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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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It goes to the top of the afl cio, once you wrap your heads around that, you'll understand why there's no contract, and why there won't be one. Next year iam's healthcare expires, that's where the rubber meets the road. right now twu membership is desparate for anything. doug can decrease the offer, and twu will vote it in. F-you Trumka, only people winning are the ones getting raises the guys who say they're for us.
Very true
Nelson maybe a bullshit artist, but i believe his heart is in the right place. He exposed the iampf for everyone with Bob O, and also informed everyone who would listen why we wouldn't have a contract because of the health insurance, and contracts wouldn't go critical until it expired, meaning iam had plenty of time to delay and obfuscate until then. He's been correct on both those issues that he concretely knew about. Misleading on everything else, but hey you get what you pay for.
Nelson maybe a bullshit artist, but i believe his heart is in the right place. He exposed the iampf for everyone with Bob O, and also informed everyone who would listen why we wouldn't have a contract because of the health insurance, and contracts wouldn't go critical until it expired, meaning iam had plenty of time to delay and obfuscate until then. He's been correct on both those issues that he concretely knew about. Misleading on everything else, but hey you get what you pay for.
I too think Tim does honestly want the mechs to change representation. However, he's not helping anything with all the false and misleading info spreading. If it's not factual and accurate, just stop spreading it. Too many attempts in the past everytime AMFA came along with the lies, misinformation, and just in accurate info to try and stall card being signed etc... As far as nego's go, he really does need s new informant IMO.

To ALL the Maintenance and Related employees of American Airlines, HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH...?

We are almost 2 Months into our card drive some stations are reporting most of the mechanics have signed cards.
There are stations on both the LUS & LAA side that need some work, but cards are arriving each day to be inputed
to our database.

There has been a lot of discussion here as to the possibility of a TA, there are many mechanics throughout the system waiting for that to
Happen before signing a card. Some even say it doesn't really matter, signing a card, nothing is going to change. That is so wrong in so many ways.
The TWU & IAM with the help of the AFLCIO created this Association, we all know why DUES. They are a business and just LQQKING out for themselves.

To make this drive a success we need each and everyone of you to ask the mechanics next to you if they have signed a card.
There is still some distrust with the Title 2 mechanics, a lot of them still believe the lies of the TWU/IBT/IAM that AMFA is not going to
represent them. I am asking the Title 1 aircraft mechanics to reach out to them, break down the barrier between the title groups, We cross paths every day in the hangers, terminal, and at the time clocks.

If and when a TA dose come down for us to vote on I hope that each of you read it carefully. The small print is what we usually get bit by and then the TWU
reps will just say you voted it in didn't you read it first. Lets not give them a chance with something in our contract that allows them to say they can do that Brother.

It's time for us to say to this Association we have had enough, and it is time for you to go. It is time that we the Mechanics of AA, get our own bargaining unit
that represents US. The Maintenance and Related Group.

The ATD is only a small portion of union members represented by the TWU, Little, Lombardo, Samuelsen what good did any of them do for US?
For the IAM mechanics at LUS you had an election to rid yourselves of the IAM due to frustration, looking to replace them with the IBT. It is Time for you to join
the LAA mechanics who want the TWU out for the same reason. The Pension and medical are big sticking point for you I get it. Lets not let this Association
do any more damage to your future and the future mechanics in our Class and Craft.

The Time to sign a card is NOW, find an organizer at your station get a name or two of your fellow workers that have not filled out a card and talk with them.

Lets make 2020 the year we rid AA of these two industrial Unions and Bring in AMFA a union that ONLY represents OUR CLASS & CRAFT.

If this writer asked the employees who over the last 20 yrs what they gave up so much to preserve the pension, headcount, aid in the recovery of AA only to watch AA go out and buy 700 brand new Aircraft, build new hangers in South America, and soooo much more they would have the real answer. We the TWU membership have Lost so much in monetary benefits, and pay only to have AA file BK. Now merged with USAirways which is run by America West Mgmt who are trying to run a Global Airline like a mom & pop outfit.
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Now that a AIP is out. Let twu iam finish up the work and we vote it in. Then vote AMFA in and twu iam out
Now that a AIP is out. Let twu iam finish up the work and we vote it in. Then vote AMFA in and twu iam out
Too early to say vote it in. NOT all info to make that decision yet. Not looking as good as they are selling at this point.
Too early to say vote it in. NOT all info to make that decision yet. Not looking as good as they are selling at this point.
I can’t express my anger enough with this we waited years for the exact same thing that was on the table then. Except now the IAM is making more money than me for 5 more years. And my family lost all that money for nothing

stores with 7.4% raise on DOS, $6,000 bonus and getting an 'easy hour'.

fleet service with a 4.8% raise on DOS, $3,000 bonus and no 'easy hour'. stores, is the place to be.

and they thought the company would contract them out.

stores with 7.4% raise on DOS, $6,000 bonus and getting an 'easy hour'.

fleet service with a 4.8% raise on DOS, $3,000 bonus and no 'easy hour'. stores, is the place to be.

and they thought the company would contract them out.
Crem., What is the % raise for mechanics on DOS? Just curious as you left them out of your example above. And their signing bonuses??
Crem., What is the % raise for mechanics on DOS? Just curious as you left them out of your example above. And their signing bonuses??

i left out the AMTs for a reason. different title groups..including facility maint/ramp shop (auto). we all knew that AMTs would get southwest +1%.

as far as stores, fleet can transfer to stores. i'm not sure if this fits your definition of 'class and craft' if fleet is involved in anything. for years they earned $1/hr more than fleet. in recent years, i know they feared getting contracted out.

as it turned out - stores did fantastic, compared to fleet. in fact, everyone did better than fleet, except laa fleet. to be honest, if i'm stores, i would never sign a card. there's always a danger that amfa could get AMTs another $3/hr if stores got contracted out.

if i'm a parts driver for napa or sam's auto parts, i'd unionize and get the twu. time to go to work and laugh about all this stuff - i'm sure an AMT will post their DOS and subsequent raises. if not, i'll have time tomorrow.

i'm not against stores, i'm against fleet getting fu(ked. just comparing the numbers. no vote from me.
i left out the AMTs for a reason. different title groups..including facility maint/ramp shop (auto). we all knew that AMTs would get southwest +1%.

as far as stores, fleet can transfer to stores. i'm not sure if this fits your definition of 'class and craft' if fleet is involved in anything. for years they earned $1/hr more than fleet. in recent years, i know they feared getting contracted out.

as it turned out - stores did fantastic, compared to fleet. in fact, everyone did better than fleet, except laa fleet. to be honest, if i'm stores, i would never sign a card. there's always a danger that amfa could get AMTs another $3/hr if stores got contracted out.

if i'm a parts driver for napa or sam's auto parts, i'd unionize and get the twu. time to go to work and laugh about all this stuff - i'm sure an AMT will post their DOS and subsequent raises. if not, i'll have time tomorrow.

i'm not against stores, i'm against fleet getting fu(ked. just comparing the numbers. no vote from me.

Crema, Just so that you will know, stores men/women Don't get to sign a AMFA card they are NOT in our class and craft. It's just for that reason we the Mechanics want our own Class & Craft group. Having our own Bargaining Unit like the Pilots and F/A is better for US.

Nothing against the other Groups.
Too early to say vote it in. NOT all info to make that decision yet. Not looking as good as they are selling at this point.

SWAMT, To me and guys I have talked to it still seems we have two different contracts with in the same title group. LUS & LAA maintenance & Related. It appears the IAM, the smaller of the two Unions here at AA,did a better job than the TWU in representing its members. It is just another reason the TWU needs to GO...
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