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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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PaulToo, The GSE/Facilities guy's have been told by the TWu that AMFA does not want them and will not represent them. Over the yrs they have believed that was the case when all along that was completely FALSE. The TWU has kept most of the membership in the dark when it comes to most things here at AA. Tulsa ruled the roost here at AA for a long time and many wanted to drive a wedge between the Line and Base. The AMFA Organizers have worked hard to undue that over the yrs. WE also have attempted to bring the title 2 guys on board as well. Whatever the reason they now feel it is the time to join us in the fight to rid AA of the Association, it is a positive thing. Not sure if you're being sarcastic about them or just curious but They are part of OUR Class and Craft. Talk with them and have the guys at your station sign a card.
Amfa in Miami.......I'm not that sinister to be sarcastic.......It took title 2 a long time to figure things out and that's good for the card drive.....
Ok, stop trolling for self serving information. We have a process that has been in place on every card drive. There are organizers who are the lead guys at every station or area. I suggest you contact them and get your information. Keep making posts like this and you will be suspected of being a union troll.
When it's time to file everyone will know including the association, union trolls, AMFA and the entire membership. You want to help? Go and get cards signed. Contact anyone you know at other stations and see if they signed cards. Get involved, get cards signed and get rid of the association.
I want to start out by saying THANK YOU to all of the AMFA Organizers system wide on Both sides of the Association. LAA & LUS...
Talking with other stations around the system our card drive is in full swing, more so at some stations than others but cards are arriving at our PO.Box daily
We all need to be vigilant with the collection of cards, at the Base they have just come back from the Holiday break. I understand there are lots of questions with regards to the card count. How many do we need to file? and so on. Rest assure those numbers will be announced at the proper time. We don't want to give the TWU/IAM Association any help in determining our success. Giving them Nothing to derail our Goal to remove them as our Bargaining Unit.

Keep a Positive attitude toward our Goal, and assist in ANY way you can to aid the collection of cards. AMFA@AA in 2020
PaulToo, The GSE/Facilities guy's have been told by the TWu that AMFA does not want them and will not represent them. Over the yrs they have believed that was the case when all along that was completely FALSE. The TWU has kept most of the membership in the dark when it comes to most things here at AA. Tulsa ruled the roost here at AA for a long time and many wanted to drive a wedge between the Line and Base. The AMFA Organizers have worked hard to undue that over the yrs. WE also have attempted to bring the title 2 guys on board as well. Whatever the reason they now feel it is the time to join us in the fight to rid AA of the Association, it is a positive thing. Not sure if you're being sarcastic about them or just curious but They are part of OUR Class and Craft. Talk with them and have the guys at your station sign a card.

Amfa in Miami.......I'm not that sinister to be sarcastic.......It took title 2 a long time to figure things out and that's good for the card drive.....
Hey Paul Too, what AIM posted above is all correct. I am only chiming in to let you know our GSE, MC, instructors FM etc were all told by other on property unions that AMFA would not represent them and they were told that AMFA didn't want them. To clear this up, AMFA has no "choice in the matter" as it's the NMB that directs the "And Related" groups within the mechanic classification. Once the cards are collected and signed and a filing filed, and a vote to bring in AMFA yes all the "And Related" groups will be represented by AMFA too. Don't listen to any of the rhetoric, misinformation and lies. Please always remember to search out your own answers to your questions and then verify ALL of them. That's what we had to do religiously when we fired the teamsters here. They will do and say anything to keep AMFA out as they know how well AMFA will be for the membership of the mechanic and related.
As an example our FM and MC were overwhelmed how much AMFA focussed on their groups since they all had their very own contract language. They voted on their FM and MC issues and we mechs had no say so for any issues in their group and vise versa. Also for both these groups, the company did a completely 180 degree turn around in nego's once they were successful in bringing in AMFA to represent them at the table (they were both non-represented before). All the "And Related" groups, including our App. Techs, were way more happy with getting AMFA over their old representational unions. Stay focused and stay strong and please help spread the truthful information throughout the "And Related" groups as their heads are getting filled with all kinds of lies and misinformation to try to do anything to keep AMFA out.
Another point. Our co. said they didn't want anything to do with AMFA, but they promised not to interfere with the card drive as long as that is what the majority mechs wanted. And that's why we had a record drive in two weeks. Once AMFA was here and the co. started talking and working with AMFA they totally changed their tunes about AMFA and welcomed them in. In other words, our co. was also getting false, lies, and misinformation from other co's they tapped for info about AMFA. Our co. also learned that AMFA was much, much better to work with as the representational union for the mechanics and related. They too were tickled pink that the crooked thug teamster union was fired. Just don't believe everything you here is all. All groups wish they went AMFA way back when we did originally, but now they are all happy and content.
Good luck with your efforts to get AMFA in, in 2020. Pls don't hesitate to ask any questions or gather further information.

i have supported every card drive for the last 30 years so it is not all title 2 people
Correct, not all T-2 folks. One of those generic titles when we sometimes refer to the "And Related" groups. Keep up the great support and spread the word...
I want to start out by saying THANK YOU to all of the AMFA Organizers system wide on Both sides of the Association. LAA & LUS...
Talking with other stations around the system our card drive is in full swing, more so at some stations than others but cards are arriving at our PO.Box daily
We all need to be vigilant with the collection of cards, at the Base they have just come back from the Holiday break. I understand there are lots of questions with regards to the card count. How many do we need to file? and so on. Rest assure those numbers will be announced at the proper time. We don't want to give the TWU/IAM Association any help in determining our success. Giving them Nothing to derail our Goal to remove them as our Bargaining Unit.

Keep a Positive attitude toward our Goal, and assist in ANY way you can to aid the collection of cards. AMFA@AA in 2020
Great job guys!
I agree. And I think most on here also agree with not letting the numbers out or any info. that might allow the TWU/IAM/company try and derail the AMFA card drive. But I do understand that you guys are getting lots of questions about it all.
I got a funny feeling about this next week coming up. It's a miracle, all of a sudden there is an AIP in just two days! Wow! Unbelievable! All of a sudden both sides moved to come to an agreement in just two days over the 4 most lengthy items still left open to nego. Amazing isn't it!?
Yes I am being a bit sarcastic but it happens all the time. And I truely hope the membership will not let any AIP or T/A get in the way of signing and collecting cards to get AMFA in. If anything, use it to your advantage. If there is a contract offer vote for it or vote it down then fire the asso. either way and bring AMFA in. You guys will not be disappointed. Been a long time coming guys, 2020 is it...
It's all good swamt and amfa in Mia!........I always thought that Title 2 should be included with AMFA. The end result is All maintenance and related breaks from ramp and each group negotiates their own contracts.....and if AMFA is the choice for all maintenance and related, regardless of airline worked for, the better for us! Dream Big!
AMFA at AA 2020
2 hrs


Your Amfa organizers are proud to announce that in just 6wks we have signed 25% of the of the craft and class which means we are officially half way to our goal. Keep up the great work and we will get this done.

Jan 8th 2020
AMFA at AA 2020
2 hrs


Your Amfa organizers are proud to announce that in just 6wks we have signed 25% of the of the craft and class which means we are officially half way to our goal. Keep up the great work and we will get this done.

Jan 8th 2020
Great news. Everyone should stay focused on the drive. Negotiations will take its course and we as members have no say on the when, what, how, why and all other decisions made by the undemocratic, dysfunctional money greedy association. The closer we get to filing the more lies and false claims will be made by the association. Remember folks, the AA flight attendants and AA dispatchers left the TWU and never turned back. It's our turn now so let's stay on track. Don't believe the crap you will be hearing in the coming weeks.
I want to start out by saying THANK YOU to all of the AMFA Organizers system wide on Both sides of the Association. LAA & LUS...
Talking with other stations around the system our card drive is in full swing, more so at some stations than others but cards are arriving at our PO.Box daily
We all need to be vigilant with the collection of cards, at the Base they have just come back from the Holiday break. I understand there are lots of questions with regards to the card count. How many do we need to file? and so on. Rest assure those numbers will be announced at the proper time. We don't want to give the TWU/IAM Association any help in determining our success. Giving them Nothing to derail our Goal to remove them as our Bargaining Unit.

Keep a Positive attitude toward our Goal, and assist in ANY way you can to aid the collection of cards. AMFA@AA in 2020
Buddy in clt says that clt is signing cards everyday and that they are cross checking list to see who hasnt signed. Thats pretty good.
Buddy in clt says that clt is signing cards everyday and that they are cross checking list to see who hasnt signed. Thats pretty good.
You know Tim your credibility on this board varies depending on what you talk about and who the individual is that replies to you. I personally don't know you or met you. I just hope that your not posting false or exaggerated information to mislead others. No accusations here just making sure you are trying to be honest and not grandstanding for personal reasons.
Buddy in clt says that clt is signing cards everyday and that they are cross checking list to see who hasnt signed. Thats pretty good.
Tim, A lot of guys are wondering about how the LUS guys are doing, I have been telling ALL that we have cards at All the stations and some stations are doing better than others but You are correct. All of the Organizers are checking with the other stations just in case more cards are needed, or any other help/info is required. Soon there will be more info placed into the AMFA-AA web page. along with other direct information about where we are and what is planned.
Tim, A lot of guys are wondering about how the LUS guys are doing, I have been telling ALL that we have cards at All the stations and some stations are doing better than others but You are correct. All of the Organizers are checking with the other stations just in case more cards are needed, or any other help/info is required. Soon there will be more info placed into the AMFA-AA web page. along with other direct information about where we are and what is planned.
Thats good. Phx and clt are pretty good but they were last time as well. Never been much love for the iam in either station.
Phl may need work but i think everything will break for amfa if there isnt a ta before the end of february.
The association had its chances but didnt deliver. Now we are out millions with no end in sight.
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