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Amfa Continues Downward Spiral

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Nightwatch said:
I will, for one, promote a "NO" vote on any more concessions. Our future, due to the progress of 3rd party vendors and cost of fuel, looks bleak. I can't see allowing my, or your, severence pay to be any less than it already is.


Would this be the case with another BK fear factor epidsode? Also if you were at USAirways right now, would you strike and shut them down forever or accept the morsels they are giving? Lastly, what crtiticism of the IAM should we expect from you if they accept round 3 at USAirways and why no criticism of the twu for already going for round 3?
September 29, 2004 04:20 PM US Eastern Timezone

Strike Possibility Increases as Frustrated ATA Mechanics Ask for Mediation to End

INDIANAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 29, 2004--ATA aircraft mechanics, frustrated by the airline's refusal to take mediation seriously, will ask the National Mediation Board (NMB) to release them from the process. The release, if granted, would automatically start the 30-day cooling off period before a strike, in accordance with the Railway Labor Act that governs airline labor relations.

According to Jim Young, regional director of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Organization (AMFA), "ATA does not seem interested in resolving differences through the mediation process. They recently shifted the talks into reverse by reneging on an outsourcing provision they agreed to months ago. They are unwilling to discuss the most basic provision of any labor contract, job security, even though they renewed it for other unionized employee groups, including pilots and flight attendants.

"In the wake of major layoffs and concessions, we are painfully aware of ATA's financial situation and have been doing everything we can to help the company succeed. But this is not about money; it's about job security and fairness. We believe the hidden agenda is to furlough employees and outsource their work. ATA forced mediation to happen by dragging out our contract negotiations and now is not taking mediation seriously. ATA has left us no alternative except to push for the next legal step, which will head us toward a strike," Young said

Since they have laid off over 130 members so far, I can see a the trend will continue!

The Downward Spiral Continues!
Name: Ben D. Over
Employer: UAL
Date: Wednesday September 29, 2004
Time: 07:49:30 AM

"There's not much extra spending money at all," said Ben Alexander, 36, who has worked as a mechanic at United for 15 years and saw his salary slashed about 13 percent a year ago. Alexander said he expects further pay and benefits cuts.

Paying the $6,000 annual taxes on his Levittown home and helping support two young children -- his wife, Lisbet, 35, is an American Airlines ticket agent -- has become difficult. He is looking to leave the industry that both his father and his mother worked in -- as employees of the now defunct Trans World Airlines -- to become a chef, possibly someplace out of New York State.

"My father encouraged me" to get into the airline business, said Alexander, who started as a baggage handler. "But what did I know? I was 19."

Alexander, who is president of the 1,000-member Local 1 of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, said he has become disillusioned with the industry.

"The level of disrespect from management in the airline industry is immense," Alexander said

I see a pattern from Amfa Reps?

The Downward Spiral Continues!
It may be time that amfa tried the strike process. They have had an ongoing campaign of "chaos" ever since they negotiated that contract at NW. You know people losing jobs,and work outsourced accross the "Big Pond"...!!!

The amfa's idea of "chaos" does not work. :shock:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
Checking it Out said:
September 29, 2004 04:20 PM US Eastern Timezone

Strike Possibility Increases as Frustrated ATA Mechanics Ask for Mediation to End

Since they have laid off over 130 members so far, I can see a the trend will continue!

The Downward Spiral Continues!

Comparing apples and organges again? The fact is that ATA and AMFA did not agree to open up their contract early in order to give the company the biggest concession package in history.

130 members laid off? Thats what around 1500 less than the number of jobs that have dissapeared from Tulsa alone?
Checking it Out said:
I see a pattern from Amfa Reps?

The Downward Spiral Continues!

Oh really? Maybe you really are in management! What pattern might that be?
Checking it Out said:
Name: Ben D. Over
Employer: UAL
Date: Wednesday September 29, 2004
Time: 07:49:30 AM

"There's not much extra spending money at all," said Ben Alexander, 36, who has worked as a mechanic at United for 15 years and saw his salary slashed about 13 percent a year ago. Alexander said he expects further pay and benefits cuts.

Paying the $6,000 annual taxes on his Levittown home and helping support two young children -- his wife, Lisbet, 35, is an American Airlines ticket agent -- has become difficult. He is looking to leave the industry that both his father and his mother worked in -- as employees of the now defunct Trans World Airlines -- to become a chef, possibly someplace out of New York State.

"My father encouraged me" to get into the airline business, said Alexander, who started as a baggage handler. "But what did I know? I was 19."

Alexander, who is president of the 1,000-member Local 1 of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, said he has become disillusioned with the industry.

"The level of disrespect from management in the airline industry is immense," Alexander said

I see a pattern from Amfa Reps?

The Downward Spiral Continues!

Why not post the rest of the article????
Name: Retired
Employer: XUAL
Station: SFO
Date: Thursday September 30, 2004
Time: 12:32:15 PM

Thanks to United and the AMFA, the cost of my medical insurance has just gone up 630%. What more do they want from me? Oh, I forgot, Dell wants to gut my pension too. To those of you still working, beware of Dell and the AMFA. Dell has gotten his pension locked in and doesn't give a damn about yours.

Downward Spiral Continues,
Received: 09/29/04 11:47:23 EDT
Name: AAxed
Employer: AA
WHAAA! WHAAA! WHAAA! Is that all you mechanics do? Quit crying like babies and do something about it! I don't know which is worse! The U.S.AIR,UAL mechanics that voted yes to concessions and took even more concessions in bankruptcy or the ALASKA mechanics x after all the mechanics getting laid off in OAKLAND. What a bunch of x! Of course I can't finish this post without mentioning the TWU "LIMP RICHARDS" at AA. You TWU wimps are the cause of all this! You short "wienered",concession loving, x are the true scabs of airline industry. The scabs at Eastern had more morals than you cowards and the scabs at Eastern had no morals at all!

I agree with this posting in regards to the union board and members of the TWUseless. When we voted to acccept wage concessions I voted no as I hoped the rest of my fellow AMT's would but I also knew that the only work group that had enough balls (or brass ovaries) to vote the deal out was the F/A's (since it was an all work groups accept or nothing deal.) Which they did initially did vote down. The TWU managed to sign the deal anyway making up the rules as they went along. All this even when it was discovered that the CEO was hiding money for the AMR board members. AA and the TWU are gonna F@#K you until they are desensitized anyway! Get those other 27 cards signed and kick the Toilet Workers Union to the curb!! I still can't believe you guys didn't have 100% of the AMFA cards after this last concession. Who in their right mind would still want them representing you?

There sure is a lot of people that hate the twu for what they have done to the industry!!!
Why than has the TWU Increased its active membership by 35,000 and amfa has increased by 17,000 active members over the last 10 years?

Seems to me the TWU is the better choice in Representation?

Amfa The downward Spiral Continues!
Checking it Out said:
Why than has the TWU Increased its active membership by 35,000 and amfa has increased by 17,000 active members over the last 10 years?

Seems to me the TWU is the better choice in Representation?

Amfa The downward Spiral Continues!


Please tell exactly when the "UNION" agenda changed from providing superior wage and benefit packages, to simply counting the number of dues paying jobs?

I somehow missed that transition notification and vote?

I damn sure do not appraise "union representation" based on "number" of jobs.
And without a doubt, neither does your own TWU rank and file member! That is exactly why you FEAR a representation vote, and also why you claim victory that a vote was denied.
Decision 2004 said:

Please tell exactly when the "UNION" agenda changed from providing superior wage and benefit packages, to simply counting the number of dues paying jobs?

I somehow missed that transition notification and vote?

I damn sure do not appraise "union representation" based on "number" of jobs.
And without a doubt, neither does your own TWU rank and file member! That is exactly why you FEAR a representation vote, and also why you claim victory that a vote was denied.

AFL-CIO Constitutional Preamble Art. II

Article II: Objects and Principles

The objects and principles of this Federation are:

1. To aid workers in securing improved wages, hours and working conditions with due regard for the autonomy, integrity and jurisdiction of affiliated unions.
Checking it Out said:
Why than has the TWU Increased its active membership by 35,000 and amfa has increased by 17,000 active members over the last 10 years?

Seems to me the TWU is the better choice in Representation?

Amfa The downward Spiral Continues!

Does the TWUs LM-2 reflect this increase? Is this merely another TWU lie?

How many of those "35000" actually voted to have the TWU as their representative?

How many of those 35000 are Aircraft Mechanics?

If the TWU increased their membership by 100,000 Casino workers, government workers and school bus drivers how does that help us?

If size is more important than unity and similar goals then why doesnt the TWU simply just fold us all over into the SEIU? Shouldnt the leaders be willing to do what is best for the members?
Go ahead and twist the facts!

As the TWU increases in membership, Amfa is decreasing! Outsource! Outsource! the trend continues under Amfa!

If I'm reading this right, under Amfa no union dues are collected?

Unity? please show us examples under Amfa? How many were at the last rally? Show us examples of the last voting that took place and show us Amfa unity?

The TWU members, Mechanic and Related showed Unity by not signing an Amfa card! That is Unity at its Best!!!!!!!! Twist as you will!!! The facts speak for themselves!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Go ahead and twist the facts!

As the TWU increases in membership, Amfa is decreasing! Outsource! Outsource! the trend continues under Amfa!

If I'm reading this right, under Amfa no union dues are collected?

Unity? please show us examples under Amfa? How many were at the last rally? Show us examples of the last voting that took place and show us Amfa unity?

The TWU members, Mechanic and Related showed Unity by not signing an Amfa card! That is Unity at its Best!!!!!!!! Twist as you will!!! The facts speak for themselves!!!!

CIO again fails to answer the questions!
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