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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Well, today is the day. New deadline ends at 4pm. Pretty sure we won't get anything from the NMB today, but AMFA may get some kind of notice after 4pm. But more than likely will come Fri. or maybe even Mon. Hopefully no more extensions or delays moving forward.
Of course we all know the TWU/IAM Asso. will appeal or at least try to drag this out even further if they get a chance to. They know they are toast if there is a vote this time around...
Well, today is the day. New deadline ends at 4pm. Pretty sure we won't get anything from the NMB today, but AMFA may get some kind of notice after 4pm. But more than likely will come Fri. or maybe even Mon. Hopefully no more extensions or delays moving forward.
Of course we all know the TWU/IAM Asso. will appeal or at least try to drag this out even further if they get a chance to. They know they are toast if there is a vote this time around...
The company asked for a 7 day extension yesterday and was granted said extension
The company asked for a 7 day extension yesterday and was granted said extension

Interesting. Now all 3 sides have extended. Admittedly, that was a lot of info the NMB was asking for. But, shouldn't be too hard for the company. A few clicks and there is should be.
Then I would assume a new deadline has been set? Of April 22nd??
Is this company requested extension and granted by NMB in writing???
Next extension will be from.........
If this ping pong match continues we might end up somewhere in between never never land. My opinion the unions, company and the NMB know we have enough cards. A stall tactic may change the numbers. Add people that don't belong and hope that the ones who took the early out were AMFA supporters. All the past drives that we filed never dragged out this long with extensions and counter extensions. Yes Covid-19 played a part but past drives were with less information technology and there was more paper trails back then. Now it's all electronic with a push of a button.

If the information that AA is giving the NMB will affect numbers then AMFA or the Association depending on the information might go another round of extensions. You see where this might go?
Next extension will be from.........
If this ping pong match continues we might end up somewhere in between never never land. My opinion the unions, company and the NMB know we have enough cards. A stall tactic may change the numbers. Add people that don't belong and hope that the ones who took the early out were AMFA supporters. All the past drives that we filed never dragged out this long with extensions and counter extensions. Yes Covid-19 played a part but past drives were with less information technology and there was more paper trails back then. Now it's all electronic with a push of a button.

If the information that AA is giving the NMB will affect numbers then AMFA or the Association depending on the information might go another round of extensions. You see where this might go?

I fully expect the TWU/IAM/Asso., as well as the co. to extend-extend-extend. In fact they will take advantage of the NMB as long as the NMB allows them to. I say stop all extensions at this point, each side has been granted an extension it is time to deliver the goods and move on.
Your right. Never seen this many extensions and delays before in any representational election attempt.
Anyone have access to the extension letter and new date set by NMB???
Hey Rogallo,
Would you have a link or copy to the company requested extension for 7 days? Would like to see what the new deadline date is please.
I am not privy to the company side of information but I heard the new deadline is the 22nd.
I am not privy to the company side of information but I heard the new deadline is the 22nd.

Good enough. Thanks for the date info. So after tomorrow we should hear of an update of some sort.
Of course we will get the final verdict and when the NMB rules that there is significate # of cards to move forward, I would "EXPECT" the asso. and maybe the co. will appeal that decision for more delays. They have been way too quiet since the filing IMO.
All of the supposition by everyone here as to what is going to happen and when AA will be granted a VOTE by the NMB is just that.

There are ONLY FEW at AA that have access to ALL the information being passed between AA, AMFA, TWU/IAM, NMB. Until ALL the legal briefs are passed and the NMB has the required info it needs to draw a conclusion of whether AA's M&R has enough cards to show interest to conduct an Election, everyone is just going to have to wait. It is Understandable that everyone wants this to happen Now, just as when the current contract was being negotiated.

You can ALL rest assure that the Organizers have learned from past card drives and have done everything possible to insure that this time AA's M&R gets a Vote.

Until then it may be a good idea to get a copy of AMFA's Constitution and read how AMFA operates. See the differences between the ASSoc. and AMFA. Find out who at your station will be running for the available slots within AMFA@AA. Think whether or not YOU are willing to get involved as the transition happens.
Don't expect the Organizers to do it ALL, everyone will have to be apart of making this HAPPEN.

There are many other social media sites in which information can be gathered than here. ask your co-workers as well to get involved. Form a small group of your close co-workers to aid the stations organizer. I know that is a BIG task since HISTORICALLY many here wanted nothing to do with the UNION. A successful transition over to AMFA will depend on the TOTAL MEMBERSHIP.

Stay the course and DON'T let the current Union leaders at your station sway you from removing this ASSociation. You ALL know what they have done.

Obtained AMFA's Response from FB. Makes you sick to see what our so call union leadership do to us.

Only on page 12 and so far, outstanding. Someone did their homework (big time) back to 1965, 1980, 2015, Eastern days, Delta, NWA, United etc...
Will continue the reading later (41 pages left, can't wait to read it) now that is how you respond, with data, proof, declarations from TWU/IAM international employees as well as AA management and past rulings within the NMB.
Nicely done so far and Im only on pg 13.

Chellow, thanks for link from FB.
Very curious to the amount of pages the TWU/IAM sent in.
The investigator has a lot of reading to do, follow ups and fact checking with the company.
On a second note;
AMFA's response from legal is an exact example of how well you guys will get represented. Not some moron on a video threatening or claiming they will do something. A night and day difference by a long, long shot.
I feel better already... 🙂
Only on page 12 and so far, outstanding. Someone did their homework (big time) back to 1965, 1980, 2015, Eastern days, Delta, NWA, United etc...
Will continue the reading later (41 pages left, can't wait to read it) now that is how you respond, with data, proof, declarations from TWU/IAM international employees as well as AA management and past rulings within the NMB.
Nicely done so far and Im only on pg 13.

Chellow, thanks for link from FB.
Very curious to the amount of pages the TWU/IAM sent in.
The investigator has a lot of reading to do, follow ups and fact checking with the company.
On a second note;
AMFA's response from legal is an exact example of how well you guys will get represented. Not some moron on a video threatening or claiming they will do something. A night and day difference by a long, long shot.
I feel better already... 🙂
Yes some union representative who once supported AMFA and also applied for a management position and once stood up for the members with a lawsuit he filed against the International and later was given a position in the International is the one who made a you tube video in his underwear. He couldn't even put on a pair of pants before he started his ranting on you tube. Then we have the NYC track layer with a big mouth which didn't help. Now they want to inflate the list with individuals who are currently represented in other title groups as well as management and others who are not even on the payroll anymore. I hope the NMB does the right thing.
Yes some union representative who once supported AMFA and also applied for a management position and once stood up for the members with a lawsuit he filed against the International and later was given a position in the International is the one who made a you tube video in his underwear. He couldn't even put on a pair of pants before he started his ranting on you tube. Then we have the NYC track layer with a big mouth which didn't help. Now they want to inflate the list with individuals who are currently represented in other title groups as well as management and others who are not even on the payroll anymore. I hope the NMB does the right thing.

Finished reading George S. response from AMFA Legal. Man I love reading his writings. The NMB really don't have a choice in a way. Pretty much all of the additions weren't even supplied or added per the NMBb's guidelines and procedures as requested by the investigator to begin with and which AMFA Legal easily pointed that all out and put it right back into the investigators lamp that the TWU/IAM/Asso. never once followed the investigators demands and requirements.
I am confident you guys will get your chance on an election vote. It is overwhelmingly proved and shown that the additions are not eligible by the NMB standards, guidelines and procedures as well as other factors of working in other class and crafts, deceased, management, supervisors etc.
The real fight is about to begin when the NMB grants a representational election to go forward. This is where the TWU/IAM/Asso. will get extremely loud with all their made up stories, lies and misinformation. They will say anything to try and save their ever forgotten arses in the aircraft mechanic and related industry, period.
Get ready for the biggest and most affecting election vote to take place in the history of American Airlines Mechanic and Related. AMFA@AA 🙂
Finished reading George S. response from AMFA Legal. Man I love reading his writings. The NMB really don't have a choice in a way. Pretty much all of the additions weren't even supplied or added per the NMBb's guidelines and procedures as requested by the investigator to begin with and which AMFA Legal easily pointed that all out and put it right back into the investigators lamp that the TWU/IAM/Asso. never once followed the investigators demands and requirements.
I am confident you guys will get your chance on an election vote. It is overwhelmingly proved and shown that the additions are not eligible by the NMB standards, guidelines and procedures as well as other factors of working in other class and crafts, deceased, management, supervisors etc.
The real fight is about to begin when the NMB grants a representational election to go forward. This is where the TWU/IAM/Asso. will get extremely loud with all their made up stories, lies and misinformation. They will say anything to try and save their ever forgotten arses in the aircraft mechanic and related industry, period.
Get ready for the biggest and most affecting election vote to take place in the history of American Airlines Mechanic and Related. AMFA@AA 🙂
No matter how much proof, evidence you have corruption, bribery and coercion always trumps it all. I'll wait until the NMB officially announces an election.
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