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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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IAM leaders threatening and intimidation AMFA supporters claiming they will be fired for distributing AMFA cards. Federal Law gives you the right to organize. Basically whatever policy is at your station that the IAM or the TWU has for distributing Union Literature or what they do when campaigning for elected office you are entitled to the same rights they have.

If you are being threatened or intimidated regarding your rights I would suggest that you send an email to your Supervisor, Manager, or HR and inform them of you are feeling threatened with termination and ask what the law and company policy is.

This way you have documentation that you were willing to comply once informed of AA policy.
American Airlines will respect your rights to organize! Your worthless Union leader will not respect your rights. They will lie, cheat, steal, and resurrect the dead to stop us!

Don’t be intimidated by IAM sympathizers trying to squash your legal rights under the Railway Labor Act! Learn your legal rights and use those rights!
The more pressure coming from the drive will get us a JCBA quicker.
At what point is the drive at and how much of a threat at this time will determine if we get a JCBA in 2019 to vote on or else another year will tick and negotiations will continue into 2020.
1AA, This drive has Nothing to do with getting us a Contract. It's about getting a new bargaining unit for us. It's been only 15 months since our current contract became ammedable. Ru in that much of a rush to see the membership get shafted again?
I believe AMFA just had elections for 4 year terms. If AMFA were to get in, will we have all SWA Reps or is there an agreement to have our own locals and Reps?
Here is a question for you with the current and past leaders of the TWU just what have they done for US? Having new leadership either Alaska/southwest/Horizon
running the show vers the IAM/TWU has to be an improvement. If at the next election someone from AA steps up to run against the current leadership of AMFA the membership WILL be able to vote. The top guy at AMFA at this time is X AA from Dallas.
1AA, This drive has Nothing to do with getting us a Contract. It's about getting a new bargaining unit for us. It's been only 15 months since our current contract became ammedable. Ru in that much of a rush to see the membership get shafted again?
I agree. Rush? That's funny. Nothing fast about negotiations and the TWU money machine. If we get delayed until 2020 in the mix with the pilots and flight attendants negotiations we will have plenty of time to get cards and file.
Come on guys the association is working for the 1/3 of us association members.
The LUS guys are doing fine.
I agree. Rush? That's funny. Nothing fast about negotiations and the TWU money machine. If we get delayed until 2020 in the mix with the pilots and flight attendants negotiations we will have plenty of time to get cards and file.
1AA we really have one more week for the Association to either sign the contract or we will be into next yr. Having enough time to get cards signed is not what we all should be saying. Getting this done as fast as we can reaching the card count should be everyones goal at this point. No excuses we all have heard the talk in the breakrooms about the dis-satisfaction with the Association.
Come on guys the association is working for the 1/3 of us association members.
The LUS guys are doing fine.
Although it may seem that way but if you remember the LUS guys got a vote to remove the IAM. Only to be told they would lose their pension, and the IAM also told them they would tell AA the IAM would accept no money to increase their pension if they voted the IAM out. It's time for all Mechanics at AA, Aircraft/Facilities/Auto both LAA & LUS to stand together. Bring a NEW Bargaining Unit which will be beneficial to all. We signed our contract they signed theres, until we get a JCBA AA and both unions are doing the best they can to honor that. We here at AA may not like it but it is that way.
Here is a question for you with the current and past leaders of the TWU just what have they done for US? Having new leadership either Alaska/southwest/Horizon
running the show vers the IAM/TWU has to be an improvement. If at the next election someone from AA steps up to run against the current leadership of AMFA the membership WILL be able to vote. The top guy at AMFA at this time is X AA from Dallas.

Here is an answer for you, there are some good people in leadership positions with the TWU. Like you and I, they didn't get to vote on the Association but have stepped up to represent the members. So, just because they are part of the TWU doesn't necessarily make them someone I wouldn't want in an AMFA leadership role.
Although it may seem that way but if you remember the LUS guys got a vote to remove the IAM. Only to be told they would lose their pension, and the IAM also told them they would tell AA the IAM would accept no money to increase their pension if they voted the IAM out. It's time for all Mechanics at AA, Aircraft/Facilities/Auto both LAA & LUS to stand together. Bring a NEW Bargaining Unit which will be beneficial to all. We signed our contract they signed theres, until we get a JCBA AA and both unions are doing the best they can to honor that. We here at AA may not like it but it is that way.

That’s a great speech, but I can tell you after speaking to a number of IAM LUS AA AMTs, they do not support an AMFA raid. They have it good now and they know what we have. So if an AMFA raid is to be successful all TWU represented mechs would have to have full participation.

That’s just a fact.
IAM leaders threatening and intimidation AMFA supporters claiming they will be fired for distributing AMFA cards. Federal Law gives you the right to organize. Basically whatever policy is at your station that the IAM or the TWU has for distributing Union Literature or what they do when campaigning for elected office you are entitled to the same rights they have.

If you are being threatened or intimidated regarding your rights I would suggest that you send an email to your Supervisor, Manager, or HR and inform them of you are feeling threatened with termination and ask what the law and company policy is.

This way you have documentation that you were willing to comply once informed of AA policy.
American Airlines will respect your rights to organize! Your worthless Union leader will not respect your rights. They will lie, cheat, steal, and resurrect the dead to stop us!

Don’t be intimidated by IAM sympathizers trying to squash your legal rights under the Railway Labor Act! Learn your legal rights and use those rights!
Excellent post Informer. And may I add; Remember fellas, any organizing or card collecting must be done during break times and lunch times and off company time periods. Just follow the rules and regs and you can not be touched. The TWU/IAM/Asso. will in fact intimidate, to the max, in order to scare the membership, especially the "newbies", that they will be fired. This will come from the co and the asso. as they are both in bed together when it comes to an AMFA drive going as strong as it is at AA now. Keep up the good work gentlemen, and "Keep The Drive Alive!"
That’s a great speech, but I can tell you after speaking to a number of IAM LUS AA AMTs, they do not support an AMFA raid. They have it good now and they know what we have. So if an AMFA raid is to be successful all TWU represented mechs would have to have full participation.

That’s just a fact.
AMFA raid? NOT! Grass roots effort. Where the heck do you get that this is an AMFA raid???
That’s a great speech, but I can tell you after speaking to a number of IAM LUS AA AMTs, they do not support an AMFA raid. They have it good now and they know what we have. So if an AMFA raid is to be successful all TWU represented mechs would have to have full participation.

That’s just a fact.
I was afraid of that. Title 2 is another problem.
AMFA raid? NOT! Grass roots effort. Where the heck do you get that this is an AMFA raid???
If AMFA is to be chosen (not a raid)as a new union by the mechs of AA, then this will need full participation by the mechanics represented by the twu.

hope this makes guys feel better
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