Another School Massacre

EastUS1 said:
2nd degree black belt Kajukenpo, but gittin' too old fer' that "silly crap" anymore, if it ever got serious in normal, civilian/non-war/riding-my-unicorn-to-the-store/etc life...which for selfish purposes; I'll hope to be NEVER again "serious", as I'm light-years past any adolescent fantasies of "heroics", having seen war/etc: "God created men, but Samuel Colt made them equal". We're, all of us, incredibly fragile physically, no matter our egos, and Life is truly nothing less than a precious miracle for any of us. NEVER seriously fight if it's at all avoidable...Period! Taking anyone's very life, even that of complete strangers isn't any trifling issue, no matter their intentions or how they're "dressed"/contrary uniforms/etc....and funerals are rather significant events in anyone's life...especially if they're one's friends, not to mention one's own. ;)
"....but try to get bullets." Agreed. What truly "interesting times" we now live in:
I keep to myself and respect others. The days of high school heroics are long gone. If it comes down to it, and getting away isn't an option then I got a good 10 seconds of not playing games in any sense of the mind to do what I have to.
delldude said:
I keep to myself and respect others. The days of high school heroics are long gone. If it comes down to it, and getting away isn't an option then I got a good 10 seconds of not playing games in any sense of the mind to do what I have to.
Understood and FULLY agreed Brother....I'm just no l longer any fan of EVER killing anyone who don't plain "needs killin'....Guess I'm gettin' old, and that does make a man a bit more appreciative of Life in general, I suppose. ;) In arrogant youth?...I'd have cheerfully killed any/all enemies of the USA, most especially if that awarded me some paint on the plane...but....etc....With the passage of experience and years?....None of that's like it seems in the movies.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Now you've done it. I will have to go Miyagi an your pathetic self ;)
"pathetic self"? = "cute", little baby boy. I'd guess you to be a truly "pathetic" little pussy that couldn't go a single point in even a mostly safe tournament....No matter. Yapping like pathetic little puppies is what you "liberals" do best, since you've really no other tricks to show anyway.
delldude said:
10 seconds......go spar three two minute rounds and get back to me.
Either of us would likely drop that punk with our left hand alone....antique as I am, that isn't the point for this moronic thread though. Never forget the first rule of liberals = be "tough" only at a distance, and only if "Big Brother"/someone-anyone else will fight for you. :) It could almost piss me off if I ever considered my earlier life as also defending half-assed-communist-"liberals"...but they too, were at least allegedly "Americans"...and an Oath/promise is a promise. "F" me if I can't now take a joke. ;)
EastUS1 said:
Either of us would likely drop that punk with our left hand alone....antique as I am, that isn't the point for this moronic thread though. Never forget the first rule of liberals = be "tough" only at a distance, and only if "Big Brother"/someone-anyone else will fight for you. :) It could almost piss me off if I ever considered my earlier life as also defending half-assed-communist-"liberals"...but they too, were at least allegedly "Americans"...and an Oath/promise is a promise. "F" me if I can't now take a joke. ;)
That was the point that flew over Glen's head.
I'm qualified to carry mostly in the car.
I'm no spring chicken anymore.
The best advice my Sensei gave us was to walk away or run away if you can.
Now if I get into a situation and have to do something, I got at best ten seconds, if that and one best make use of all he has then. In old age, elbows can be quite the biitch.
You know what the best punch is?
One that is felt before it is seen....
delldude said:
That was the point that flew over Glen's head.
I'm qualified to carry mostly in the car.
I'm no spring chicken anymore.
The best advice my Sensei gave us was to walk away or run away if you can.
Now if I get into a situation and have to do something, I got at best ten seconds, if that and one best make use of all he has then. In old age, elbows can be quite the biitch.
You know what the best punch is?
One that is felt before it is seen....
Sound Wisdom all, and we're on the same page...."The best advice my Sensei gave us was to walk away or run away if you can." Agreed completely. The biggest, utter and complete, village idiots I've ever seen filled with "power" and blood lust have always been half-witted "liberals"....Who ALWAYS want "someone else" to do any/ALL actual fighting for them. My experience is that they've always been very "special people", and somehow, magically immune to ANY concepts of Duty, Honor, Country....and just basically, far too chickenshit to ever fight...Well, unless... enough lattes were readily available, I suppose. :) Personally?...I wouldn't employ such pathetic creatures as a doormat.
Recently we've seen and heard a great deal from a grieving father of one of the recent school attack along with the normal of anti-gun folks. While my heart aches for anyone who loses a child
, I'm looking at a bigger picture. To the best of my knowledge no weapon of any kind, be it gun, knife, spear, rocket or rock has ever killed a single soul without HUMAN intervention. Violent acts using guns, knives, bombs happen for many reason. Jihadists, Mentally ill, drug addicts/dealers and on the list goes regularly pick up a weapon of their choice seeking to do bodily harm and usually to innocents. Remember a drone attack ordered by a POTUS is really nothing more than shooting a bullet into a crowd of innocents. The children of Pakistan are no less victims then the latest killed in CA. All of this carnage REQUIRES people. In the beginning we threw rocks, then somebody invented the sling shot, spear and so on. How many people become killers due to the drug war? Big Pharma and the willy nilly dispersal of psychotropic drugs? With things like the "Twinkie Defense" being allowed we have as humans begun to lose are respect for human life. God Bless my niece, she can put a 9mm slug between your eyes
delldude said:
That was the point that flew over Glen's head.
I'm qualified to carry mostly in the car.
I'm no spring chicken anymore.
The best advice my Sensei gave us was to walk away or run away if you can.
Now if I get into a situation and have to do something, I got at best ten seconds, if that and one best make use of all he has then. In old age, elbows can be quite the biitch.
You know what the best punch is?
One that is felt before it is seen....
Damn, Dude. You have lost your sense of humor?

As for East. WTF?

I guess all of your toughness from the distance behind your keyboard puts you squarely in the liberal category you so eloquently described above?
Glenn Quagmire said:
I will have to go Miyagi an your pathetic self
Well...I'm  just a sorry old antique, yet I'm willing to risk such as yourself going all "Miyagi", and if you would care to wager at least 5 grand on the well-supervised and judged outcome....Perhaps we could  test the pathetic part. PM if interested.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Damn, Dude. You have lost your sense of humor?

As for East. WTF?

I guess all of your toughness from the distance behind your keyboard puts you squarely in the liberal category you so eloquently described above?
I doubt you're worth wiping my shoes off on. Put up or shut up. :) If five grand's far too much...What can you manage punk? PM for details and arrangements, if you ever grow a spine. Hey...I'm just frail old man. How "tough" would you need to be? ;)
SparrowHawk said:
Recently we've seen and heard a great deal from a grieving father of one of the recent school attack along with the normal of anti-gun folks. While my heart aches for anyone who loses a child
, I'm looking at a bigger picture. To the best of my knowledge no weapon of any kind, be it gun, knife, spear, rocket or rock has ever killed a single soul without HUMAN intervention. Violent acts using guns, knives, bombs happen for many reason. Jihadists, Mentally ill, drug addicts/dealers and on the list goes regularly pick up a weapon of their choice seeking to do bodily harm and usually to innocents. Remember a drone attack ordered by a POTUS is really nothing more than shooting a bullet into a crowd of innocents. The children of Pakistan are no less victims then the latest killed in CA. All of this carnage REQUIRES people. In the beginning we threw rocks, then somebody invented the sling shot, spear and so on. How many people become killers due to the drug war? Big Pharma and the willy nilly dispersal of psychotropic drugs? With things like the "Twinkie Defense" being allowed we have as humans begun to lose are respect for human life. God Bless my niece, she can put a 9mm slug between your eyes
That is the point right there. Why did we move from one weapon system to another.  Because the next system was more effective at killing.  So far, guns are the most effective way to kill a large number of people in a short amount of time with minimal risk to the shooter.  That is why people are more concered with controling guns than they are with knives or rocks or pencils.
Ms Tree said:
That is the point right there. Why did we move from one weapon system to another.  Because the next system was more effective at killing.  So far, guns are the most effective way to kill a large number of people in a short amount of time with minimal risk to the shooter.  That is why people are more concered with controling guns than they are with knives or rocks or pencils.
"That is why people are more concerned"....? Hardly, only cowardly/easily mugg-able/pathetically perpetual victim/sheep like yourself are "concerned", which hardly constitutes "people"...and BTW; DO kindly define "weapon system" for us all, "soldier"...I, at least, could use a good laugh..and "liberal" little dolls discussing "weapon systems" would be guaranteed hilarity. ;)
Actual "People" always put up a fight. Your sorry sort can't even begin to even imagine ever doing so. There are animals...and there are People...and don't unduly flatter yourself, or otherwise fantasize, with any overly-indulgent fantasies to the contrary.
I'm a "people" and I'm not the least bit concerned. Truth is if I wake up and decide to kill you, then dead you shall be. If I have to beat you to death with a pair of Johnston & Murphy dress shoes. Why? Because I have a character flaw, that's why..
Oh and bother way, drones are pretty effective at killing innocents. Difference being is your butt boy and racist rat bastard Obama orders it so that makes their death OK in your mind.

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