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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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But this time, once again, the powers to be must squash another AMFA drive.
Must be the threat of another card drive threatening the associations money machine. If so we probably got screwed. No retro and signing bonus is my guess. My guess not facts. We'll see soon enough.
I agree about the card drive threatening the asso.. You might even be correct about retro and bonus (I would be a no vote for both these reasons). But the end when you say we will see soon enough. Do you really think they will be signing a T/A this week? I say no way, unless, as you say there will be massive items left out enough to get a no vote and once again the extension of nego's continues and the asso can say that they had a T/A and brought it out for a vote. I still say it's gamenshipping and games being played for all show. Happy Holidays!!!
But this time, once again, the powers to be must squash another AMFA drive.
You guys still need to keep this drive going full bore. Remember we did it right after a new contract here when we fired the teamsters. Don't stop just because you guys may or may not have a contract. Otherwise all this crap will all happen again and again at every new contract date. Now that the membership has seen the way this fiasco of a union is being ran should be way more than enough. Keep the Drive Alive!!!
I agree about the card drive threatening the asso.. You might even be correct about retro and bonus (I would be a no vote for both these reasons). But the end when you say we will see soon enough. Do you really think they will be signing a T/A this week? I say no way, unless, as you say there will be massive items left out enough to get a no vote and once again the extension of nego's continues and the asso can say that they had a T/A and brought it out for a vote. I still say it's gamenshipping and games being played for all show. Happy Holidays!!!
The more pressure coming from the drive will get us a JCBA quicker.
At what point is the drive at and how much of a threat at this time will determine if we get a JCBA in 2019 to vote on or else another year will tick and negotiations will continue into 2020.
The more pressure coming from the drive will get us a JCBA quicker.
At what point is the drive at and how much of a threat at this time will determine if we get a JCBA in 2019 to vote on or else another year will tick and negotiations will continue into 2020.

Let's get back pay on the frozen pension LAA
Let's get back pay on the frozen pension LAA
Like we really have any say on any issues.
No retro?
No signing bonus?
Keep adding to the list and when a contract proposal comes out for a vote we can compare notes.
I always had my doubts because of past practices coming from the TWU. This is the best we can do. Take this because if we go back we will get less. We don't want arbitration. This is not a bad deal considering. We'll get them next time.
American Airlines management did not object to certification of the Association. And they could have objected.

In return for that goodwill to begin a relationship between union and management, this Association has harmed the passengers, threatened to destroy the brand, engaged in illegal job actions, had catering workers block the entrance to Headquarters, and forced the flow of information to be silenced.

Anyone that thinks management is going to trust or respect that type of back stabbing doesn’t really understand how management operates!

If you slap the King, you must remove the King

We are doomed until we remove the Association. This Association is the worst thing for our future and we will never be respected with these leaders being our voice to management at American Airlines
I believe AMFA just had elections for 4 year terms. If AMFA were to get in, will we have all SWA Reps or is there an agreement to have our own locals and Reps?
I believe AMFA just had elections for 4 year terms. If AMFA were to get in, will we have all SWA Reps or is there an agreement to have our own locals and Reps?
We will have our own locala and reps. The intl positions will stay in place until next election cycle
I been a union member of the IBT, IAM, TWU, all industrial unions who support politics over people.. I will give AMFA a shot.
We all are within 10 years of retiring, give it a shot if they **** it up i'll be gone. At least we gave it a shot
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