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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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UA ( actually Continental guys at the time) guys didnt want in the Teamsters pension, funny as it sounds they actually trusted the Continental pension more than the teamsters one.

If youre talking about the sub UA guys getting into the (Continental) pension that has occurred and the company is giving those guys some kind of accelerated contribution ( I think towards 401K_)--- I dont know the details but I do know the company is not giving the sub UA guys pension credit for their seniority before the merger. But the guys that were furloughed for 17 years and just came back did get full craft, company and pay time so they came back at topped out pay.

CARP (the old CO retirement plan) is still being funded...... I guess that is why they did not want to go into the IBT plan. Most of us from the former CO side of the family is still in CARP, myself included.
Most from Indianapolis and quite a few went to IAH and im not sure where else. I heard that the furlough list is done at the end of 2019, people had offers to return and if they hadnt taken them by now thats it. But company does what it wants so we'll see.

17 years?! Where were they furloughed from, and where did they recall into?
Welcome to 2020, as we move through the month of January we need to double our efforts to insure that we complete the task of replacing the Bargaining Unit aka (The Association), from AA. Many stations are reporting that cards are being signed, to aid in the completion of our goal we need everyone to get involved. Ask the guy on your crew if they signed a card, get cards from your stations organizers, see if there is a dock, crew that has been holding off, help them to understand that some of our co-workers and the new hiers will be forced into the IAM's pension fund. The companies 401k is a better deal, without the restrictions that come with the IAM's plan. Our class/craft has given so much over all the yrs it's time we get back the respect we all deserve from the Union that is Supposed to represent US. The TWU/IAM work for US but they have Forgotten that for along time now.. Let's send them a message we have had enough. Time for them to GO. That is for both the LUS and LAA mechanics and related according to the NMB.
I have heard that there are a number of whatsapp chat rooms that many belong too, so for all the users of those chat rooms pass on that this is our time, The Association has lied and kept us in the dark way too long. They work for US it's something they don't understand. Since they are just out to protect their own interests, Let's do the Same. Do what is BEST for US, get the NMB to conduct a vote, for that to HAPPEN all of you need to sign cards. The TWU has threatened their own reps with putting them into bad standing and removing them from their union duties. Is that a Union you want to represent you Now or in the future?
The IAM did something similar at LUS with the members pension when they had the vote for the IAM/Teamsters. Telling the LUS guy's they would lose the pension they had and that they would tell AA not to accept $ from AA to increase the fund in their behalf, since they would not be the administrators. Again is that a union looking out for it's members or themselves?

Let's NOT give them or AA a chance to shaft us again. Sign a card and lets get what we want A VOICE...
Well at least they can't charge you and put you in bad standing for dual unionism anymore.
Well at least they can't charge you and put you in bad standing for dual unionism anymore.
Bad standing or NOT it really makes no difference, all that does is restrict you from going to union meetings and from voting within the TWU.

I Don't go to the joke they call union meetings like most, and the only thing I want to VOTE on is the removal of the TWU/IAM Association.

What the TWU reps don't understand it's a petition to the NMB to give the membership a VOTE to choose the Bargaining unit. BUT the AFLCIO didn't want to lose any dues and since it's against their bylaws that no member union can run a card drive against another member Union. So they came up with JOKE aka Association.
Bad standing or NOT it really makes no difference, all that does is restrict you from going to union meetings and from voting within the TWU.

I Don't go to the joke they call union meetings like most, and the only thing I want to VOTE on is the removal of the TWU/IAM Association.

What the TWU reps don't understand it's a petition to the NMB to give the membership a VOTE to choose the Bargaining unit. BUT the AFLCIO didn't want to lose any dues and since it's against their bylaws that no member union can run a card drive against another member Union. So they came up with JOKE aka Association.
Correct, I remember there was a brief IAM card drive and then the AFL-CIO leadership stepped in and stopped it. That actually works in our favor. Only problem is that whether it's a rumor or not is the association is pondering on splitting up the groups. Ramp to IAM and Maintenance to TWU. I see this as a possibilty after a JCBA and a maneuver to stop or slow down the drive. TWU members who want no part of the IAM might not support a change in unions. Unfortunately we have weak minded individuals who see this as a easy way out of two unions representing title 1 & title 2 systemwide. We just have to press on with the drive. Currently the negotiations are weak and I see a bad take it or leave it deal coming this month.
Welcome to 2020, as we move through the month of January we need to double our efforts to insure that we complete the task of replacing the Bargaining Unit aka (The Association), from AA. Many stations are reporting that cards are being signed, to aid in the completion of our goal we need everyone to get involved. Ask the guy on your crew if they signed a card, get cards from your stations organizers, see if there is a dock, crew that has been holding off, help them to understand that some of our co-workers and the new hiers will be forced into the IAM's pension fund. The companies 401k is a better deal, without the restrictions that come with the IAM's plan. Our class/craft has given so much over all the yrs it's time we get back the respect we all deserve from the Union that is Supposed to represent US. The TWU/IAM work for US but they have Forgotten that for along time now.. Let's send them a message we have had enough. Time for them to GO. That is for both the LUS and LAA mechanics and related according to the NMB.

I have heard that there are a number of whatsapp chat rooms that many belong too, so for all the users of those chat rooms pass on that this is our time, The Association has lied and kept us in the dark way too long. They work for US it's something they don't understand. Since they are just out to protect their own interests, Let's do the Same. Do what is BEST for US, get the NMB to conduct a vote, for that to HAPPEN all of you need to sign cards. The TWU has threatened their own reps with putting them into bad standing and removing them from their union duties. Is that a Union you want to represent you Now or in the future?
The IAM did something similar at LUS with the members pension when they had the vote for the IAM/Teamsters. Telling the LUS guy's they would lose the pension they had and that they would tell AA not to accept $ from AA to increase the fund in their behalf, since they would not be the administrators. Again is that a union looking out for it's members or themselves?

Let's NOT give them or AA a chance to shaft us again. Sign a card and lets get what we want A VOICE...

This should be the year for you guys. Hope all comes true in 2020 for you all. The membership needs to step up now to get this done once and for all. Before they make any other perm. changes within this asso. AMFA in 2020 for the AA'ers!!!
I was a big AMFA supporter before the layoff of 2012. now that I'm back on payroll in DFW GSE any chance AMFA would represent us?

I would like to know exactly what GSE does? Is it Title 2 or what?
I was a big AMFA supporter before the layoff of 2012. now that I'm back on payroll in DFW GSE any chance AMFA would represent us?

AMFA represents Maintenance and Related per the NMB. GSE is in that category. Do you need some cards?
It's ironic....When Aircraft maintenance "split" from Local 512 at ORD years ago when 591 was formed, not one facilities mechanic, automotive, plant maintenance would support the cause....they were quite happy staying with fleet service and 512. Now, they are fighting for their jobs/careers with AA. Has their collective tunes changed? They all would be included with AMFA if that comes to fruition, would they not?
I was a big AMFA supporter before the layoff of 2012. now that I'm back on payroll in DFW GSE any chance AMFA would represent us?
Glad to hear you made it back. Spread the word in your GSE group. And YES, hopefully AMFA will be your new representation in 2020.
It's ironic....When Aircraft maintenance "split" from Local 512 at ORD years ago when 591 was formed, not one facilities mechanic, automotive, plant maintenance would support the cause....they were quite happy staying with fleet service and 512. Now, they are fighting for their jobs/careers with AA. Has their collective tunes changed? They all would be included with AMFA if that comes to fruition, would they not?
PaulToo, The GSE/Facilities guy's have been told by the TWu that AMFA does not want them and will not represent them. Over the yrs they have believed that was the case when all along that was completely FALSE. The TWU has kept most of the membership in the dark when it comes to most things here at AA. Tulsa ruled the roost here at AA for a long time and many wanted to drive a wedge between the Line and Base. The AMFA Organizers have worked hard to undue that over the yrs. WE also have attempted to bring the title 2 guys on board as well. Whatever the reason they now feel it is the time to join us in the fight to rid AA of the Association, it is a positive thing. Not sure if you're being sarcastic about them or just curious but They are part of OUR Class and Craft. Talk with them and have the guys at your station sign a card.
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