700UW said:
Dodo rampers negotiate the mechanics CBA? At US with the IAM each CBA has their own negotiators within the class and craft of the CBA. Mechanic and Related Negotiate for Mechanic and Related, fleet negotiates for fleet. Is that too hard to grasp?
First off you know ZERO about the TWU, You're not even a airline employee any more.
Nor are you ever represented by the IAM or the TWU.
So lets educate you a bit, The TWU Intl. does the negotiations, the ATD Officers are the one who deal with the company and the Presidents and other representative which go to where the Nego are being held, don't actually talk or sit at the table. TWU would not let some hot headed AMT sit there and discuss $$ without having all the knowledge and info of deals the ATD officers have.
The ATD officers deal with HR and AA then take that which was discussed to the team they discuss certain articles, give input and give those recommendations back to the ATD officers. Each team has people from the locals and each work group.
The ATD officers that nego my contract also are the same guys who nego the ramp and stores and what ever other work groups with in the TWU. So when that happens the TWU officers have an obligation to both groups (Maintenance & Fleet) and will not give one group anything more than the other when the final $$ offer is given to the TWU. The big pot is divided and each get a piece of the Pie.
Just an example I get 1/2 sick time while rampers get 100% for first day out.
Stores driver gets extra just for driving the AA vehicles to chase parts.
But I don't get extra for taxi or run up of aircraft.
We the mechanics just want to go into the Negotiations with Just our group getting what ever can be gotten without any other group sharing in that decision making. Good or BAD.
If the other work groups have a different union and do better then we failed at our choices of negotiators and will have to suffer until next time and then put different members in those positions who will in our minds do a better job for us. With AMFA we can do that with the TWU/IBT/IAM that can't be done. We can replace the Top officers that is something that can't be done at the IAM, with a recall.
I can only assume something similar is what is at the IAM. The District lodge chairs along with other High position offers deal with company and HR and the local guys give input to the ATD of the IAM. Then they call guys like you to make copies and distribute it to the floor. You did say you did that correct? Since you also said you never took any money from the IAM. But the people who go to nego get paid meals time away from work and hotels taken care of all at the cost of the locals, so MY DUES....
We the mechanics feel we are not getting what we are paying for so it's time to get another union. That is what we the mechanics want. It does not and will not hurt the rest of the work groups if we switch. We are all union employees and with that must respect the other unions on the property. Pilots/Flight attendants/Ramp/Fleet what ever.