Really? Last month they lost two of their new hires at JFK after sending them through all the gen fam and other training.
When the company provides a fair cost out for our pension over a long period of time(just the TWU portion) and retiree medical then I will include it. I expect that when they give us those figures that they subtract what came out of the Prefunding accounts and only what they paid into the plans not what the plans paid out. In 2009 they paid zero into the pension. The. Boyd report even added a note saying that although AAs benefits costs were the highest in 2010 thy were second from the bottom in 2009 because of the way AA chose to fund the pension. So AAs pretty good at making their numbers say whatever it is they want them to say. You may choose to accept whatever AA tells you without looking a little deeper but I don't. If you feel my numbers or assumption s are wrong then challenge them with a real argument instead of just calling them made up.
Bob, I call them made up because it appears to be impossbile to compare without getting into the apple versus the orange arguement.
And I think it is this way on purpose, so we cannot compare to get into a neutral party arguement.
What is clear is that not every airline has the same number of AMT's per aircraft. This due to productivity differences, outsource differences, and even GPM policy differences.
There is no question that the AA Mechanic and Related is lagging behind in areas. But the TWU doesn't just represent the mechanic and related. I suspect our stock clerks and fleet have a much different cost out than AMT's in a comparative world. And at the table you are going up against other work groups trying to get theirs and AA uses their overall cost when all else fails them. You are sworn allegiance to a union that represents many skills and work groups but you want to single out one group to compare cost. The International and the Company are using all of us and the TWU is designed to be that way for representation.
Faciities Maintenane also represented within our group is another factor that must be costed in or out when comparing.
My point is you cannot provide and I cannot provide factual comparative cost, therefore what you are presenting if not made up is at least nothing more than an assumption. Start providing a disclaimer at the bottom of every one of your post declaring you have no facts and all of your arguements are just opinions and based on assumptions. Because it is being represented as a TWU Local President from the TWU and an appointed member of the creditors committee. And therefore mis-leading at best. Else you might end up in court someday in a DFR lawsuit.
So in the end, all that happens is you spool up the division between line and overhaul, title 2 and title 1, and you can see it posted on this board. So who gets sacrificed and what gets sacrificed so you can get your exact numbers to compare? You are using a craft union mentality in an industrial union elected position and this is not in compliance with your oath of office to uphold the TWU Constitution.
And my point still remains, that NOTHING you have done has changed a damn bit of what the issues and differences are, in fact if anything you have made the problems worse.
You admit that you don't even have factual numbers but challenge me to provide some to dispute your assertions.
I am not the elected leader and I am not the one spewing the erroneous numbers as are.
Who and What are you willing to sacrifice to insure you get yours??
Because all you are doing is confirming what the TWU claimed all along the AMFA Drive that a democratic craft union will not represent the non-A&P and the overhaul group. You are doing a fine job of that within the TWU. Spool the divisions in this union up a little more will ya? Then plan the next strike or NMB release for 5 years from now.