... Or maybe I know that I'm right, and that's good enough for me. I choose not to keep posting into oblivion to prove it to everyone else on here... I am many things; a pedant is not one of them.
You prefer a different path, and that's fine. Do whatcha gotta.
The last 5 pages of this thread have been about character far more than the facts of what was written.
This sentence from post 126 is the key discussion point which even Jim has agreed that I am right after multiple modifications to his argument.
"The DB pension plans are obviously a large cost that none of the competition has."
The simple answer is that sentenc is incorrect as stated but Jim hasn't admitted that - which is why I have persisted.
As the ring of bystanders has been drawn into this discussion, it becomes an opportunity for me to share with you all why I have persisted in the discussion - not unlike what happened with E in multiple discussions.
I have no need to validate my self worth by posting information on this forum.... but quite frankly, there are people who regularly tell me they appreciate the contributions I make.
There are others who were quite free to post what they wanted and quite frankly have been threatened by what I say, particularly since I have taken position after position that has been different from conventional wisdom on this forum and in the overall airline analyst community.
We were entertained for weeks on end with predictions about how much damage WN would do to DL in ATL - and yet I persisted citing reasons such as WN's overall financial performance, the competitive ability of network carriers to defend themselves, the overall concentration of WN's new slot portfolio to/from ATL instead of throughout WN's network, and then what should seem the typical labor discord that comes w/ airline mergers. EVERY ONE of those things I predicted would be issues for WN in ATL have come to pass - and WN is not growing.
For months, long before the paid analyst community started focusing on it, I noted that AA's revenue performance in key markets was falling and that low cost carriers are taking key revenue from AA.
I post what I post here because it is accurate and what I post awakens some people to the reality that exists around them... there are always people in the world who are threatened by the truth but there will always be those who recognize what is at stake and are not blinded.
My reason for posting regarding the whole AA-pension issue is so that those AA people who want to act can do so knowing that the typical analyst and corporate talk about how much of a burden pensions are simply does not hold water. The PBGC will vigorously take that position - and I hope in so doing will choose to extract significant amounts of equity from the reorganized AMR Corp in what we can hope will be a large enough disincentive for them to terminate the plans.
Some people don't want to hear that perspective - those that lost their own pensions and didn't have anyone advocating on their behalf - and others simply don't want to see someone else win an argument. It doesn't take long into a discussion before it becomes critically important to understand not just WHAT someone is arguing, but WHY. The last five pages of this discussion have been about getting to the WHY of Jim's position.
Either way, the decision will be made based on what is in the best interests of AMR - and they will have to factor in how their actions will affect others.
You're a smart person, Kev, and have lots of information and insight specific to important areas of life. My challenge to you and to others is to use what you have for the benefit of the common good - and don't be afraid to bulldoze through the obstacles and people who come in your way - and who would really rather not hear what you have to say.