SparrowHawk said:I'm a "people" and I'm not the least bit concerned. Truth is if I wake up and decide to kill you, then dead you shall be.
You now address a very basic and fundamental concept that no "liberals" could even possibly begin to ever understand. They can only ever exist inside Fantasyland, and only even then when "Mr. Liberal's Insane Ride" is protected by armed others,for whom they hold the highest contempt, while somehow, however amazingly, arrogantly or just completely childishly, imagining themselves wholly exempt from all rules of Nature. One has to just laugh at all such "innocents".
Even among the Lakota Sioux....such idiots, clearly and obviously insane/etc, were considered "touched by the Great Spirit", and as such; not to be reasonably killed, and the gene pool's been pretty much screwed up ever since.