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AMFA......read on

I agree with you.  Most are fully on board with AA and US coming on board with AMFA.  Yes, there are a few that are scared if you guys do go AMFA then you guys will take over the National level.  My opinion, then so be it.  We can put in verbiage to have an elected national officer to represent each carrier within AMFA, simple as that in my mind.  I hear you loud and clear on that issue.  I for one do not care if you or the US guys take over the National Officers positions because with AMFA, they or you guys can be removed if the membership sees fit. And the guys that are worried about it are at the helm right now as we speak.  I say come on in.  Make AMFA larger, stronger and more dominate in the mechanics aviation industry.   Git-r-done brother.    AMFA at AA 2014...
Gent's stop betting each other up.  Look below to see what the FLASH Boys received in Plunder and pillage;
In the disclosure of executive compensation, Horton leads the list, with $19.3 million in total compensation. Parker, US Airways chairman and CEO who took over as AAG CEO on Dec. 9, had a 2013 package of money, stock and other compensation valued at $17.7 million.
                                 Salary          Bonus
Thomas W. Horton    $591,911   $19,343,121 Chairman
W. Douglas Parker    $42,308     $17,661,130 CEO
J. Scott Kirby            $42,868     $13,283,563 President
James B. Ream         $581,196  $10,099,368 Ex-AA SVP maintenance
Daniel P. Garton         $541,087  $10,062,287 Ex-AA EVP, head of American Eagle
Robert D. Isom Jr.      $37,826    $9,590,929 EVP-operations
Isabella D. Goren        $551,193 $9,493,372 Ex-CFO
Stephen L. Johnson   $35,724    $8,384,009 EVP-corporate affairs
Derek J. Kerr              $33,622    $8,279,828 CFO
The TWU has screwed us enough. How bad could things had been?
AMFA Now More Than Ever
Funny how they always put the LARGER amount on the "bonus" side of their pay scales huh???
It doesnt matter what Union, ALL unions are only as strong as their MEEKEST UNINFORMED MEMBER!
The current contract was voted in BY The TWU MEMBERSHIP If AMFA or Teamsters or even the IAM brought it before the member ship it would have been voted in by uninformed membership plain and simple. At least the IAM Doesnt bring forth BS contracts to its members they have been without a contract now for how long???? AS long as airlines are allowed to bulley member ship and Unions and Hire away Union Officers into Manegment positions Unionism is dead and you are all just pissing in the wind. 
As long as Unions turn their backs on Union Brothers and sisters fighting the good fight theres no such thing as a Union
You People need to sit back and LEARN what a UNION is supposed to be!
I walked a Picked line in ANCHORAGE ALASKA for the Teamsters in support of a Bottleing companey.
When you have been out their at -20 bellow zero picketing then you can come talk to me about what a Union is.
I see the video of Dennis, and I am reminded on Matt Foley - the motivational speaker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nhgfjrKi0o&feature=player_detailpage
Obviosly a YES Voter their
Some one steps up and all the smart mouths come out of the wood work 
Why not try putting your mouth to good work against Corrupt Manegment and corrupt Union officials/members instead of belittling some one who tride to fight to keep pensions ?
What really did he do or say that was so wrong????
Lots worse has went on and goes on to this day
AANYER said:
Gent's stop betting each other up.  Look below to see what the FLASH Boys received in Plunder and pillage;
In the disclosure of executive compensation, Horton leads the list, with $19.3 million in total compensation. Parker, US Airways chairman and CEO who took over as AAG CEO on Dec. 9, had a 2013 package of money, stock and other compensation valued at $17.7 million.
                                 Salary          Bonus
Thomas W. Horton    $591,911   $19,343,121 Chairman
W. Douglas Parker    $42,308     $17,661,130 CEO
J. Scott Kirby            $42,868     $13,283,563 President
James B. Ream         $581,196  $10,099,368 Ex-AA SVP maintenance
Daniel P. Garton         $541,087  $10,062,287 Ex-AA EVP, head of American Eagle
Robert D. Isom Jr.      $37,826    $9,590,929 EVP-operations
Isabella D. Goren        $551,193 $9,493,372 Ex-CFO
Stephen L. Johnson   $35,724    $8,384,009 EVP-corporate affairs
Derek J. Kerr              $33,622    $8,279,828 CFO
Your numbers are incorrect.   Parker, Kirby, Isom, Johnson and Kerr all had salary at least 10 times the numbers you typed.   Average flight attendant pay is higher than the salaries presented for those five.   Yes, the bonus and stock compensation numbers are huge - that's what management always does.   
Tinkerbell said:
Obviosly a YES Voter their
Some one steps up and all the smart mouths come out of the wood work 
Why not try putting your mouth to good work against Corrupt Manegment and corrupt Union officials/members instead of belittling some one who tride to fight to keep pensions ?
What really did he do or say that was so wrong????
Lots worse has went on and goes on to this day

Sorry Dennis, are you back to work? Yes voter? You make me laugh. How about a new video of you sober.
Vortilon said:

Sorry Dennis, are you back to work? Yes voter? You make me laugh. How about a new video of you sober.
Again you attack me and now try to make me out to be a drunk you sir do not deserve my time or respect.
Actually Im preaty sure who you really are being you were one of the first ones to attack my chedability early on when my story first came out you have implide to know me personaly and you do not!!!
You like to hide your true name and face behind your key board as if it offers you some sort of protection like a child with a CB radio I on the other hand do not try to hide anything at all nether who I am or my FACE.  
Say what ever you want about me Im sure my online pressence and what I stand for stands by itself.
What if any thing have you ever stood up too or for? besides weak attempts too BELITTLE PEOPLE you feel should be below you instead of being equal too?
FWAAA said:
Your numbers are incorrect.   Parker, Kirby, Isom, Johnson and Kerr all had salary at least 10 times the numbers you typed.   Average flight attendant pay is higher than the salaries presented for those five.   Yes, the bonus and stock compensation numbers are huge - that's what management always does.   
These numbers were reported by the board of Directors.  I did not make them up.  Maybe if I placed a quote around them, it would have made them easier for you to understand.
Tinkerbell said:
Again you attack me and now try to make me out to be a drunk you sir do not deserve my time or respect.
Actually Im preaty sure who you really are being you were one of the first ones to attack my chedability early on when my story first came out you have implide to know me personaly and you do not!!!
You like to hide your true name and face behind your key board as if it offers you some sort of protection like a child with a CB radio I on the other hand do not try to hide anything at all nether who I am or my FACE.  
Say what ever you want about me Im sure my online pressence and what I stand for stands by itself.
What if any thing have you ever stood up too or for? besides weak attempts too BELITTLE PEOPLE you feel should be below you instead of being equal too?
Hey Denny,
I'm not bagging on you.  I wish you the best in your continuing job hunt.  Chin up old boy - and all that!  Time to move on.....
AANYER said:
These numbers were reported by the board of Directors.  I did not make them up.  Maybe if I placed a quote around them, it would have made them easier for you to understand.
The Salary was per month...............lol
Vortilon said:
Again you attack me and now try to make me out to be a drunk you sir do not deserve my time or respect.
Actually Im preaty sure who you really are being you were one of the first ones to attack my chedability early on when my story first came out you have implide to know me personaly and you do not!!!
You like to hide your true name and face behind your key board as if it offers you some sort of protection like a child with a CB radio I on the other hand do not try to hide anything at all nether who I am or my FACE.  
Say what ever you want about me Im sure my online pressence and what I stand for stands by itself.
What if any thing have you ever stood up too or for? besides weak attempts too BELITTLE PEOPLE you feel should be below you instead of being equal too?
Hey Denny,
I'm not bagging on you.  I wish you the best in your continuing job hunt.  Chin up old boy - and all that!  Time to move on.....
I will move on once I know the TWU is fully exposed as a Threat to the working class of this country and in no way should ever be trusted with representing any one in this country. Let alone being able to say they stand up for peoples rights.
Mean while you might wanna ask yourselves WHY WOULDNT THE TWU REPRESENT ME?
Why after the deal was off didnt the case go back to arbitration? as was promissed by the arbitrator AND Union official? why hasnt the Arbitration board gotten involved?? why hasnt the NLRB gotten involved??
Yup I used foul langage yup I yelled how many times has a supervisor or mechanic been yelled at and cussed out by Manegment???
I been cussed out by the best of em TD BISHOP Max Sefluth Blackman Carmine Romano Cooley Woodenhead Favors and more was never a big deal thats the way this buisness is and all of you know it so what the heck is the problem?
Im sorry but Some one thats doing a shity job and says there gonna cut My pension and still take big ass bonuses any way and still fire me?
Cmon whos in the wrong here? ME???? The UNION??? or the companey??? or the companey and the Union???/
I took a stand and said F U They Promissed a Pension when I signd on plain and simple sorry it was to much for others to think it was worth fighting for My union brother of the past fought for that Benefit its a sad day the troops wont fight for anything now.
WHo would have voted to just keep are old contract as was for another 2 years???? I would have, just leave the pensions alone.but no that wasnt an option with the TWU it had to push for a LOOSING CONSESIONARY CONTRACT repeatedly! instead of postponing Ever wonder why? they the TWU are all working for the companey Not YOU OR ME other wise you wouldnt see consessionary contracts and people loosing there jobs or hearing Union officials worried about pissing off the companey thats their #### job!
They the companey Postpones contract talks all the time WHY DOESNT THE TWU? they could have postponed till now? when the companey is making money but nope not when you working for the companey. sorry TWU just calling it the way I see it plain and simple History and evedence says Im right too
Im sorry you guys dont see things my way I just thought being a Union member meant somthing to me
An injustice to one is an injustice to all
The NLRB has nothing to do with Airline employees who are unionized, that would be the NMB and they dont get involved in termination cases, that would be in your CBA and the union that represents you.

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