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It's time to sign a AMFA card

737823 said:
Will do, I support you guys getting rid of the IAM/TWU. I fly AA from MIA regularly and appreciate your work.

Thanks, at least someone does.
blue collar said:
Not a fan of josh or his views- but his point is valid. The IAMNPF did cut future benefits for fleet, yeah, you could maintain the same future benefits but it'll come at a (negotiating) price. Just because they haven't done it to M&R yet- what's to say that it won't happen in the future? Why cut fleet future benefits? I thought it was 105% funded? I know why 700 is protecting it, but why do you fleet members accept it?
Please note that the Trustees are committed to keeping the Plan in the Green Zone status under the PPA. If the Plan’s status were to be classified as in the “Yellow Zone,” the Plan would be required to adopt a “Funding Improvement Plan.” If the Plan’s status were to be classified as in the “Red Zone,” the Plan would be required to adopt a “Rehabilitation Plan.” A Funding Improvement Plan or Rehabilitation Plan may involve additional employer contributions and benefit changes. A Rehabilitation Plan may also require removal of certain types of benefits (e.g., early retirement subsidies such as “30-and-Out” or “Age 62 with 20 years” and other, similar corrective actions).
so the IAM pension has a provision if the plan has issues later on. It is not bullet proof.  Ask the Teamsters national pension about that.  UPS gave the teamsters 6 billion dollars into the pension fund (2008?)for the company to hand over to the IBT.
Note: Not saying they will and i hope not for the members sake but recent history has not been favorable on pensions staying intact or there at all.  Remember the pension is tied to the stock market and rate of return is factored in with the basis the market is positive.
You Now have seen the T/A the IAM brought back to YOU.
Are YOU satisfied with that?
Still NOT even with AA'S AMT's
Isn't Time for you to Join us and sign AMFA cards and remove these Industrial unions from our class and craft.
The IAM and TWU just want our dues, and the IAM will run the Association the first TWO yrs, then the TWU will take it's turn.
IT's time for all the Facilities, Auto mechanics,
Utility, Aircraft mechanics, at both AA & USAirways
to work together so that we can work as one to get the best JCBA when we become a single carrier.
Keeping these two unions will only cause battles between us and will then take even longer for us to merge the seniority lists.
Just LQQK at United, almost 7 yrs and still not one carrier.
This keeps us without a JCBA and will keep us from getting back some of the pay, vacation, Holidays, sick time, etc...
If you need cards and want to help just go to the AA site PM any of the GUY's which support AMFA you will be able to tell.
We can get you cards & what ever support you need.
I would think we might get a good indication of what we can expect by looking at the example set in 2006 by the formation of an 'Alliance' between the CWA & IBT, NMB case No.R-7085
Step 1 involved the two Unions to submit balloting to their members to vote on the Alliance. This process began Sept/05 and took approx 30 days. The ballots were worded as to whether you agree to the formation of the Alliance, Yes-No. Ballots were counted by reps of the Unions choosing.
Step 2 was a request to the NMB to decertify each Union as agents to the existing CBA's and transfer certifications to the Alliance, once passed by the membership. This request was made Oct/05.
Step 3 was a formal filing to the NMB for Representational Dispute. These actions were initiated on Feb/06. This would require a "Single Transportation System" determination to be investigated by the NMB.
April/06 the NMB determined that yes, the criteria was met to be formally recognized as Single Transport System of the merged companies and this is when the clock of 14 days, presently I believe NMB manual provides 30 days from the date of STS determination for 'Intervenors', other Unions to provide the proof of interest(50% cards signed) to have a place on the ballot for Representational Dispute.
(In the example referenced, no Interveners applied and the IBT/CWA Association was recognized.)
Here at AA, this process is set to begin if the USAir M&E members of the IAM choose to pass their T/A in it's present form. In the IBT/CWA example, the process involved almost 7 months.

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