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Amfa Continues Downward Spiral

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With unlimited outsourcing, I suspect you will see little or even a decline in members at SWA.

How many C-checks are done by third party Maintenance vendors at SWA?

Why was 300 Amfa members left out of the pay increases at SWA?
Checking it Out said:
With unlimited outsourcing, I suspect you will see little or even a decline in members at SWA.

How many C-checks are done by third party Maintenance vendors at SWA?

Why was 300 Amfa members left out of the pay increases at SWA?

It is "Why were 300 Amfa members....."

You should ask them.

Why is the membership of the TWU at American Airlines divided and paid on separate pay scales?

Why is "Line Maintenance" alienated from "Base Maintenance"?
Checking it Out said:
With unlimited outsourcing, I suspect you will see little or even a decline in members at SWA.

How many C-checks are done by third party Maintenance vendors at SWA?

Why was 300 Amfa members left out of the pay increases at SWA?

Wel cio, maybe they should start an OSM program and make them the lowest paid mechanics in the industry, like the twu has done?

The downward twu spiral continues.....and has for 20 years.
It's hard to call AMFA's downward trend a spiral...they have been at the bottom since delle had to close the international and work out of his trunk. Now they like the IBT's contract so much they decide to extend it, more years to lay blame somewhere else I guess.
Nightwatch said:
It's hard to call AMFA's downward trend a spiral...they have been at the bottom since delle had to close the international and work out of his trunk. Now they like the IBT's contract so much they decide to extend it, more years to lay blame somewhere else I guess.

I agree in part NightWatch, any union is better than the twu!!!
Let us be somewhat realistic. Do you REALLY believe that Alaska Airlines Mechanics would have struck the carrier to remove a contract clause which they had previously ratified? They might now...but there was not a snow ball's chance in Hades that they would have done so earlier. Additionally, do you REALLY believe any contract language, except massive concessions, will protect your job in the current airline environment?

The Downward Spiral Continues!
Checking it Out said:
Let us be somewhat realistic. Do you REALLY believe that Alaska Airlines Mechanics would have struck the carrier to remove a contract clause which they had previously ratified? They might now...but there was not a snow ball's chance in Hades that they would have done so earlier. Additionally, do you REALLY believe any contract language, except massive concessions, will protect your job in the current airline environment?
The Downward Spiral Continues!
do you REALLY believe any contract language, except massive concessions, will protect your job in the current airline environment?

Seems thats been the TWUs position for the last twenty years!

Unions were not founded because there were no jobs, they were founded to prevent companies from exploiting workers and slashing their wages once workers became dependant on the job. This s[in of concessions or job loss is a union busting tactic. Its so sad when union leaders start selling this to their members.

But then again what can you expect from a "union" like the TWU? When top people in the organization cant even say what an industrial union is how deep is the ideology of the organization?
Checking it Out said:
Let us be somewhat realistic. Do you REALLY believe that Alaska Airlines Mechanics would have struck the carrier to remove a contract clause which they had previously ratified? They might now...but there was not a snow ball's chance in Hades that they would have done so earlier. Additionally, do you REALLY believe any contract language, except massive concessions, will protect your job in the current airline environment?
The Downward Spiral Continues!
You used TM's quote from the mechanic as your own Flash? That's a no, no. Try to come up with a original thought for a change that isn't a lie, or a parrot of what the company tells you to say.

Try something on the downward 20 year spiral that the twu allowed to happen at AA.
Checking it Out said:
Let us be somewhat realistic. Do you REALLY believe that Alaska Airlines Mechanics would have struck the carrier to remove a contract clause which they had previously ratified? They might now...but there was not a snow ball's chance in Hades that they would have done so earlier. Additionally, do you REALLY believe any contract language, except massive concessions, will protect your job in the current airline environment?
The Downward Spiral Continues!

So the industrial unions create anti-union language and you blame the workers themselves for not correcting years of industrial union errors in one or two negotiation. I can only guess how many contracts it is going to take to even begin the reversal of the "B-scale" and successive two-tier concessionary dues generation programs. And what do you know about "striking"? The only strike you ever conceived was the yes mark you make on your concessionary ballot.

You have finally stated the TWU position in an open forum - concessions
Here is the whole article with a reply from Amfa sponsored site!

Received: 09/26/04 12:56:18 EDT
Name: Alaska AMT
Employer: Alaska
Location: Seattle
"Did I miss something? I thought the massive AMT layoffs at Alaska are happening under a contract that was negotiated twice by AMFA? Don't tell me that's all a mirage?

Alaska is laying off about 600 Mechanics. AA, UAL and USAir each have furloughed several thousand Mechanics under contracts that were negotiated by the TWU and IAM for decades. Your point? - TM "

I beleive his POINT is that ALASKA has had TWO(2) chances to remove bad language in the contract and has not. The first one the TEAM just screwed the pooch and got us another BAD contract full of holes. The second they just did not know how to deal with times at hand and got us a handed to us contract. The sad " its an old IAM contract" can no longer fly. It is time to remove the KEY people that did this and and elect people who are for the members and not themselves. AMFA can work. You just ahve to get involved.

2 cents spent.

You have semi valid argument. However, let us be somewhat realistic. Do you REALLY believe that Alaska Airlines Mechanics would have struck the carrier to remove a contract clause which they had previously ratified? They might now...but there was not a snow ball's chance in Hades that they would have done so earlier. Additionally, do you REALLY believe any contract language, except massive concessions, will protect your job in the current airline environment? - TM
I believe our industry is in a world of
currently. I do not see any future concessions assisting our longevity with our present employers, regardless of who's union you believe in. Oil prices going over the $50/barrel today. What we need is for our Company leadership to pass this increase onto the customer and get out of our wallets. I agree with and will promote "NO MORE CONCESSIONS"! We saved you once AA, next time is on you.
Nightwatch said:
I believe our industry is in a world of
currently. I do not see any future concessions assisting our longevity with our present employers, regardless of who's union you believe in. Oil prices going over the $50/barrel today. What we need is for our Company leadership to pass this increase onto the customer and get out of our wallets. I agree with and will promote "NO MORE CONCESSIONS"! We saved you once AA, next time is on you.

Ok can you explain why AA rescinded the Fuel tax today just because DL did? The other carriers did not immediately follow.
Nightwatch said:
I believe our industry is in a world of
currently. I do not see any future concessions assisting our longevity with our present employers, regardless of who's union you believe in. Oil prices going over the $50/barrel today. What we need is for our Company leadership to pass this increase onto the customer and get out of our wallets. I agree with and will promote "NO MORE CONCESSIONS"! We saved you once AA, next time is on you.

And what exactly will you do if when the twu goes back for more? What are your feelings towards round three at USAIRWAYS?
I will, for one, promote a "NO" vote on any more concessions. Our future, due to the progress of 3rd party vendors and cost of fuel, looks bleak. I can't see allowing my, or your, severence pay to be any less than it already is.

How funny, that the 3rd party vendors would be skeptical/fearing that our wages would be aligning with theirs. They would lose their advantage and appeal, but worse, the stockholders would win on our losses.
Nightwatch said:
I will, for one, promote a "NO" vote on any more concessions. Our future, due to the progress of 3rd party vendors and cost of fuel, looks bleak. I can't see allowing my, or your, severence pay to be any less than it already is.

How funny, that the 3rd party vendors would be skeptical/fearing that our wages would be aligning with theirs. They would lose their advantage and appeal, but worse, the stockholders would win on our losses.

Yea, we will see.
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