Another School Massacre

I think it is ironic that they acknowledge that 60% of guns used on the commission of a crime are stolen weapons yet do not want to do anything to address the problem. They want all the freedom but none of the responsibility. This same song and dance has been played for decades and I do not see anything changing.
safe to say, smarter than you!

60 percent of traffic fatalities are not caused by stolen vehicles.

60 percent of dui's are not committed in stolen vehicles, are they?

A car is not a weapon designed to kill, is it?

A gun is. there is only one reason a thief would steal a gun. to trade for money or commit another crime.

As for the rest of your argument- total B.S.

Wow such intelligence going to waste!

It's easy to say that there are more car owners than gun owners.

Ithink those that steal vehicles should stay sober, otherwise they make it easy for the cops.

You fail to realize that a car, in the hands of somebody who wants to kill you, is an effective weapon because you can kill more in a second with a car than you can with any fast firing gun. You still fail to see that the GOOD people who own guns, don't kill people.

The fact that the thief stole a gun is a crime in itself. The real savy ones kill someone first, then sell it to another thief.

Your picket fence is all WHITE, huh?
ok. my last attempt.

you buy a gun for protection. but it fails because it was stolen. now, it is a threat to society. All because your inaction to safeguard your weapon. You cant control your gun and it is now a threat to me. You are responsible for your inactions. Or should be

You buy a can of mace for home protection, the perp walks in, laughs at your dainty can of mace, blows you away and steals all your valuables. Now, he's still a threat to society, all because you didn't believe in the 2nd amendment and now moves on to his next victim. You are responsible for your personal safety and belongings, not the police, who are 30 mins. away !
Not well versed on legal matters are you?

well versed enough but dont feel I need a law degree to discuss this here. the problem is obvious. you provided the most telling statistic that causes this problem. And you claim you dont want to lift a finger to keep your guns falling into the wrong hands.

The laws will change in our lifetime because of your attitude which is shared by, oh, what was that number...46% of the population if memory serves from a recent poll.

You buy a can of mace for home protection, the perp walks in, laughs at your dainty can of mace, blows you away and steals all your valuables. Now, he's still a threat to society, all because you didn't believe in the 2nd amendment and now moves on to his next victim. You are responsible for your personal safety and belongings, not the police, who are 30 mins. away !
where'd you learn to read? i never said i dont believe in the second amendment.

believe in it? it isnt a religion. I choose not to excercise that right. i dont feel the need.

if you do, then enjoy. But for God's sake,man, dont be one of the idiots to lose a gun.
“They’re beating on my front door right now,” he said.
“Okay, we’ve got them on the way,” the dispatcher replied.
“They better hurry up, because I will blow these (expletive) away.”
A short time later, the home intruder managed to gain entry into the home. It was at this point that the homeowner fired several shots at the suspect.
“I just put three rounds in his ass,” he informed the dispatcher.
You buy a can of mace for home protection, the perp walks in, laughs at your dainty can of mace, blows you away and steals all your valuables. Now, he's still a threat to society, all because you didn't believe in the 2nd amendment and now moves on to his next victim. You are responsible for your personal safety and belongings, not the police, who are 30 mins. away !

Except according to many on this board, thugs don't operate fact, it's maurauding hordes.

Well Dell...that doesn't speak well of the mental capacity of home invaders in Ponca City. First...the continue to tries to get in after people make themselves known. Then once in, on the tape, he apparently had a good 30 seconds to take the first shot at the homeowner, but didn't....was he really so stupid as to continue for 5 minutes trying to get into a house and NOT have a gun?