Maslow says pay is a hygiene factor, not a motivator. True, as far as it goes, but the obverse side of that coin is that pay might not be a motivator, pay cuts are most definitely demotivators. Negatives are always stronger than positives. And while we adjust rather well to pay increases, adjusting to pay cuts generates a lasting reservoir of ill will. It's basic human nature. Few will remember what you've done for them, but all will rememeber what you have done to them.
Aint that the truth <_<
Funny that nobody wants to ever post airline pay vs. CPI for years prior to deregulation... It's a fact that airline wages were considerably higher than the national average up until 1979. Show this from 1970 forward, and you'd see that what happened in the 80's and into the 90's was a correction as airline wages fell back into line with national averages.
If you take the same chart and trend it against national averages instead of just CPI, you'd also see that wages fell below the national average somewhere between 1995 and 2000, and continue to stay there.
How about trending it against corporate management pay.