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Amfa Continues Downward Spiral

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Thanks for the nice comments, Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!

Still does not change the fact Amfa will destroy us here, If they ever were to get in!!!!

By the way, When did you say an election will be held?
Checking it Out said:
Well it seems Amfa made a major blunder when they took out one of the letters of agreements at United.

Yep real good move getting rid of 74-1M. Really showed the company the resolve of the membership. Instead of making the company pay for numerous moves in the upcoming furlough by leaving 74-1M intact we pull it and only make them pay for one period.

Didn't anyone realize that 74-1m was used for many years as a deterrent to laying off members meaning go ahead and lay off but it will cost you $1000's. After 9/11 the company spent hundreds of thousands of dollars moving Mechs around the country. This is why the protection date was not hit right away.

The TWU would instead say "Hey lets cut everyones pay by $20,000 instead and give ourselves raises."

Now with 75-1M gone we will see the protection date and beyond at most stations. GET THE PICTURE, IT WAS A FINANCIAL PENALTY.

Get ready to say good buy to the 10hr shift too, enjoy it for the next few months because its going away too, Thanks once again you really showed 'em!

Looks like the seniority wheel of death will spin again at United....sorry to all the line stations that wanted to get rid of 74-1. You will be bumped just like the base now senior to junior.

The layoffs continue,

I was talking to some of the die-hard amfa supporters the other day and I believe they are seeing the light! Amfa is nothing more than a tool for management!!!

Oh yea I'm sure that given the choice the company would rather have AMFA, we can see that by the way the companies have fought AMFA at every airline. Whereas the TWU gets a large percentage of their workers without an election because the company picks the TWU as the union of choice. We see that here at AMR where the company has a history of firing AMFA organizers, inflating the eligibility list and giving the TWU more members without a vote by the workers(AMR). How many Airlines have recognized a card count in lieu of an actual vote for AMFA? If management liked AMFA and paying higher wages and more benifits why would they go to such great lengths to keep unions like the TWU that offer lower wages and less benifits?

The fact is that the industry is still in a battle with its workers. What the TWU touts as "peace" is in fact really surrender. The French were at peace with Germany by 1942 while England was taking the casualties. The TWU supporters here are like the French, its like they are saying that surrender is better than fighting. I'm sure that the Quislings that the German government put in place in France were telling the French all about the suffereings of the English and how stupid the English were for not giving in the the inevitable New World order of Nazism.

Thank God at least some people had courage.

If anyone feels differently just look at our contract and compare it to what union workers get. They get paid holidays, at least two weeks vacation, shift differential, longevity, overtime for all hours in excess of 40, doubletime etc.
The amfa spiral continues to spin out of control!!!!!

Keep on spinning Goebbles!
Nightwatch said:

*screen capture from amfa local 9

Here's the voter results from the LOA at UAL...a strong amfa turnout on this important item.

Run your mouth all you want about how we have the need to vote on the LOA's , and then look at the facts, not many care really, just give them a job to go to each day and all is good. 🙄

Obviously those that did not care which way the issue went did not vote. Those that did care voted. The point here is clear, those that did care which way it went were able to vote on it!!!

Spin it anyway you want NightWatch but the truth is, under the dictatorship twu those that do care about certain changes in their contract not able to vote on the issue!!!

At the rate the twu is going in the next twenty years the membership would not even be allowed to vote on their contract period!!!
Rusty said:
Obviously those that did not care which way the issue went did not vote. Those that did care voted. The point here is clear, those that did care which way it went were able to vote on it!!!

Spin it anyway you want NightWatch but the truth is, under the dictatorship twu those that do care about certain changes in their contract not able to vote on the issue!!!

At the rate the twu is going in the next twenty years the membership would not even be allowed to vote on their contract period!!!

Well technicaly that is already considered a "priviledge" by the International. Just read the TWUs own testimony at the hearing for the injunction filed by Local 562 last year. According to them only "completely new contracts need to be ratified by the members. Under the RLA we only modify our agreements until such time as we are released by the NMB to self help. The last time that happened at AA/TWU was 1969!
Alaska Airlines has decided to contract out 100% of its heavy maintenance and will close its Oakland base, about 250 mechanics. Overall, over 900 people will bite the dust.

The ball is really rolling now. Job cuts everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if NWA does the same at the earliest opportunity. Pay down your debts and don't take on any more.

Chris Bauer V.P. Maint. NWA announced in a meeting with building "B" tech's today, that there would be further lay offs as building "B" is closed. All three shop committee members were present and said nothing about our "iron clad" job protection language! Chris also named the companies negotiating committee for AMFA negotiations. We were assured that he or Andy Roberts would be available for all negotiations! Chris also announced that the company would be opening the contract in Oct. 2004 per article 31 of the collective bargaining agreement. If that is true, why was Jim Asskiss'en - AMFA local 33 President standing in front of building "B" gate #2 yesterday handing out a bulletin asking for your contract proposals to be voted on in early 2005.

I understand the wheel and brake shop is in the process of giving 40 pink slips to the mechanic's.

The downward spiral continues.
Checking it Out said:
Alaska Airlines has decided to contract out 100% of its heavy maintenance and will close its Oakland base, about 250 mechanics. Overall, over 900 people will bite the dust.

The ball is really rolling now. Job cuts everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if NWA does the same at the earliest opportunity. Pay down your debts and don't take on any more.

Chris Bauer V.P. Maint. NWA announced in a meeting with building "B" tech's today, that there would be further lay offs as building "B" is closed. All three shop committee members were present and said nothing about our "iron clad" job protection language! Chris also named the companies negotiating committee for AMFA negotiations. We were assured that he or Andy Roberts would be available for all negotiations! Chris also announced that the company would be opening the contract in Oct. 2004 per article 31 of the collective bargaining agreement. If that is true, why was Jim Asskiss'en - AMFA local 33 President standing in front of building "B" gate #2 yesterday handing out a bulletin asking for your contract proposals to be voted on in early 2005.

I understand the wheel and brake shop is in the process of giving 40 pink slips to the mechanic's.

The downward spiral continues.

Your a complete idiot. The Alaska Airlines contract was inherited by AMFA from the iam. The iam contract which AMFA now has to enforce allows the Alaska management to do this. Read pages 3@4 of the iam/Alaska agreement.

The "downward spiral" was started by the twu 20 years ago. Concession after concession and we still have 3000 on the street at AA, with only an OSM position to look forward to if they ever get recalled. Yes, the downward spiral of the twu continues.
From amfanuts,

Hackman your wrong, the ASA/AMFA Collective Bargaining Agreement was signed the 25th of July 2003, (Click Here for ASA/AMFA CBA ). AMFA had every chance to change the farm out language and didn't, so don't blame the IAM for AMFA's mistakes

Hackman, another uneducated amfa wannabe!!! Lies are typical!
Checking it Out said:
From amfanuts,

Hackman your wrong, the ASA/AMFA Collective Bargaining Agreement was signed the 25th of July 2003, (Click Here for ASA/AMFA CBA ). AMFA had every chance to change the farm out language and didn't, so don't blame the IAM for AMFA's mistakes

Hackman, another uneducated amfa wannabe!!! Lies are typical!

So you are criticizing AMFA for not winning a precedent setting scope clause three months after the TWU rolled back system protection and cut compensation by 25%? Are you for real?

Why did the TWU reject the Scope proposal that 562 had submitted back in 2000?We had the perfect opportunity to make such a gain, instead of just barely matching AMFAs precident setting wage increase at NWA by the TWU blew it.

So here at AA we see the company permanently eliminating jobs through layoffs, attrition and terminations. How many people have been fired since the first of the year in Tulsa?
Checking it Out said:
Downwad spiral continues,

Click here to see how Horizon is playing with Amfa!!!

And we all know too well that you would prefer to see a letter about a company and union lovefest and bedwetting to the tune of a 17.5% pay reduction, reduced vacation, reduced Holidays, reduced sick leave, and unrestricted medical premium increases. And we also know that you would prefer the National letter to read that the Union Leadership has wet the company bed without ratification by the membership.

Instead, you blast the union leadership for explaining the membership how the company hardball tactics are effecting the ability to obtain industry leading improvements.

No doubt CIO, the AMFA Leadership could submit the TWU Concession package to the bargaining table tommorrow and a tentative agreement would be had for all. But, what do you think the members prefer?

Yeah CIO, those "open negotiations" really spiral the membership to doom. They would be much better off with secret Jim Little negotiations and strong arm tactics under threat of Bankruptcy, wouldn't they?

You are nothing more than a company sellout, complaining about a union leadership actually leading and informing the members beyond anything the TWU has ever provided. Jim Little claims communication, communication, communication, is the key to change, yet you take union leadership communication and call it a downward spiral.

Should AMFA wear a condom when negotiating using your prefered tactics?
Well, word has it that Amfa has not disclosed full details of the job eliminations at Alaska and the 600 figure is actually low. Word is, you will need to add 20% or more to that number.

The downward spiral continues!!!

I feel sorry for the Kool-aid Drinkers! At least the majority at AA have not bought into it!!!
Checking it Out said:
Well, word has it that Amfa has not disclosed full details of the job eliminations at Alaska and the 600 figure is actually low. Word is, you will need to add 20% or more to that number.

The downward spiral continues!!!

I feel sorry for the Kool-aid Drinkers! At least the majority at AA have not bought into it!!!

Yeah, and meanwhile the TWU embraces "Continuous Improvement" programs that reduces headcount through attrition.

NO recalls, NO Retiree Replacement, Headcount dwindles daily.

And your "majority"? Did the NMB rule?
Or are you talking deceased and retired that you inflated the list with?
Decision 2004 said:
Yeah, and meanwhile the TWU embraces "Continuous Improvement" programs that reduces headcount through attrition.

NO recalls, NO Retiree Replacement, Headcount dwindles daily.

And your "majority"? Did the NMB rule?
Or are you talking deceased and retired that you inflated the list with?

At present we are doing our six month bid. Since the last bid we have lost 18 more heads, none of the work, just the heads, for and annual adjusted rate of nearly 10%. Thats in addition to all the reductions we have already seen. Saved jobs? Oh really? By the time the so called openers come around our headcount will be lower than the number that was given to reach the $330 million for M&R. So in other words we will have given the company at least double of what they were seeking. Way to go TWU!

O.V. Delle-Femine
AMFA National Director

Louie Key
AMFA Region I Director


Union Will Seek Expedited Arbitration

SEATTLE, September 10, 2004 – The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) called today's decision by Alaska Airlines' to substantially reduce the number of its mechanics and related employees "a blatant contract violation" and said this flies in the face of the National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) admonition for the airline to bolster in-house maintenance following the 2000 crash of flight 261.

According to AMFA National Director O.V. Delle-Femine, "The contract Alaska signed with us requires them to meet with us prior to any outsourcing decision. They didn't do this. The contract further requires the company to demonstrate, with hard data, that outsourcing would save them money. They didn't do this, either. They unleashed this decision without giving us an opportunity to discuss the matter and potentially come up with better alternatives, creating tremendous disruption for our members and their families. We are assessing the number of members who will receive layoff notices. Our legal firm is already preparing for legal action."

"Our contract calls for both parties to promote the safety of air transportation, 'to the fullest extent possible.' Today's decision flouts this agreement and the NTSB mandate by putting heavy aircraft maintenance into the hands of private repair stations whose employees are not subject to the same licensing requirements, background security checks, and drug and alcohol testing, as mechanics employed by Alaska Air," said AMFA Region I Director Louie Key.

"AMFA will seek expedited arbitration and use all avenues available to ensure our membership is represented to the fullest extent possible under the terms of the contract and the law," Key said.
Just like the FM case, right?

What a joke, I think you better read the Alaska contract, If you add the severance pay, I think you willl find out ,Alaska is within the contract language.
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