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Regardless of whether I support AMFA or the TWU, neither should impose debts on people who are not members of their organization and not represented by them.

This is more true than you realize. You are absolutely correct, the TWU should not impose debts on people who are not members of their organization, nor should they pose impose debts on their own membership. The concessionary tactics of the TWU International and a couple of Locals, have imposed a very great debt on it's members. Not only did the wage and benefit cuts, slice into the membership, but the length of the concessionary contract will have this membership in economic straits for many years to come. It is no longer twenty years of concessions caused by the TWU, it is that plus the contract in force today. Unless the company is generous with Section 6 openers, it will be at least January 1st 2009 before we negotiate again.
OK, you stated no, but who then has to pay back the money to AMFA that was spent in your litigation? Did AMFA write this off, I hope. VOTE AMFA!
MaryLou...I understand your concern and question your backing of an association that has gained the worst history in representation. Because Davey and others state there will be no money owed does not make it so, if amfa gains BA at AA then hold on, you'll see the truth slither out.

Real-Estate agents are not known for their generousity, I doubt very seriously they just "wrote off" the cost of Davey's litigations to organize at AA. However, Davey, wanting to let ya know he had dinner with a dwarf and his sidekick, states not a dime is owed. What will ya do when ya find it to be a lie? Answer...NOTHING...it will be to late...just ask to see their finance report every month...how much of the monthly dues money will go to repayment of NO MONEY LOANED.

Then again, if they rep us as they did NWA, 45% of us won't have to worry about the money.
MaryLou said:
You guys sure know how to confuse a girl. Informer stated currently we do not owe AMFA any money, OK, how about if AMFA is elected, do we then owe AMFA National any money? Again I am pro AMFA, just curious.
MaryLou, one of the stupidest things you have ever done is sign an amfa card. What in the world do you think that is going to do for you? Keep you employed? If you want to keep your job stay with the TWU. It is the only way to go. Amfa is nothing but empty promises. :down:
mojo13 said:
MaryLou, one of the stupidest things you have ever done is sign an amfa card. What in the world do you think that is going to do for you? Keep you employed? If you want to keep your job stay with the TWU. It is the only way to go. Amfa is nothing but empty promises. :down:
mojo, why is Mary Lou "stupid"? Your words not mine. Do you think even for one second that Mary Lou wishes to have a democratic craft union represent her profession? Maybe she read the twu and AMFA constitutions and understands the differences? Signing an AMFA card says that you want to have an election between the two organizations. Making the choice is one's own when they receive their pin number to vote over the phone. Signing an AMFA card is not "stupid". But staying with the twu is SUICIDAL!
Ken MacTiernan said:
mojo, why is Mary Lou "stupid"? Your words not mine. Do you think even for one second that Mary Lou wishes to have a democratic craft union represent her profession? Maybe she read the twu and AMFA constitutions and understands the differences? Signing an AMFA card says that you want to have an election between the two organizations. Making the choice is one's own when they receive their pin number to vote over the phone. Signing an AMFA card is not "stupid". But staying with the twu is SUICIDAL!
Listening to you made her stupid ! :down:
MaryLou signed her AMFA card. She seems like a very smart person to me. Wheras,Mojo13 supports the EVILtwu, sounds like a STUPID DUMBASS to me!
My remarks were intended for MaryLou, not the rest of you riff raff.
Especially you princess kowdung
mojo13 said:
Informer, do you really think amfa is going anywhere?
Yes I do!

Currently eight (8) Airlines in the industry.

And soon to be nine (9) adding the LARGEST!
mojo13 said:
My remarks were intended for MaryLou, not the rest of you riff raff.
Especially you princess kowdung
Oh! I forgot...no name calling. How unprofessional of me. shame shame shame
Maybe we should expose your true thoughts from the recent past? Your past communications around DEBATE time read very interesting

Should we?
Informer, if you think that those are my true thoughts, than you're dumber than MaryLou.