it so that makes their death OK in your mind.
Go for it.  The fact of the matter is that you rarely (if ever) hear of a someone getting beaten to death with a pair of shoes.  Guns on the other hand are used over 3 times an hour every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year.  Why?  Because they are easy to get and easy to use.
EastUS1 said:
delldude, on 02 Jun 2014 - 8:52 PM, said:
You tossed in the word 'pathetic'......

And "Glen"?...You've just personified "Pathetic" with your postings. No matter really. ;) Most all "liberals" are dependably just half-witted fools, without the slightest semblance of any "mind", much less less spine, so no worries, or surprises here.
What so quickly happened to your earlier "tough guy"/miyagi persona? Just far too much of an actual wimp for any backup for that?....Sigh!...Typical liberal....
Mommy!/Big Brother!...Can somebody else take care of the "bad guy!!! Waah!"...? :) As a previous "somebody else" taking care of the "bad guy" for you...Well...Your sort just makes me sick.
Shouldn't you be working on your 35,000 word "Tough Guy" manifesto?

Make sure you end it with an emoticon for good measure.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Shouldn't you be working on your 35,000 word "Tough Guy" manifesto?

Make sure you end it with an emoticon for good measure.
Uh Oh!..Not even an "internet tough guy" but merely an internet passive/aggressive wimp? You now have my full sympathy. Get yourself some professional care. Otherwise?  Just check your makeup mirror tomorrow morning'll find a way to yet imagine yourself to be beautiful, so no worries. Shouldn't you be working on desperately imagining that you've ever even come close to proving worthy of your life's dreams...Much less accomplishing any of them?
Whatever wager you might think proper is open, "Miyagi". This is all yet internet nonsense, but I don't at all mind taking money from arrogant idiots. PM if you get to feeling "tough". ;)
"Make sure you end it with an emoticon for good measure." Done.  Feel perfectly free to push back at the maximum level you're capable of. Indecisive, waffling "liberals" disgust me. :)
SparrowHawk said:
30K in gun deaths?
Once you eliminate suicides and gang related murders, it comes down to about 2,000 incidents where people die as a result of a firearm. Of those, a large majority are homocides where the victim knew the shooter.

Glenn Quagmire said:
So your version of liberty involves compulsory military service?
The only way to appreciate liberty is to have it taken away from you.

Personally, I'm all for compulsory service immediately after high school. I've yet to meet someone for whom it didn't have a positive impact on.
Ms Tree said:
Go for it.  The fact of the matter is that you rarely (if ever) hear of a someone getting beaten to death with a pair of shoes.  Guns on the other hand are used over 3 times an hour every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year.  Why?  Because they are easy to get and easy to use.
I'd honestly imagine you would just wet yourself and be extremely easy prey , if ever faced against weapons of any sort, no matter how "easy to use" you imagine them to be. "Liberals" are always a good source of laughs.

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