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AMFA......read on

If you have paid attention to what guys like WNMECH and SWAMT and other have posted it's different than how the TWU and IBT/IAM do things. 
If you ask a AMFA represented employee if they are happier now than before most will say "YES"
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I like the updates that your organization does in regards to negotiations. I won't be unfair and say that that doesn't impress me.
Again, for the many of you AMT's I do respect, I hope you get everything you deserve and more...
For the clowns...I'll keep it to my self... B)
Agreed 100%. I didn't go to the school or choose to put in the effort or interest. The one's who did deserve to get everything they can. Union people should never wish or hope for less for each other.
700UW said:
Do any of you really think that being on your own will get you more money?
If they cut the ramp or CSA or any other jobs, they wont pay the mechanics more.
How did being on your own work out at NW?
And once again ancillary duties didnt break AMFA at NW.
That is the issue with being in the same union with other work groups. The company will throw out a dollar figure and tell the union to distribute it accordingly. Industrial unionism at its worse. This is one of the main reasons to have our own union that represents a certain class and craft similar to the Pilots and Flight Attendants. Do you think the pilots are going to get a pay cut if a position on the ramp or a TWU represented group is eliminated or reduced in pay? Will the Flight Attendants lose out on pay if a TWU position is eliminated? Unfortunately industrial unionists want to drag down its members and claim shared sacrifice. A loaf of bread is a loaf of bread. We want our own voice to be heard similar to the Pilots and Flight Attendants. Not a difficult concept to understand unless your a industrial unionists who is concerned with numbers instead of respect for the employee groups it represents.
1AA said:
That is the issue with being in the same union with other work groups. The company will throw out a dollar figure and tell the union to distribute it accordingly. Industrial unionism at its worse. This is one of the main reasons to have our own union that represents a certain class and craft similar to the Pilots and Flight Attendants. Do you think the pilots are going to get a pay cut if a position on the ramp or a TWU represented group is eliminated or reduced in pay? Will the Flight Attendants lose out on pay if a TWU position is eliminated? Unfortunately industrial unionists want to drag down its members and claim shared sacrifice. A loaf of bread is a loaf of bread. We want our own voice to be heard similar to the Pilots and Flight Attendants. Not a difficult concept to understand unless your a industrial unionists who is concerned with numbers instead of respect for the employee groups it represents.
So true.....Remember the good old days BEFORE separate locals and contracts? Mechanics rarely could get someone form maintenance elected to any position. We were out numbered by the other classifcations.
I'll take my chances with AMFA...no TWU and no IAM for me.
In the even that we do get a chance to vote and bring AMFA here to AA something that many of us will have to think about since there will be the re-estab ulation of Locals in areas where multiple carriers are Located.
So from Article XVI of the AMFA Constitution
Section 4 - Multi Airline Local
(1) Locals may be made up of members from more than one airline.​
(2)  With the exception of the airline representatives and any other airline specific position, any member of a Local who meets the qualifications as stated in this Constitution may hold office within the Local regardless of employer.​
(3) Each airline within a Local will elect its own Airline Representative.​
(4) When issues arise that effect the members of only one airline within a Local, whether in membership meetings, contract negotiations, or otherwise, only those members from that airline shall be allowed to vote upon that issue.​
There was lots of chatter here when the TWU did away with the Locals, The creation of Local 591 some like the idea and some don't. But if you want to bring a Local to your city and get back some control of what goes on locally, then those of you who have not signed a AMFA card as of yet think about that.
If we get a VOTE on the Association's petition to the NMB for the single transportation system we are going to need each and every one of the mechanics to get involved. It's not just going to take the organizers and some of us to make this happen.  All of us within our class and craft need to make a choice what we want.
Everyone within the TWU will have a say, if you don't want your future to be decided by anyone but you,  You will need to VOTE.
AMFA at AA/US for the Mechanics in 2014
Kev3188 said:
Speaking of "well stated," please bust out your pay formula from the way back. It'd say things a lot better than I can, and would do wonders for this thread.
Sorry Kev,
Been out of the industry since 2008.
The contacts I used to have have left or don't care anymore.
Best of luck on organizing Delta!
Are you sure you want the IAM ticket?
Take Care,
B) xUT
This wasn't from a CBA; it was in your own words. IMO, it'd save a lot of heartburn (and bandwidth) on this thread. I'll try and dig it up when I get near my PC next... 🙂

Any ticket is better than what we've got now...
Kev3188 said:
This wasn't from a CBA; it was in your own words. IMO, it'd save a lot of heartburn (and bandwidth) on this thread. I'll try and dig it up when I get near my PC next... 🙂

Any ticket is better than what we've got now...
Thanks Kev,

This is something that someone here should explain to me because it must be beyond my comprehension.I hear this coat tale crap wayyyyyyyyyy to much without a justification for this type of mentality.In fact, this type of mentality continues to divide us and provides fuel for the pyre.JMHO-The people that believe this are delusional and in some respects are insecure as to whom they are.Do you (meaning the individuals that adhere to this philosophy) think that by ranting to reduce the wages of others will somehow(?) put their(!) pennies in you own pocket?(FYI, the penny watchers are scooping up all of the pennies, not you).Would it not be more logical to state that if a pickle picker employee makes X then I should make = X + (X*j) for my skills? And, if the value of X is raised, would not the formula of I should make be raised as well?For those that adhere to the mantra to reduce the wages of those that you deem below your status in your misguided search for higher wages are not only belittling yourselves but your fellow workers.If we work together to raise the value of X then we work to raise the value of I should make'.

B) xUT
xUT said:
Thanks Kev,

This is something that someone here should explain to me because it must be beyond my comprehension.I hear this coat tale crap wayyyyyyyyyy to much without a justification for this type of mentality.In fact, this type of mentality continues to divide us and provides fuel for the pyre.JMHO-The people that believe this are delusional and in some respects are insecure as to whom they are.Do you (meaning the individuals that adhere to this philosophy) think that by ranting to reduce the wages of others will somehow(?) put their(!) pennies in you own pocket?(FYI, the penny watchers are scooping up all of the pennies, not you).Would it not be more logical to state that if a pickle picker employee makes X then I should make = X + (X*j) for my skills? And, if the value of X is raised, would not the formula of I should make be raised as well?For those that adhere to the mantra to reduce the wages of those that you deem below your status in your misguided search for higher wages are not only belittling yourselves but your fellow workers.If we work together to raise the value of X then we work to raise the value of I should make'.

B) xUT
Well said, know its time to educate people like AMFAinMIA, 1AA and the others who think the and relateds and other groups drag them down.
They dont understand if they cut the ramp pay by $5 an hour AA isnt going to raise the A&Ps salary by $5 an hour.
700UW said:
Well said, know its time to educate people like AMFAinMIA, 1AA and the others who think the and relateds and other groups drag them down.
They dont understand if they cut the ramp pay by $5 an hour AA isnt going to raise the A&Ps salary by $5 an hour.
Gee the pilots and flight attendants did pretty dam good compared to the twu represented employees. Let us decide this for ourselves with our own union to handle our issues and needs. It's not all about pay. We have issues that need to be addressed that the twu won't or will not allow us. A loaf of bread is the same for all according to the twu.
Apples and oranges once again. Hey auto mechanics at a dealership make more than most A&Ps.
Again you are all missing the point. WE want our OWN union that represents OUR group so WE can address OUR needs such as pay, benefits and scope. We tried this with the TWU over the years. It does not work. Separate negotiations and separate locals all failed.
Why is it so difficult for anyone outside our class and craft to understand this? The rampers have the TWU and are obvious satisfied with them. But once they hear we are seeking our own representation they criticize us for doing so. Sorry but it is time for us to move on and better ourselves. The TWU failed us at every level. Want proof? The Flight Attendants at AA left the TWU in 1977. Enough said. Have a nice day folks.
Dodo rampers negotiate the mechanics CBA?

At US with the IAM each CBA has their own negotiators within the class and craft of the CBA.

Mechanic and Related Negotiate for Mechanic and Related, fleet negotiates for fleet.

Is that too hard to grasp?
1AA said:
Why is it so difficult for anyone outside our class and craft to understand this? The rampers have the TWU and are obvious satisfied with them. But once they hear we are seeking our own representation they criticize us for doing so.
How many times does it have to be said 1AA? I have seen one, maybe two "rampers" criticize you guys for wanting your own union for your craft. I and others have been on record numerous times stating we hope you get all and more what you seek. What I and others HAVE criticized some of you folks about is using  the rampers pay, benefits and other things to promote your own cause. Kind of like a 'lefthanded" throw under the bus. Then of course you have the clowns like Travis and a few others who you have to do nothing but read their comments to know what they are all about.
A lot of people here need to read xUT's post.

It's not about anyone dragging anyone else down; it's ALL about all of us working to rise up together.