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Another School Massacre

My son's high school, which is a nice town, has a resource officer every day, sometimes two, a resource officer is a police officer assigned to the school.

The school doesnt have problems, its just a town and school district policy.

That's not unusual actually. The resource officer where I was living actually was instrumental in busting the Principal for selling drugs to his students. So much for drug free school zones.

@ RDU Jetblast, Civil Commitments beyond the standard 72 hour hold are very hard to get and that may be a good thing. Once you're "in the system" you can legally be tracked and if you present a danger to yourself and others then BOOM back you go for another 72 hour hold. The 72 hour hold may be just enough time for the visons of grandeur and suicidal tendencies to pass. No ones rights are violated and no one is injured or killed.

The key is education and awareness. If we are a community then each of us is our brothers keeper. A very Christian concept I might add. When we're out in public and we chuckle to a friend "That boy ain't right" we need to take it seriously as chances are you're likely correct in your assessment. Take ten minutes and find out who the person is and report your observations to the Law and let them deal with it.
The key is education and awareness. If we are a community then each of us is our brothers keeper. A very Christian concept I might add. When we're out in public and we chuckle to a friend "That boy ain't right" we need to take it seriously as chances are you're likely correct in your assessment. Take ten minutes and find out who the person is and report your observations to the Law and let them deal with it.

Here comes the thought police....

A very Christian When we're out in public and we chuckle to a friend "That boy ain't right" we need to take it seriously as chances are you're likely correct in your assessment. Take ten minutes and find out who the person is and report your observations to the Law and let them deal with it.
So much for your libertarian ideals.

You are for reporting someone who you think "might not be right" to the jack-booted thugs of the libertarian mind?
Then why did he wear body armor?

If I'm not mistaken he was wearing an Aurora police issue bulletproof vest because he was trying to blend in with the cops as he made his getaway. Fortunately a couple of cops got red flags from his behavior.
Psst....officer....that guy over there is a libertarian and he talks crazy talk and has a bunch of guns......
So much for your libertarian ideals.

You are for reporting someone who think "might not be right" to the jack-booted thugs of the libertarian mind?

Individual Liberty does not prevent a person from joining forces with a labor union or group of citizens to seek a better life or society. The rights of the Indivual always supercede the rights of Government. Being our brothers keeper is a role for all citizens of the Republic. In fact that role belongs to us, not the government.

Current Mental Health Laws are designed to protect the liberty of the individual so they can not be railroaded out of sight and out of mind by Government due to their affliction.

There will always be in any free society as to exactly where the line between maximum liberty and promotion of the common good.exists.
The problem with gun control is that everybody wants something done but nobody knows what to do.

Maybe we should do what the Australians did.

Oh wait! Everytime they have a massive buyback guns program, all they get is old guns and junk!
From article:
The country’s new gun laws prohibited private sales, required that all weapons be individually registered to their owners, and required that gun buyers present a “genuine reason” for needing each weapon at the time of the purchase. (Self-defense did not count.)

Hate to break this to you all but these laws are mild by New York State standards. Of course, no one gets shot in New York State! 🙄
While everyone is so intent on disarming America......anyone stop and take notice at all the Zombie Apocalypse training sponsored by the government?
You think they're looking to get a spot on comedy central?
Think about training to operate during anarchy............best bet for that is to change America's mind about gun ownership...................it may be working.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is ready for a zombie apocalypse. Gun owners got prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Now, the military and law enforcement are getting ready.
And next month, they'll begin training.
Security firm HALO Corp. announced yesterday that about 1,000 military personnel, police officials, medical experts and federal workers will learn the ins and outs of a zombie apocalypse, as part of an annual counter-terrorism summit, according to the Military Times.

MilitaryTimes.com on Sunday reported that California-based security firm HALO Corp. will incorporate training to fight the undead during its Oct. 29 to Nov. 2 Counter-Terrorism Summit expected to draw 1,000 military personnel, law enforcement officials, medical experts and government workers to the 44-acre Paradise Point resort island in San Diego’s Mission Bay.
The company, founded by former special operations, national security and intelligence personnel, says its annual summit this year will include a realistic tactical training environment using “Hollywood magic” in live action demonstrations, realistic tactical training scenarios and classroom education.

Ha ha ha...this is so freaking funny that out government is wasting our tax dollars on this....Ha ha he he.

Yeah, I know....I'm crazy.
A school day in Connecticut..

A B C D E F bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang G H I J K L M N O bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang P Q R S T bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang U V W X Y and bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang Z.

Guess what the pro gun nuts are defending.
The mother ship has shut up because it can't and won't defend what happened last Friday.

"...It’s shuttered its Facebook page. It’s silent on Twitter. It’s released no public statements on its website. It isn’t responding to media inquiries. And it hasn’t launched an aggressive push on Capitol Hill to shore up support among its allies.
The go-dark strategy is unusual for an elite interest group so deeply entwined in a national controversy — even for the NRA, which released condolence statements soon after past shootings, including this summer after a gunman killed 12 people in an Aurora, Colo., movie thea

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2012/12/nra-goes-on-lockdown-85204.html#ixzz2FNAokbEu