Industrial Union vs Craft Union
(This is not about the past, it is about the future)
I often read the Internet Social Media (Facebook and Airline Forum), pages and watch the discussions and often emotional arguments that take place between those that support AMFA and those that support the TWU and IAM. These discussions always focus on the past. “Remember what happened at Northwest with AMFA” the Industrial Union supporter says. “What about TWU and IAM at Eastern and Pan American?” the AMFA supporter says. Then they start arguing about the pay, work rules, scope, and benefits of the past contracts, each trying to claim that the Union they support is the best. The emotions begin to run high, and then the name calling and insults start. I am convinced that in most cases, each person is extremely dogmatic regarding their beliefs and have no intention of being open minded and listening to opposing views, or changing their minds.
The truth is that since the Airline Deregulation Act became federal law in 1978, there is no Union or Work Group that succeeded in preventing the Concessions, Bankruptcies, and Consolidation. So the arguments trying to claim one Union fared better than another is meaningless. The various Unions and work groups in the Airline Industry, only took different paths to failure. Some took concessions for jobs, some took headcount loss to keep pay and benefits, and some went to labor strikes. If you look honestly at the history, there wasn’t a winning philosophy, not with Pilots, Flight Attendants, or various Mechanic and Related Unions. Not one Union or workgroup prevented going backwards. All Airline employees suffered one way or the other.
The most interesting aspect of the internet discussions is that nobody is defending the Association, which is the current Certified Representation for the AA Mechanic and Related. The TWU and IAM’s NMB Certifications were both extinguished the Association was certified. The current AMFA card drive is to challenge and unseat the Association as the Certified Representative. The Mechanics that are defending the IAM and the TWU seem to not realize that the NMB ruled that “
Each of the Association agreements indicates that both the TWU and the IAM had the authority under their applicable governing documents to enter into the joint labor organization agreement.” (42 NMB No. 20 Determination of Certification – May 19th. 2015) The referenced applicable governing documents are the TWU and IAM Constitutions. In other words both Constitutions gave the Leaders of the two Unions the power and authority to enter into the Association agreement without membership consent. And while the two Unions promised the members we would get to vote, behind closed doors they argued against the vote, and American Airlines did not object to the certification, so you were denied that vote.
The TWU and the IAM are now rumored to be planning to decertify the Association, recertify the TWU and the IAM, with Mechanic and Related going to the TWU and Fleet Service going to the IAM and then placing a bar on representation elections. Once again without the vote of the membership, and with approval of American Airlines. The only way the NMB will approve this latest TWU-IAM scam to avoid membership voting and replacement is if American Airlines management does not object. If this happens we plan to initiate a letter writing, phone calling, and petition signing campaign directed at American Airlines Executives, the Board Members of the NMB, and our Federal Senate and House of Representatives.
In negotiations American Airlines management has been demanding the Association let the membership vote on their Final Offer Proposal of October 31st, 2019. The Association refuses. A clear pattern of denying the membership any authority or influence in our careers.
It is hypocritical and unconscionable that American Airlines would demand of vote on their contract proposal but yet not object to the Association getting away with another change in our representation without membership balloting.
Since the facts are clear that no Union succeeded in stopping the difficulties of the past in the Airline Industry, the argument is not about comparing the past, the argument is about our future. And since both Federal Courts and the NMB have ruled the both the TWU and the IAM Constitutions give all power and authority to allow two men to harm the membership without a vote, while enriching the organization and leaders we must seek change. The Union Constitution is a binding legal Document that is enforceable in Federal Court regarding the governance of the Union and the membership rights within the Union. Allowing the TWU or the IAM to now force us into another scam is not going to change the membership’s lack of authority in the decision making of the Union. Why go back to the same Constitutions that gave two men the authority to create this Failed Association to begin with? The AMFA Constitution gives that authority back to the Mechanic and Related Union Membership where it belongs.
Please Sign a Card Calling for a VOTE to stop the TWU-IAM Scams
The overwhelming support that this card drive has received is much appreciated
Dave Stewart – AMFA Organizer
American Airlines Tulsa Base