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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Then what would be the difference if under a JCBA, with the Association as your representative, the company went to a 401k only and you were no longer contributing to the IAM Pension? Would that not be the same end result whoever is your representative is?
And we still have the same dysfunctional association
Yes. Thats the problem the iam will not accept that. Puts us tight where we are today. In the associatoon.
Well I thought the IAM wanted an industry leading contract.
That sorry pension verses the 401K isn’t ILC
Give me the 401
If at first you don't succeed try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try FAIL again.
BTW...someone get Conehead a thesaurus. He must have skipped basic english in kindergarten.
No vote no peace mother fucker
This thread improved 1000% with a simple “ignore” of a certain individual who claims to have a spouse in T1.
Have said spouse post their concerns in person and hopefully with some semblance of common sense, because brah, you lost anyone you were trying to reach as you made zero sense.

Now, onto a vote for AMFA once and for all.
This one feels different, I’m hearing many good things from previous non signers, most of which were LUS. They’ve simply, finally had enough of the bullshit.
I say bravo and about damn time.
Are maintenance planners part of the “And Related”? If so they need to be offered a chance to sign a card for change. A lot in Tulsa are new to the Industrial Union Scam.
I am under the same assumptions that you will retain what you have in the IAM pension and accrual will be frozen, you will then switch over to the new contract 401k if that is what American Airlines is offering to AMFA or whom ever. My understanding is that if you retire under the IAM pension fund you cannot collect it if you are still working in the airline industry. Is there any stipulation that if you are collecting pension/ 401K from another fund that the IAM pension will not pay off.? Just asking, that would be a concern if I was LUS and thinking about signing a AMFA card
Yes. But I would add that the TWU/IAM/Asso. and quite possibly even the co. will lead you to think you will lose all your pension if you vote in AMFA and the asso out. They have done every single time in the past drives. It's a scare tactic to keep people from signing cards.
As the guys have said, you will keep what you have already accrued into the pension. Future contributions would stop, but you DO NOT lose what you already have accrued in your pension. Now P.Rez is correct also. As long as you are 100% vested you lose nothing. Depending how long and prorated if your 20% vested you would get 20%, if your 50% vested you would retain 50% and so on. Not sure about your pension but most retirement savings are 100% after 5 years. Even if you were to lose some with less than 5 years in you hardly have anything to start with anyways. You would more than likely be much better off in the 401K (as others have said they have).
On another note, since the pension would no longer be available AMFA would be successful in raising the 401K contributions and match, as they were here at SWA, because of not having the pension option no longer to help make up for it. AMFA was successful here at raising ours 2% after they took over from the teamsters. We are now at a 9.3% match-dollar for dollar from the co.
On the "still collect" issue. Yes there are restrictions on what industries you can work in in order to still draw pension. The list of them are listed in the pensions rules and regs. I do know the teamsters had it as well and you could not work in the "same" industry you retired from. The most ridiculous restriction I have ever heard of.
The best thing about a 401K over a pension is that you are in control of all investments and monies in your account not some self appointed jac as that does not have a clue what he is doing.
On a final note: So why is all the union leaders and officers all on a different pension plan than all the members are??? Why aren't they in the very same pension plan as the members that they represent? Hmmmmm...
Are maintenance planners part of the “And Related”? If so they need to be offered a chance to sign a card for change. A lot in Tulsa are new to the Industrial Union Scam.
I don't think so, but not positive, maybe someone can find out, good question though.
I don't think so, but not positive, maybe someone can find out, good question though.
Yes they are. NMB added them or clarified it during the association certification. We have maintenance planners throughout the system that are management. This should be interesting.
When do negotiations start up again? I know it was posted at one time...hopefully both Fleet and the Mechanics & Related can get this thing wrapped up...
Are maintenance planners part of the “And Related”? If so they need to be offered a chance to sign a card for change. A lot in Tulsa are new to the Industrial Union Scam.
Yes they sure are
Tulsa Card Signing at record pace
LAA Line Stations all with active organizers getting signed cards
LUS cards being signed with ease

This drive is going to succeed beyond the Dead, Retired, and other corrupt eligibility additions the Industrial Unions might add...

Keep up the card signing
Guarantee that desired vote!!
We can’t be denied if we overpower them with support
When do negotiations start up again? I know it was posted at one time...hopefully both Fleet and the Mechanics & Related can get this thing wrapped up...

At this point it’s quite obvious even to Stevie Wonder, negotiations of any consequences won’t begin again before the Pilots and Stews are done-
or until we get a new bargaining agent on the property that changes the dynamic.

It’s clearly now time to sign AMFA cards and take control of our future.
When do negotiations start up again? I know it was posted at one time...hopefully both Fleet and the Mechanics & Related can get this thing wrapped up...
Dec 4th and 6th
And the following week
Dec 4th and 6th
And the following week

These dates were added to create the illusion of progress being made to placate the membership. The company and union are both trying to avoid pissing off the membership for their own reasons. Obviously, the NMB is in on the ruse, if it was a legit organization, an impasse would have been declared months ago. We are dealing with 3 self serving organizations who could care less about doing what is right, and fair for the employees. At least if we had a union that was accountable to the membership, like AMFA - one of the organizations would be on our side.
My take on negotiations is this.
Based on what some are saying that the December meetings are window dressing to finish off the year I believe this will happen. Since some have said we will resume in April 2020 here is my theory.
The APA will start negotiations in January. The APFA will start in May.
So the company will focus on the pilots (APA) come January. Then in April they will come back to us to see if the association budged any on the sticky points. If not then the company will proceed with the Flight Attendants (APFA) in May. Depending on how things went with the APA we may move a bit more further or else we will be on the back burner. If my theory holds true then we have more than enough time to get enough cards signed by April 2020. So let's focus on getting cards signed because unless a miracle happens this month we won't see nothing until whenever both sides decide to give and take a little.

Anyone that refuses to sign just ask yourself how much longer are you willing to wait?
Six months?
One year?
Eighteen months?
In this time frame we could collect enough cards and file for a representational election. If you wait for a vote from the association you won't get one as promised. The infamous question #5 on the Q&A from the Association.
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