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Amfa Continues Downward Spiral

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NWA's empty promises

Northwest Airlines and Gov. Tim Pawlenty believe the airline's new plan for Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport will create 40,000 permanent jobs in Minnesota. Remember the last time Northwest promised jobs for Minnesota in 1992 -- taxpayers and employees held up their end of the bargain, and Northwest hasn't been able to keep up its end. Caveat emptor. The problem with using NWA's promises as the basis for an airport renovation is already apparent. The airline's plan calls for demolishing about half of its maintenance facilities at MSP, with no plans to rebuild. Given Northwest's practice of outsourcing airplane maintenance to Singapore and China, this isn't surprising. Neither Pawlenty nor CEO Richard Anderson mentioned this part, and you can see why: That's 2,000 good-paying mechanic jobs lost. Tell me again how this will be good for Minnesota?

Nick Pladson, Minneapolis.

Downward Spiral continues!!!!
Checking it Out said:
I make three times the money now than in 1983, So how do you figure this?

I also understand with aamfa out of the picture our hands are not tied. AA is not held to a certain criteria.
If you didn't work for AA in 83 than why even compare?
Okay. since 1987 I make over 3 times more in wages, now twist the issue!

Amfa losing an average of 10 members per day!

The downward spiral continues!
Checking it Out said:
Okay. since 1987 I make over 3 times more in wages, now twist the issue!

Amfa losing an average of 10 members per day!

The downward spiral continues!


You better get on out to the Tulsa Base this morning, Carmine and the other suck asses are awaiting your arrival at the Carnival.
Checking it Out said:
Okay. since 1987 I make over 3 times more in wages, now twist the issue!

Amfa losing an average of 10 members per day!

The downward spiral continues!
How many holidays did you have back then, what about dbl time, insurance prefunding, srp's/osm's, etc. etc. now twist this
scorpion said:
How many holidays did you have back then, what about dbl time, insurance prefunding, srp's/osm's, etc. etc. now twist this


CIO does not care about those items. He does not care that a employee hires in at less than they would in 1983. He does not care that AA has the LOWEST average wage in the industry. He does not care that Flex Benefit out-of-pocket premium far exceed any raises. He does not care that we went 6 years with a 6.5% pay raise. He does not care about the Mechanic who lost his license pay on top of his 17.5% paycut.


He and his wife rake in two top out payscales plus a TWU Union Officer paycheck.

I was making more under the 1995 six year sellout with overtime than I am making now subsidizing the concession-for-jobs program.
Dave, why not show us the positives Amfa has done lately?

Where did you volunteer today? My wife volunteered for candidates today and I volunteered for the United Way Carnival. The Union hall held a charity function and the sign shop was open.

Dave you are mistaken, I believe all members are important. I also believe the Majority have spoken by not signing an Amfa card.
Checking it Out said:
Dave, why not show us the positives Amfa has done lately?

Where did you volunteer today? My wife volunteered for candidates today and I volunteered for the United Way Carnival. The Union hall held a charity function and the sign shop was open.

Dave you are mistaken, I believe all members are important. I also believe the Majority have spoken by not signing an Amfa card.
cio did it ever occur to you that not all twu members have the two aa topped out paychecks and duel union pay checks that you and mary enjoy? indeed many of our brothers and sisters have to work second jobs to make up for the lost wages shoved down thier throats by that "without further ratification" vote. yes today while you were playing at some carnival many members went to thier second job :angry:
Checking it Out said:
Dave, why not show us the positives Amfa has done lately?

Where did you volunteer today? My wife volunteered for candidates today and I volunteered for the United Way Carnival. The Union hall held a charity function and the sign shop was open.

Dave you are mistaken, I believe all members are important. I also believe the Majority have spoken by not signing an Amfa card.

I was working my second job for food and bill payment.

2000+ were never even asked to sign. They will be asked this time though! Count on it!!!
Checking it Out said:
Dave, why not show us the positives Amfa has done lately?

Where did you volunteer today? My wife volunteered for candidates today and I volunteered for the United Way Carnival. The Union hall held a charity function and the sign shop was open.

Dave you are mistaken, I believe all members are important. I also believe the Majority have spoken by not signing an Amfa card.

Important enough to be subjected to the OSM classification?

Why do you condone this OSM classification and all of the other concessions?
Checking it Out said:
Dave, why not show us the positives Amfa has done lately?

Where did you volunteer today? My wife volunteered for candidates today and I volunteered for the United Way Carnival. The Union hall held a charity function and the sign shop was open.

Dave you are mistaken, I believe all members are important. I also believe the Majority have spoken by not signing an Amfa card.

That's right, there's no support for AMFA! Just us 15 peckernats. You remind me of Baghdad BOB in IRAQ, all the while the American Forces can be seen in the background, he could not or would not admit his imminent demise.Now go back to sleep, all is well in TWu land.
Why not show us the positives Amfa has done lately?

I see this morning that good old Jake Brace says terminating the pensions is the fastest step to exit bankruptcy. All the unions immediately responded except AMFA. Has AMFA already agreed to some back door deal? I'm slowly losing faith in AMFA doing anything to save our pensions, let alone our jobs. WHERE IS DELLE WHEN WE NEED HIM???

The downward spiral Continues!!
Checking it Out said:
Has AMFA already agreed to some back door deal? I'm slowly losing faith in AMFA doing anything to save our pensions, let alone our jobs. WHERE IS DELLE WHEN WE NEED HIM???

The downward spiral Continues!!

And now you beg for AMFA to save your pension?

What about your own union and the AFL-CIO?

You are "slowing losing faith in AMFA", yeah right. Tell us CIO, what "faith" have you ever expressed in AMFA?

Comeon man, bring on that 35 Million Man AFL-CIO and show its worth!
Checking it Out said:
Why not show us the positives Amfa has done lately?



Click Here for something Positive AMFA has done lately

Compare those Stock Opitions to your POS TWU negotiated Stock Options. And AMFA did not give away the FARM like the TWU did, to get them either.
Well Look Here:

AMFA Mechanics still get shift differential, paid lunch on graveyard, and longevity pay...

Shift Differentials Paid Lunch for Graveyard

Evening $ 0.56 $ 0.56 $ 0.56 $ 0.56

Graveyard $ 0.63 $ 0.63 $ 0.63 $ 0.63


Per year per hour for 1-10 years (Example..3 years= $0.30) $ 0.10

Per year per hour for 11-12 years (Example..11 years= $1.00 10 years plus $0.15) $ 0.15

CIO, that appears very positive compared to your Jim Little "Without Further Ratification" Agreement.
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