And meanwhile... back at the O.K. CORRAL....
Let's take a look at the US Airways troops on Parker's greener side of the grass, shall we...The AMR unsecured creditors ought to take a look at this storm..
Strike Vote: See US Together – Hear US Together
October 10, 2012
Dear Flying Partner:
You can change the dynamics in negotiations.
On Tuesday, October 9, your AFA leadership met to discuss the next steps to obtain a fair contract for US Airways Flight Attendants. Attending the meeting were the AFA MEC officers, LEC Presidents, the Joint Negotiations Committee, local council officers, International President Veda Shook, International Vice President Sara Nelson, and experts from the AFA collective bargaining and legal departments.
At the meeting, both MECs unanimously authorized sending out a strike ballot to US Airways Flight Attendants. We remain focused on achieving a contract that works for all of us and in order to do that we need to back up our demands by taking action together. We will be providing detailed information regarding the strike vote, including strategic information on AFA’s trademarked CHAOS™ strike tactics. The vote will commence on October 31 and conclude on November 20.
The decision to take a strike vote is not made lightly. It was the result of full deliberation of all strategic options. Despite emphatic arguments made by your JNC, US Airways management has consistently refused to address your concerns. The unanimous conclusion of every AFA Officer - Local, MEC and International - was a strike vote is necessary to achieve a different dynamic for these negotiations.
We have to make clear what we are willing to do to achieve the contract we expect. Management has heard it from your leadership. They’ve seen the result of individual votes. Through a strong strike vote they will See US Together – Hear US Together. We can change our future through our unity.
In Solidarity,
Deborah Volpe AMW MEC President Roger Holmin USA MEC President Brian Clark
AMW MEC VP/Secretary-Treasurer Mark Gentile
USA MEC Vice President Glenda Tally
USA MEC Secretary-Treasurer Dianne Britton
DCA Council 41 President Terry Graf
PHL Council 70 President Cathy Campbell
CLT Council 89 President Veda Shook Sara Nelson Kevin Creighan International President International Vice President International Secretary-Treasurer Eva DeCastro
JNC Member David Hone
JNC Member Rick Knuth
JNC Member Audra West
JNC Member