and still nothing for the peons....

Vortilon said:
Not too many experienced AMTs are unemployed, and if they are - it's by choice.
Yes because they refuse to go to New York or LAX where the company is hiring, or trying to hire.
Yes Bob.  I also know of many that left aviation all together and went with Verizon working on cell towers.  Some went to the elevator companies, and the Rail Roads like someone has already said.  Some went to the amusement parks, and some went to the pharmaceutical field repairing high dollar doctor and dentist utensils.  It is simply amazing how well the A&P is received outside of the aviation industry, probably more so than within the industry.  
Bob Owens said:
I dont think that anyone is saying Fleet has it better than Maint, the arguement is they have been better served in as much as how they have fared compared to their peers. If you want what mechanics have go to school for it, they are begging to fill seats, then get the experience. I was 25 when I got hired, had to have five years to be considered, you only need two.

I thought about it after I hired on. The school on Astoria Blvd I believe was only about $12,000 at the time. Just couldn't wrap myself around the idea of being stuck on graveyard for 10 years like I was told would happen by multiple people. Money is nice but has never been my sole motivator.

The fact is that all the arguements that were used to drive us down to a very distant bottom of the industry applied to fleet, Pilots and Flight attendants as well. All had Scope language that meant that we had more employees in each classification working for AA than their competitors had, but only maint eneded up at the boittom of the industry. IMO this was due to maneuvers by the International to block release which would have likely resulted in a PEB where we would have been at least at industry standard like you guys were going in. Prior to BK all the other groups had good reason to not rush to release as a PEB would probably not benefit them, that was not the case for Maint. Even in BK this arguement was scarcly touched because of conflicting interests. The Pilots at Pinnicle were in a simialr position as we were when their company went intop BK, and their Union fought it and the court ruled with the pilots that since they were already at the bottom the company needed to reconsider its demands.

Remember we were about to vote on another concessionary deal just prior to AA walking in to the courthouse doors. Had we ratified that deal we would have lost the immediate value of our Cabin service jobs and had to come up with even more to satisfy the eventual 17% reduction. Thankfully I guess the market lost faith in AA and the mass planned exodus of too many pilots to count brought us to the place where that didn't happen. Or else right now I'd probably be at least making a dollar or two less than I am now?
Overspeed said:
Almost down to ten more days until Team Peterson can start working on getting us a better deal
12 Days left. Be careful.  There may end up being a vote, you never know until 5-15-15.  BTW whatever happened with the Q&A's being asked about a vote and the TWU saying yes there will be a vote, and now they (NMB) are saying if there is no interested party stepping up by 5-15-15 then they will certify the association?   The TWu and IAM were just saying these things to keep from the membership the fact that there will not be a vote so they wouldn't fill out the cards.  To this day they will not answer this question in writing, why do you all think that is?  It's because they knew all along that their never was going to be a vote and they wanted to keep AMFA off the ballot.  Now get those cards in guys or you guys will be screwed for the rest of your careers with this BS association...
Nice try, swaamt, but the $33M divided by the 100,000 or so employees works out to $330 per employee.

That's not even 1% of the average salary.
And yet for an amount that Richard Anderson CEO of Delta received in total compensation and is less than what Kirby received here you said
Richard is over-paid

Still doesn't change the fact that Richard is overpaid.
swamt said:
WOW!!!  Is Kirby moving again? Already?  Why the need for 20 million?  He probably needs to get a couple lake houses as well as an East coast mansion on the cliffs over looking the ocean with a dock and yacht for him to use.  But they still just absolutely cannot give the employees their D+7.
The amount of money paid to Parker, Kirby, Kerr, Isom and the rest of the stupid bastards in management has nothing to do with the poor pay and benefits of the rank and file.

AA's ground personnel rank and file are "represented" (and I use that term loosely) by crappy-ass pretend unions like the TWU and the IAM. It's not management's fault that those crappy impotent unions can't negotiate meaningful pay increases for their members. That blame lies at the feet of the crappy unions and their crappy ineffective negotiators, who have had decades of experience negotiating crappy contracts; lousy contracts are about the only thing they do well, and they've become experts at that task. For that crappy representation, they pay two hours of pay per month. Sad.
eolesen said:
Nice try, swaamt, but the $33M divided by the 100,000 or so employees works out to $330 per employee.

That's not even 1% of the average salary.
So it is just plain fair for a few at the top to share $33 million simply because it amounts to only a few dollars for the masses....Typical class warfare logic.
Hmm, who was it that said "LET THEM EAT CAKE!"
WeAAsles said:
Sure. Especially all those NWA mechs way back. Many of them chose to scab. Now they work for Delta while the tough guys are working with the groups who want your jobs. Some irony in that one.
Ahh this tough guy who actually had a spine is working for big purple thank you and even if I was washing cars I would not work at AA as an AMT with the TWU as my representation and by the way most all who scabbed were worthless and knew they couldnt get decent jobs thats why they went running back across the line..Actually quite a few of them got fired by Delta they were that bad.
lineguy43 said:
Ahh this tough guy who actually had a spine is working for big purple thank you and even if I was washing cars I would not work at AA as an AMT with the TWU as my representation and by the way most all who scabbed were worthless and knew they couldnt get decent jobs thats why they went running back across the line..Actually quite a few of them got fired by Delta they were that bad.
You can't discuss facts with stupidity.
Take Care,
B) xUT

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