Alaska Airlines has decided to contract out 100% of its heavy maintenance and will close its Oakland base, about 250 mechanics. Overall, over 900 people will bite the dust.
The ball is really rolling now. Job cuts everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if NWA does the same at the earliest opportunity. Pay down your debts and don't take on any more.
Chris Bauer V.P. Maint. NWA announced in a meeting with building "B" tech's today, that there would be further lay offs as building "B" is closed. All three shop committee members were present and said nothing about our "iron clad" job protection language! Chris also named the companies negotiating committee for AMFA negotiations. We were assured that he or Andy Roberts would be available for all negotiations! Chris also announced that the company would be opening the contract in Oct. 2004 per article 31 of the collective bargaining agreement. If that is true, why was Jim Asskiss'en - AMFA local 33 President standing in front of building "B" gate #2 yesterday handing out a bulletin asking for your contract proposals to be voted on in early 2005.
I understand the wheel and brake shop is in the process of giving 40 pink slips to the mechanic's.
The downward spiral continues.