Another School Massacre

You are putting words in my mouth. I said i do not care if law abiding citizens in the rest of America has guns. Buy as many as you want! Just never lose control of them so they can be sold illegally and know that the person you are selling guns to are good citizens.

You cant legislate behavior and you know that. NY has strict gun laws for the reasons we have discussed.

But some how, there is a major breakdown that allows guns to make it into the city. And is not incidental bad sales but massive bad sales. Multiply that by hundreds of cities. It is too easy for bad people to get guns.

As for confiscating everyones weapons? Get real. Even if groups wanted that, it is impossible to achieve. This about as much time that I want waste on the confiscation issue. It is a great propaganda tool to rally the troops but an impossibility. Only a minority on the left ask for confiscation; the rest of us on the left wish theyd just go away.
You are putting words in my mouth. I said i do not care if law abiding citizens in the rest of America has guns. Buy as many as you want! Just never lose control of them so they can be sold illegally and know that the person you are selling guns to are good citizens.

You cant legislate behavior and you know that. NY has strict gun laws for the reasons we have discussed.

But some how, there is a major breakdown that allows guns to make it into the city. And is not incidental bad sales but massive bad sales. Multiply that by hundreds of cities. It is too easy for bad people to get guns.

As for confiscating everyones weapons? Get real. Even if groups wanted that, it is impossible to achieve. This about as much time that I want waste on the confiscation issue. It is a great propaganda tool to rally the troops but an impossibility. Only a minority on the left ask for confiscation; the rest of us on the left wish theyd just go away.

Read our presidents voting record, boards he has been a sitting administrator on, and what groups he has supported finacially and politically his entire career. Then read the stated goals and intentions of those same groups. That is why you are getting so much resistance in this country to the current anti gun course of events. The "minority left" as you call it above IS the current governing body of this country. During the last presidental debate the president went on a 10 minute speech about how he is a supporter of the second amendment etc etc. Complete and total lie, and his lifetime voting record and political/financial support that is in easy to obtain public record clearly shows that. You can do the same for most of his cabinent and government. Eric Holder being another long time anti gunner, the same one that thought it a good idea to sell assault weapons to mexican drug cartels but wants to take them away from law abiding legal U.S. citizens. The distrust the gun owning american public has for the current lawmakers and leaders is well deserved. As you say even many democrats are trying to seperate themselves from that group as is shown in the senate dropping Feinsteins mass gun grab from the current bill.

Go on various gun manufacturing and sales websites, head out to your local gunstore. The main thing you are going to see if "out of stock" "back order" etc etc. The current anti-gun movement and their stated goals has done nothing but cause a massive spike in gun sales all over the country. one AR-15 series gun manufacturer had to quit taking orders in January due to a 2 year backlog on orders. They cannot build the things fast enough to cope with the demand that the anti-gun witch hunt has created. Same thing with ammunition. if you can find a store with more than a few boxes of the popular pistol rounds at one time you are lucky.

You are correct about the inability to confiscate weapons in this country if the above is any indication. Most of the population knows that history is full of such things all over the globe and most of the time it ends horribly. History also shows that one of the first actions of all the horrible tyrants was to do the same thing. The founding fathers were keenly aware of that as well and is why they wrote the constitution they way they did. Their personal writings and correspondence during their lifetime also bears witness to why they wrote it the way they did.

You are correct, you cannot legislate behavior....but you can teach it. Starting in the family unit. How many gang bangers in our cities have a relationship with their father? How many even know their father? How many of histories mass murderers come from busted up homes? You want to fix our problems that we have been speaking of you need to look to the family unit, educational system, and social practices first. The rise in crime has not corresponded with a rise in guns, we as americans have always had free access to guns. The crime rate however has risen right along with the decay of social, family and moral values in the country.

Enforce the laws on the books, they already cover the fears that you have highlighted. Put meaningful effort into reversing the destruction of the family and moral fiber of the country and you will do far more than any gun ban or law could ever possibly hope to accomplish.
So let me see if i have it straight.....You lived in the bronx for most of your life, where there have been very strict gun laws for many decades. And you saw more violence during that time in the strict gun controlled city than a soilder fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Then you moved to a much safer and less voilence prone section of the country that has the bare minimum federal gun control, concealed permits to anybody that can pass the background check (no felonies) and where many kids own a couple of rifles and shotguns before they are 14 and probably bought their first pistol when they turned 21 and were legal to own one, and where every thankgiving the woods are full of people out getting in the first day of hunting season. But its the GUNS that are the problem huh?

Assuming you live in RDU or the surrounding area as your name implies, you pass by, say hello to, hold conversations with and stand in line at the grocery store with armed citizens everyday. NC has a pretty large population of concealed permits, NC has always had an open carry law even if you do not have a concealed permit. Meaning you can carry a weapon as long as it is in plain sight, with restrictions of not in bars and banks etc for obvious reasons. But since it seems to freak out the anti gun panzies you don't see open carry as much as you used to in the state, most have switched over to concealed carry permits.

And to think all those guns all around you everyday, and I bet you have not had to duck or dodge a bullet yet since moving to NC. Sounds like you had to do it on a daily basis in the heavily gun controlled bronx. Your own experiences in your life are proof that gun bans do not work.

The data from all over the planet in the gun ban vs gun rights argument proves that gun bans do not just choose to not want to see it. Even the studies that set out to further the antigun agenda have had to admit the data does not support the anti gunners claims.

I passed thru RDU a week or so ago and stopped for gas, had a pleasant conversation with the fellow on the pump beside me about the nice weather that day and the insane gas prices. Maybe it was you? I was exercising my second amendment rights at the time. So if it was you try not to pass out or hyperventilate or anything.

You are worrying about the wrong people with guns, the only ones that will obey gun laws are the ones you don't have to worry about in the first place.

Don't blind him with facts and truths, after all Son Of Sam had Bronx connections!
You are putting words in my mouth. I said i do not care if law abiding citizens in the rest of America has guns. Buy as many as you want! Just never lose control of them so they can be sold illegally and know that the person you are selling guns to are good citizens.

You cant legislate behavior and you know that. NY has strict gun laws for the reasons we have discussed.

But some how, there is a major breakdown that allows guns to make it into the city. And is not incidental bad sales but massive bad sales. Multiply that by hundreds of cities. It is too easy for bad people to get guns.

As for confiscating everyones weapons? Get real. Even if groups wanted that, it is impossible to achieve. This about as much time that I want waste on the confiscation issue. It is a great propaganda tool to rally the troops but an impossibility. Only a minority on the left ask for confiscation; the rest of us on the left wish theyd just go away.


Covered all your bases there! :rolleyes:

Remember...the criminal is smarter than the anti-gun zealots.
You are putting words in my mouth. I said i do not care if law abiding citizens in the rest of America has guns. Buy as many as you want! Just never lose control of them so they can be sold illegally and know that the person you are selling guns to are good citizens.

You cant legislate behavior and you know that. NY has strict gun laws for the reasons we have discussed.

But some how, there is a major breakdown that allows guns to make it into the city. And is not incidental bad sales but massive bad sales. Multiply that by hundreds of cities. It is too easy for bad people to get guns.

About 300,000 guns stolen annually, 60% of guns used in violent crimes were stolen . . . FBI Stats.
About 300,000 guns stolen annually, 60% of guns used in violent crimes were stolen . . . FBI Stats.

perfect! thank you. people practicing their second amendment rights, God Bless them all, lost GUN CONTROL, We can eliminate SIXTY PERCENT of the problem if people who enjoy their second amendment rights would justmaintain control of their guns. And without creating a law.

kerosene user, you cannot teach behavior either. there are religous and non religous organizations that attempt to but their success rate is dismal.
perfect! thank you. people practicing their second amendment rights, God Bless them all, lost GUN CONTROL, We can eliminate SIXTY PERCENT of the problem if people who enjoy their second amendment rights would justmaintain control of their guns. And without creating a law.

kerosene user, you cannot teach behavior either. there are religous and non religous organizations that attempt to but their success rate is dismal.

You're not very smart are you? If your car is stolen and used as a get away car in a fatal armed robbery, are you held responsible for facilitating said robbery? How about said stolen car used in a fatal drunk driving accident? Are you held accountable? After all, you DID lose control of the security of your car didn't you? If someone breaches the deadbolt on your doors and comes in and rapes your wife, are you held responsible for the crime of rape? After all, you DID lose control of the security of your home didn't you?
kerosene user, you cannot teach behavior either. there are religous and non religous organizations that attempt to but their success rate is dismal.

Well in that case we will need to re-examine Hitler since apparantly he did nothing wrong in his youth group "training" of children to modify their behavior and grow up to see jewish people as subhuman. Or we can fully dispense with the whole notion of parenting a child as he/she grows up since nothing we can do or say to said child will modify their behavior as they mature. I guess we can dispense with the silly notion that gay and lesbian people should be accepted in society for who they are since you cannot teach behavior according to you.

Here I have been spending all this time with my children teaching them right from wrong, how to make good moral choices etc. I should have said screw it and went fishing or something instead.

That is the most stupid remark I have ever seen you make. And if that were true this country and planet would have long ago destroyed it's self.

However if the person does not have parents that care, then yes, there is little that a school system or religous organization can do in any real large numbers.

How about this, since you want to hold a weapon owner responsible for a stolen weapon if it is used in a crime, and take all reason out of the subject or fail to hold an evil doer liable for his wrong doings. Well then we should also hold the parents of all these gangbangers responsible for the murders and deaths caused by said gangbanger. Since you cannot teach behavior as you suggest then clearly the murder is directly attributed to the parents that conceived the child. If they had not given birth to the child then the person would not have been murdered!

I don't know where you think such a notion that holding a theft victim responsible for the robbers actions can lead anywhere except a very very dark place. You get it for guns, next will be cars as said above, after that it will be for a statement made to a child while growing up and on and on. I guess the murder victim will be held accountable next, since clearly if he had not been alive the murderer him would not have been able to kill him. Reminds me of the driving laws in many muslem countries.....A U.S citizen was in an auto accident in a car with a native of the country, the native ran a red light and collided with the U.S. guy. The US guy got the ticket and blame for the accident. Why you ask? Because he being the infidel christian in the scenario it was clear that Allah had willed the Muslim to be in that intersection at that very time, so ergo it was clearly the fault of the infidel for being where he was not supposed to be. True story. Is that the type of laws and rulings you want this country to go to?

I hope if you have children that they at least had a good influence in their life at school or in a neighbor. Sounds like you just checked out as a parent right after the moaning and grunting stopped in the bedroom if you believe that behavior cannot be taught and guided. If that is the prevailing school of thought in your home town of the Bronx, no wonder the violence there is so bad.
Well in that case we will need to re-examine Hitler since apparantly he did nothing wrong in his youth group "training" of children to modify their behavior and grow up to see jewish people as subhuman. Or we can fully dispense with the whole notion of parenting a child as he/she grows up since nothing we can do or say to said child will modify their behavior as they mature. I guess we can dispense with the silly notion that gay and lesbian people should be accepted in society for who they are since you cannot teach behavior according to you.

Here I have been spending all this time with my children teaching them right from wrong, how to make good moral choices etc. I should have said screw it and went fishing or something instead.

That is the most stupid remark I have ever seen you make. And if that were true this country and planet would have long ago destroyed it's self.

However if the person does not have parents that care, then yes, there is little that a school system or religous organization can do in any real large numbers.

How about this, since you want to hold a weapon owner responsible for a stolen weapon if it is used in a crime, and take all reason out of the subject or fail to hold an evil doer liable for his wrong doings. Well then we should also hold the parents of all these gangbangers responsible for the murders and deaths caused by said gangbanger. Since you cannot teach behavior as you suggest then clearly the murder is directly attributed to the parents that conceived the child. If they had not given birth to the child then the person would not have been murdered!

I don't know where you think such a notion that holding a theft victim responsible for the robbers actions can lead anywhere except a very very dark place. You get it for guns, next will be cars as said above, after that it will be for a statement made to a child while growing up and on and on. I guess the murder victim will be held accountable next, since clearly if he had not been alive the murderer him would not have been able to kill him. Reminds me of the driving laws in many muslem countries.....A U.S citizen was in an auto accident in a car with a native of the country, the native ran a red light and collided with the U.S. guy. The US guy got the ticket and blame for the accident. Why you ask? Because he being the infidel christian in the scenario it was clear that Allah had willed the Muslim to be in that intersection at that very time, so ergo it was clearly the fault of the infidel for being where he was not supposed to be. True story. Is that the type of laws and rulings you want this country to go to?

I hope if you have children that they at least had a good influence in their life at school or in a neighbor. Sounds like you just checked out as a parent right after the moaning and grunting stopped in the bedroom if you believe that behavior cannot be taught and guided. If that is the prevailing school of thought in your home town of the Bronx, no wonder the violence there is so bad.
Well Said!
Totally Agree!
B) xUT
perfect! thank you. people practicing their second amendment rights, God Bless them all, lost GUN CONTROL, We can eliminate SIXTY PERCENT of the problem if people who enjoy their second amendment rights would justmaintain control of their guns. And without creating a law.

kerosene user, you cannot teach behavior either. there are religous and non religous organizations that attempt to but their success rate is dismal.

That is why I want a law implemented that hold gun owners liable for their weapons. The guns need to be maintain in a secure safe when not in use or in possession of the owner. If the gun is stolen that safe better have its door blown off the hinges or they are in deep crap if the gun is used in the commission of a crime.

Sad thing is most people want the freedom but do not want to pay the price that comes with it.
That is why I want a law implemented that hold gun owners liable for their weapons. The guns need to be maintain in a secure safe when not in use or in possession of the owner. If the gun is stolen that safe better have its door blown off the hinges or they are in deep crap if the gun is used in the commission of a crime.

Sad thing is most people want the freedom but do not want to pay the price that comes with it.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Man found shot to death while trying to get gun out of gunsafe during home invasion.
That is why I want a law implemented that hold gun owners liable for their weapons. The guns need to be maintain in a secure safe when not in use or in possession of the owner. If the gun is stolen that safe better have its door blown off the hinges or they are in deep crap if the gun is used in the commission of a crime.

Sad thing is most people want the freedom but do not want to pay the price that comes with it.

Maybe NoBama can do a fast and furious in MeriKa.
Sell guns to criminals and keep serial numbers to prove the ineptitude of the ATF.
:p xUT
That is why I want a law implemented that hold gun owners liable for their weapons. The guns need to be maintain in a secure safe when not in use or in possession of the owner. If the gun is stolen that safe better have its door blown off the hinges or they are in deep crap if the gun is used in the commission of a crime.

Sad thing is most people want the freedom but do not want to pay the price that comes with it.

What price did you pay?
I would pay the same price if I were to own a gun. I'd buy a certified safe and keep it locked up when it was not on my person.