Another School Massacre

Why no background checks? Perhaps the words of Thomas Jefferson might shed some light?

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on Monday that a controversial assault weapons ban will not be part of a Democratic gun bill that was expected to reach the Senate floor next month.

After a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday, a frustrated Feinstein said she learned that the bill she sponsored — which bans 157 different models of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines — wouldn’t be part of a Democratic gun bill to be offered on the Senate floor. Instead, it can be offered as an amendment. But its exclusion from the package makes what was already an uphill battle an almost certain defeat.
Obama little helpers?

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — A University of Central Florida student who pulled a dorm fire alarm in the middle of the night had a more sinister plan than sending students scurrying out into the night, authorities said.
Campus police said Monday that 30-year-old James Seevakumaran- who shot himself in the head as officers arrived, before any other students were hurt – was armed with two guns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, a backpack filled with explosives and a plan to attack other students as they fled the seven-story dorm where he lived.

Mission failed, cyanide option?
Why? I have witnessed more violence in the south bronx during the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's
than any soldier in todays military in Afghanistan ( just pull the compstat reports from the 44 & 46 precincts). you guys railing against gun control and throwingnheadlines of violence and then telling me we need more guns is laughable.

you think violence is scary business? It is worse than you think in the bronx , and similar places, where guns flow in freely from virginia. dead librarians? sandy hook? Aurora? All horrible but we created this condition with our laws or lack of laws. And people who feel they can protect themselves with guns.

Yes the good old Virginia pipeline. Buy them in Virginia and bring them to New York because of their stricter laws! Dude, that is the criminal element doing that, not those who register their guns.

You may have witnessed violence that spans 5 decades, but it has evolved and where NYC was once the center of violence, the criminals have migrated to the small towns of Upstate. You see most of downstate has a problem with prisons in their backyard so they send them upstate. When the criminals are released they settle in upstate and you have a jungle mentality that preys on the naive in the dinky locations. Most crimes that occur, the perpetrators are caught in NYC area. Violence in NYC area is dropping...I wonder why :rolleyes:
Why? I have witnessed more violence in the south bronx during the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's
than any soldier in todays military in Afghanistan ( just pull the compstat reports from the 44 & 46 precincts). you guys railing against gun control and throwingnheadlines of violence and then telling me we need more guns is laughable.

you think violence is scary business? It is worse than you think in the bronx , and similar places, where guns flow in freely from virginia. dead librarians? sandy hook? Aurora? All horrible but we created this condition with our laws or lack of laws. And people who feel they can protect themselves with guns.

So let me see if i have it straight.....You lived in the bronx for most of your life, where there have been very strict gun laws for many decades. And you saw more violence during that time in the strict gun controlled city than a soilder fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Then you moved to a much safer and less voilence prone section of the country that has the bare minimum federal gun control, concealed permits to anybody that can pass the background check (no felonies) and where many kids own a couple of rifles and shotguns before they are 14 and probably bought their first pistol when they turned 21 and were legal to own one, and where every thankgiving the woods are full of people out getting in the first day of hunting season. But its the GUNS that are the problem huh?

Assuming you live in RDU or the surrounding area as your name implies, you pass by, say hello to, hold conversations with and stand in line at the grocery store with armed citizens everyday. NC has a pretty large population of concealed permits, NC has always had an open carry law even if you do not have a concealed permit. Meaning you can carry a weapon as long as it is in plain sight, with restrictions of not in bars and banks etc for obvious reasons. But since it seems to freak out the anti gun panzies you don't see open carry as much as you used to in the state, most have switched over to concealed carry permits.

And to think all those guns all around you everyday, and I bet you have not had to duck or dodge a bullet yet since moving to NC. Sounds like you had to do it on a daily basis in the heavily gun controlled bronx. Your own experiences in your life are proof that gun bans do not work.

The data from all over the planet in the gun ban vs gun rights argument proves that gun bans do not just choose to not want to see it. Even the studies that set out to further the antigun agenda have had to admit the data does not support the anti gunners claims.

I passed thru RDU a week or so ago and stopped for gas, had a pleasant conversation with the fellow on the pump beside me about the nice weather that day and the insane gas prices. Maybe it was you? I was exercising my second amendment rights at the time. So if it was you try not to pass out or hyperventilate or anything.

You are worrying about the wrong people with guns, the only ones that will obey gun laws are the ones you don't have to worry about in the first place.
So let me see if i have it straight.....You lived in the bronx for most of your life, where there have been very strict gun laws for many decades. And you saw more violence during that time in the strict gun controlled city than a soilder fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Then you moved to a much safer and less voilence prone section of the country that has the bare minimum federal gun control, concealed permits to anybody that can pass the background check (no felonies) and where many kids own a couple of rifles and shotguns before they are 14 and probably bought their first pistol when they turned 21 and were legal to own one, and where every thankgiving the woods are full of people out getting in the first day of hunting season. But its the GUNS that are the problem huh?

Assuming you live in RDU or the surrounding area as your name implies, you pass by, say hello to, hold conversations with and stand in line at the grocery store with armed citizens everyday. NC has a pretty large population of concealed permits, NC has always had an open carry law even if you do not have a concealed permit. Meaning you can carry a weapon as long as it is in plain sight, with restrictions of not in bars and banks etc for obvious reasons. But since it seems to freak out the anti gun panzies you don't see open carry as much as you used to in the state, most have switched over to concealed carry permits.

And to think all those guns all around you everyday, and I bet you have not had to duck or dodge a bullet yet since moving to NC. Sounds like you had to do it on a daily basis in the heavily gun controlled bronx. Your own experiences in your life are proof that gun bans do not work.

The data from all over the planet in the gun ban vs gun rights argument proves that gun bans do not just choose to not want to see it. Even the studies that set out to further the antigun agenda have had to admit the data does not support the anti gunners claims.

I passed thru RDU a week or so ago and stopped for gas, had a pleasant conversation with the fellow on the pump beside me about the nice weather that day and the insane gas prices. Maybe it was you? I was exercising my second amendment rights at the time. So if it was you try not to pass out or hyperventilate or anything.

You are worrying about the wrong people with guns, the only ones that will obey gun laws are the ones you don't have to worry about in the first place.

what a great post Keroseneuser!
So let me see if i have it straight.....You lived in the bronx for most of your life, where there have been very strict gun laws for many decades. And you saw more violence during that time in the strict gun controlled city than a soilder fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Then you moved to a much safer and less voilence prone section of the country that has the bare minimum federal gun control, concealed permits to anybody that can pass the background check (no felonies) and where many kids own a couple of rifles and shotguns before they are 14 and probably bought their first pistol when they turned 21 and were legal to own one, and where every thankgiving the woods are full of people out getting in the first day of hunting season. But its the GUNS that are the problem huh?

Assuming you live in RDU or the surrounding area as your name implies, you pass by, say hello to, hold conversations with and stand in line at the grocery store with armed citizens everyday. NC has a pretty large population of concealed permits, NC has always had an open carry law even if you do not have a concealed permit. Meaning you can carry a weapon as long as it is in plain sight, with restrictions of not in bars and banks etc for obvious reasons. But since it seems to freak out the anti gun panzies you don't see open carry as much as you used to in the state, most have switched over to concealed carry permits.

And to think all those guns all around you everyday, and I bet you have not had to duck or dodge a bullet yet since moving to NC. Sounds like you had to do it on a daily basis in the heavily gun controlled bronx. Your own experiences in your life are proof that gun bans do not work.

The data from all over the planet in the gun ban vs gun rights argument proves that gun bans do not just choose to not want to see it. Even the studies that set out to further the antigun agenda have had to admit the data does not support the anti gunners claims.

I passed thru RDU a week or so ago and stopped for gas, had a pleasant conversation with the fellow on the pump beside me about the nice weather that day and the insane gas prices. Maybe it was you? I was exercising my second amendment rights at the time. So if it was you try not to pass out or hyperventilate or anything.

You are worrying about the wrong people with guns, the only ones that will obey gun laws are the ones you don't have to worry about in the first place.

Excellent point and well taken Kerosene user. There are several problems with free flowing guns to a place like NYC. First is a really poor education system. Many citizens have no sense,common or moral, and allowing a gun in that persons hands is senseless. Second, people are packed on top of each other. The street I live on now has ten houses on it. The street I grew up on also has ten houses and two tenements. There are approximately three hundred people living on the the street I grew up on. There exactly 25 people living on the street I currently live on. Tension in the city is high. On my current street we are all anglos. The street I grew up on has Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, African Americans, Africans from different African countries, Irish, and German, pakistanis, hindu and sikh indians, koreans, tiawanese and chinese-all on three acres. The cultural differences are sometimes rub points. Some cultures like to work during the day and sleep at night. Others wake up at night and celebrate life, loudly all night long. Tensions flare and guns have more to do with machismo and intiidation than defense. In fact, most gun violence is commited by teenagers who can't read well enough to fill out a permit application.

It makes sense to prevent guns coming from RDU from getting into the city. I really don't care about honest, well meaning citezens practicing their second amendments rights. I do mind when non citizens, and stupid citizens have the ability to get guns. There is only one way that can happen- profiteers with no morals selling the guns llegally. That is why I want better gun control. Not more. Just better.
I agree with your assesment of life in most of the big cities and the problems they have there. The difference between you and I is how we view the solution. The average anti-gunner and especially those in Washington think the solution is to take the guns away from those that legally have them. That will not work since the ones that use them for bad things don't obey the laws anyhow.

You want to address the issues you pointed out in the cities you need to focus on fixing the destroyed family units, moral problems, and educational issues you pointed out.

The simple fact is that we as a nation have always been well armed and guns are an integral part of our history and countries history. In fact the problems that you speak of have gotten worse not better the tighter the gun controls have got over the decades. The problems we see in the cities in my opinion is caused by the steady erosion of family values, lack of education, the drug problem, and the proliferation of what traditionally would be considered immoral values and practices that we now see as everyday life in the U.S. We see it in business practices, personal practices and family units.

You want to fix the issues that you stated above you are going to have to look elsewhere. Taking guns away from legal owners or trying to pass even more laws that the criminal element is going to ignore anyhow will do nothing except make it easier for the criminal element to ply their trade. Check out the crime numbers in Australia, especially the home invasions and robberies since their mass gun ban/confiscation. It will show what I am speaking about. And they had no where near the innercity problem that we have now.

Look at the data for the U.S., not the stuff from the anti-gunner sites but the true raw data from the police departments and state records from around the country. You will see over and over again that the most crime and violence prone parts of this country also have the tightest gun restrictions and laws. Your home town is a perfect example of gun control not being the answer to the problems. Off the top of my head the most violence prone cities that come to mind....Detroit, East L.A., NYC burroughs etc all have one thing in common, very tight gun laws and restrictions. The antigunners solution for all this is not the solution at all. Anybody that looks at it from a critical point of view can see that.

Enforce the laws that we have, and put effort into correcting the erosion of the educational and family unit aspect of this country and that in my opinion is what will get the desired results that you want.