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American/USAir-why not now?

jimntx, you are absolutely right. We do not need more cash, we need Congress to get off it's butt and change the law. The U.S. airline industry is almost fatally damanged. We need mergers with international partners to be allowed if we are ever going to thrive again.

keep saying that and in the meantime other carriers will continue to succeed and grow.

The US airline industry IS NOT BROKEN. Some carriers are.
keep saying that and in the meantime other carriers will continue to succeed and grow.

The US airline industry IS NOT BROKEN. Some carriers are.

Not broken? Oh I see, an airline has success for half a decade and suddenly the industry is fine? Let me know what happens the next time oil prices spike, or the economy turns bad (no, its not THAT bad right now). Anyone, who argues that the industry is better off deregulated has their head in the sand.....

777 / 767 / 757
keep saying that and in the meantime other carriers will continue to succeed and grow.

Yes; but in order to grow and succeed they have to continue to pay their employees less and less. It will always be a race to the bottom until the Bankrutpcy laws are changed, so that bad carriers are gone for good and not allowed to be recycled and continue flying.
There are any number of reasons why US and AA should not merge, but I do admit the likelihood is slightly greater than 50/50 right now. Giving Doug Parker another airline to ruin is just wrong. He is over his head with US, which over 7 years later is still not fully merged, due to....are you listening AA unions?....LABOR discord......

I sincerely believe that Parker sold you a bill of goods with regard to what you would get in a merger. Remember....he's a bean counter, nothing more. He has proven again and again a disdain for both customers and employees over the years. If you guys and gals think you hate Horton and company, just wait until you're working for Parker. He has become a management darling by leading the way to the bottom with excessive fees and paying industry worst wages.

I'd strongly suggest that union leaders at AA talk privately with their counterparts at US and get a more accurate picture of how things might look post merger. If you do, I think you might reconsider your support for Parker.

At the end of the day, AA might in fact be best served by a merger, but it may not be better with US, and I think it will take a management team not currently in command of either carrier to make it work. Honestly you need someone like Gordon Bethune, but he's a rare bird, as are managers who think like him.

I wish you ALL the best. Stay safe out there....

Any way you slice it, this is a crappy situation to be in. Our own management issues aside, what has been ongoing at US is even worse in my book. The infighting (which many believe is being encouraged by Parker), the lack of contracts, years and years of concessionary wages...I just don't want to be told later on that we were sold a bill of goods. Whatever agreements Parker made can easily be cast aside as we all know. It is frustrating when everyone seems to know what's best for you, but your gut instinct is to walk away and not look back.
And meanwhile... back at the O.K. CORRAL....

Let's take a look at the US Airways troops on Parker's greener side of the grass, shall we...The AMR unsecured creditors ought to take a look at this storm..

Strike Vote: See US Together – Hear US Together

October 10, 2012

Dear Flying Partner:

You can change the dynamics in negotiations.

On Tuesday, October 9, your AFA leadership met to discuss the next steps to obtain a fair contract for US Airways Flight Attendants. Attending the meeting were the AFA MEC officers, LEC Presidents, the Joint Negotiations Committee, local council officers, International President Veda Shook, International Vice President Sara Nelson, and experts from the AFA collective bargaining and legal departments.

At the meeting, both MECs unanimously authorized sending out a strike ballot to US Airways Flight Attendants. We remain focused on achieving a contract that works for all of us and in order to do that we need to back up our demands by taking action together. We will be providing detailed information regarding the strike vote, including strategic information on AFA’s trademarked CHAOS™ strike tactics. The vote will commence on October 31 and conclude on November 20.

The decision to take a strike vote is not made lightly. It was the result of full deliberation of all strategic options. Despite emphatic arguments made by your JNC, US Airways management has consistently refused to address your concerns. The unanimous conclusion of every AFA Officer - Local, MEC and International - was a strike vote is necessary to achieve a different dynamic for these negotiations.

We have to make clear what we are willing to do to achieve the contract we expect. Management has heard it from your leadership. They’ve seen the result of individual votes. Through a strong strike vote they will See US Together – Hear US Together. We can change our future through our unity.

In Solidarity,

Deborah Volpe AMW MEC President Roger Holmin USA MEC President Brian Clark
AMW MEC VP/Secretary-Treasurer Mark Gentile
USA MEC Vice President Glenda Tally
USA MEC Secretary-Treasurer Dianne Britton
DCA Council 41 President Terry Graf
PHL Council 70 President Cathy Campbell
CLT Council 89 President Veda Shook Sara Nelson Kevin Creighan International President International Vice President International Secretary-Treasurer Eva DeCastro
JNC Member David Hone
JNC Member Rick Knuth
JNC Member Audra West
JNC Member

And meanwhile... back at the O.K. CORRAL....

Let's take a look at the US Airways troops on Parker's greener side of the grass, shall we...The AMR unsecured creditors ought to take a look at this storm..

Strike Vote: See US Together – Hear US Together

October 10, 2012

Dear Flying Partner:

You can change the dynamics in negotiations.

On Tuesday, October 9, your AFA leadership met to discuss the next steps to obtain a fair contract for US Airways Flight Attendants. Attending the meeting were the AFA MEC officers, LEC Presidents, the Joint Negotiations Committee, local council officers, International President Veda Shook, International Vice President Sara Nelson, and experts from the AFA collective bargaining and legal departments.

At the meeting, both MECs unanimously authorized sending out a strike ballot to US Airways Flight Attendants. We remain focused on achieving a contract that works for all of us and in order to do that we need to back up our demands by taking action together. We will be providing detailed information regarding the strike vote, including strategic information on AFA’s trademarked CHAOS™ strike tactics. The vote will commence on October 31 and conclude on November 20.

The decision to take a strike vote is not made lightly. It was the result of full deliberation of all strategic options. Despite emphatic arguments made by your JNC, US Airways management has consistently refused to address your concerns. The unanimous conclusion of every AFA Officer - Local, MEC and International - was a strike vote is necessary to achieve a different dynamic for these negotiations.

We have to make clear what we are willing to do to achieve the contract we expect. Management has heard it from your leadership. They’ve seen the result of individual votes. Through a strong strike vote they will See US Together – Hear US Together. We can change our future through our unity.

In Solidarity,

Deborah Volpe AMW MEC President Roger Holmin USA MEC President Brian Clark
AMW MEC VP/Secretary-Treasurer Mark Gentile
USA MEC Vice President Glenda Tally
USA MEC Secretary-Treasurer Dianne Britton
DCA Council 41 President Terry Graf
PHL Council 70 President Cathy Campbell
CLT Council 89 President Veda Shook Sara Nelson Kevin Creighan International President International Vice President International Secretary-Treasurer Eva DeCastro
JNC Member David Hone
JNC Member Rick Knuth
JNC Member Audra West
JNC Member

Will you sign up for chaos NO you left . Will you contribute to a CHOAS ? You continue to stir when most of your ex co workers are for this merger. Nothing more than throwing us under the bus. Quit with your warnings to AA . Your reputation and legacy as a leader is nothing more than a joke out on the line . You had your chance to return.....
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a strike vote commonly taken at the same time a CBA vote is underway?
Will you sign up for chaos NO you left . Will you contribute to a CHOAS ? You continue to stir when most of your ex co workers are for this merger. Nothing more than throwing us under the bus. Quit with your warnings to AA . Your reputation and legacy as a leader is nothing more than a joke out on the line . You had your chance to return.....

My goodness, doesn't this just scare the heck out of you.... :blush:

Throw you under the bus...pray tell? I thought US Airways is doing G-R-E-A-T according to YOUR CEO. Hundreds of millions in profits this past quarter...what are you so afraid of??? Competiting??? Don't you guys have a business plan in place???? Aren't you pleased with the current position of US Airways? Isn't this what Parker and boys have been touting to the USC at AA. all these bankruptcies US Airways filed and billions in cost savings, dumping contracts, dumping pensions, placing more of the health premiums and out-of pocket increases on the workers, outsourcing, downsizing, hub closures, wasn't this whatUS Airways positioned themselves for a growing and thriving company???? Why all the fuss now???? What's US Airways problem with the current business plan they have in place that they won't be able to move forward and no longer compete without AA that you feel that the U work force will be thrown under some kind of bus if they can't merge??? What BS have you've been given to believe that all of a sudden, you guys will perish without AA????

The only folks that are FOR this hostile merger would be YOU and the execuive cronies in the Temp Palace. There is absolutely nothing for the US Airways workforce to gain through this kind of merger...zero, zip, ziltch, nadda...

And for the AA workforce...supporting a merger with US Airways while in BK, would allow US Airways to capture AA on the "cheap"...and that friend, is not why AA went into BK...not to be sold, inherited, captured, or taken advantage of while they are in this phase. the AA workforce should be garnering their security in unifying, working out the best deal they can get in BK, and move forward from there, just as all the other legacy carriers have done. After all, American Airlines is financing their OWN BK with THEIR money. US Airways has absolutely no buisness interfering in their process to emerge.

Tell Douggie, he ain't getting the airline during thier BK. Just as no one interferred with the TWO bk US Airways danced into.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a strike vote commonly taken at the same time a CBA vote is underway?

NO. Its when a tentative fails. IF the parties have reached an empass. Strike vote can be taken if the union leadershp has discussed their options and feel it is the next step, while a 30 day cooling off period can take place. ..Just because you take a strike vote doesn't mean you go on strike. It is for the union to see what support they have for a job action.

If I were there, I would be definitely moving on this asap!
the AA workforce should be garnering their security in unifying, working out the best deal they can get in BK, and move forward from there, just as all the other legacy carriers have done.
Gosh and they're so lucky having you here to dispense wisdom and direction to them. Your heartfelt altruism is really touching.

US Airways has absolutely no buisness interfering in their process to emerge.
Clearly it does, don't you read the news? What are you, the airline bankruptcy morality police? Is this really your first exposure to business politics in America?

Tell Douggie, he ain't getting the airline during thier BK. Just as no one interferred with the TWO bk US Airways danced into.
Ironically, Douggie is in a better position to tell you what's likely going to happen, since he's privy to the NDA and you're not. Parker had exactly what to do with US's past bankruptcies again?

Your handle is very apropos. All bite and no brains.
Gosh and they're so lucky having you here to dispense wisdom and direction to them. Your heartfelt altruism is really touching.

Clearly it does, don't you read the news? What are you, the airline bankruptcy morality police? Is this really your first exposure to business politics in America?

Ironically, Douggie is in a better position to tell you what's likely going to happen, since he's privy to the NDA and you're not. Parker had exactly what to do with US's past bankruptcies again?

Your handle is very apropos. All bite and no brains.

Clearly, non-interference during "exclusivity" is the L-A-W.

And yes, he doesn't have anything to do with US Airways BK, or the cost savings, but he does try to take credit for it when he can and when he feels its appropriate. He inherited billions of $$ cost savings US Airways got when they emerged. U didn't have a permenant CEO; Lakefield was always temporary, the interim CEO when Siegal left....as I am sure you already know. Douggie was heading up a regional carrier at the time, on the west coast. His claim to fame during his tenure at Am. West was being one of the only two carriers with their hand out asking for an ATSB Loan post 9/11. And because their own employee wages were at the bottom of the heap, post 9/11, the gov. didn't even have to ask them to get cost savings from their labor to qualify, as US Airways did.

He is now with the big leagues and is trying to boldly go where he doesn't belong.
My goodness, doesn't this just scare the heck out of you.... :blush:

Throw you under the bus...pray tell? I thought US Airways is doing G-R-E-A-T according to YOUR CEO. Hundreds of millions in profits this past quarter...what are you so afraid of??? Competiting??? Don't you guys have a business plan in place???? Aren't you pleased with the current position of US Airways? Isn't this what Parker and boys have been touting to the USC at AA. all these bankruptcies US Airways filed and billions in cost savings, dumping contracts, dumping pensions, placing more of the health premiums and out-of pocket increases on the workers, outsourcing, downsizing, hub closures, wasn't this whatUS Airways positioned themselves for a growing and thriving company???? Why all the fuss now???? What's US Airways problem with the current business plan they have in place that they won't be able to move forward and no longer compete without AA that you feel that the U work force will be thrown under some kind of bus if they can't merge??? What BS have you've been given to believe that all of a sudden, you guys will perish without AA????

The only folks that are FOR this hostile merger would be YOU and the execuive cronies in the Temp Palace. There is absolutely nothing for the US Airways workforce to gain through this kind of merger...zero, zip, ziltch, nadda...

And for the AA workforce...supporting a merger with US Airways while in BK, would allow US Airways to capture AA on the "cheap"...and that friend, is not why AA went into BK...not to be sold, inherited, captured, or taken advantage of while they are in this phase. the AA workforce should be garnering their security in unifying, working out the best deal they can get in BK, and move forward from there, just as all the other legacy carriers have done. After all, American Airlines is financing their OWN BK with THEIR money. US Airways has absolutely no buisness interfering in their process to emerge.

Tell Douggie, he ain't getting the airline during thier BK. Just as no one interferred with the TWO bk US Airways danced into.

What the hell are you talking about. I'm a line FA and I will always stand by AFA. You dear are no friend of mine. I'm no friend of management and never have been . Your axe to grind was years ago ,remember the contract you got us. You are not an analyst and your post mean nothing. Over and done remember again you left. We are here in the trenches so stop your nonsense. It was so nice of you to post that you are making 3 time more now ...real nice. We like our jobs and will persevere . WITH OUT YOU. I'm sure you will continue to bash US when we do merge, and that means you ex co-workers. You are insulting.
What the hell are you talking about. I'm a line FA and I will always stand by AFA. You dear are no friend of mine. I'm no friend of management and never have been . Your axe to grind was years ago ,remember the contract you got us. You are not an analyst and your post mean nothing. Over and done remember again you left. We are here in the trenches so stop your nonsense. It was so nice of you to post that you are making 3 time more now ...real nice. We like our jobs and will persevere . WITH OUT YOU. I'm sure you will continue to bash US when we do merge, and that means you ex co-workers. You are insulting.

Excuse me, I was responding to Chockjockey, are you posting by two names?

Did you forget what compuer you were on?

You are no flight attendant. What you should know is that flight attendants don't refer to themselves as a "line flight attendant".
Excuse me, I was responding to Chockjockey, are you posting by two names?

Did you forget what compuer you were on?

You are no flight attendant. What you should know is that flight attendants don't refer to themselves as a "line flight attendant".

Posting to you, and yes line FA. Pit the phil now 25 yrs . So don't tell me I'm not a us FA . You really just post about nothing you know about . Talk about living in the past. I'm dedicated and support my union l I also walked off the plane to support the mech strike . Can you say that. Read a newspaper and take your misinformation to a blog that will support you .
Pitbull is out of Control. You have no clue what will happen with AA/US. Horton,Dougie and The Creditors do not know. What I do know is The AA Creditors will know soon and will make The Best Decision for There Pockets. They Don't care about AA or US and The Employees. Airline Employee Loyalty is Gone and Morale is low. I have a gut feeling we will all know there decision before The Holidays. When a company rapes you our Loyalty, Morale and Dedication are gone. Remember people at The End of the day we are just a number and we are the biggest company expense . O

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