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American Sniper

Ms Tree said:
First off the Pres is going to go with the recommendations of the Pentagon unless there is a obvious reason not to.
You keep saying that they will be on 'public streets' and now on our 'door step' but have not provided any sources to this statement.  Something verifying this would be nice.  I can't find a damn thing that substantiates what you are saying. 
According to a report in the Houston Chronicle Operation Jade Helm includes plans for the Army Special Forces teams to mingle with citizens unidentified as the residents are asked to report “suspicious activity.” The effectiveness of the special ops soldiers involved in the realist military training exercises will reportedly be gauged by how masterfully they engage in such activity without attracting the attention of citizens.
WalMart reopens:

southwind said:
Oh! So the Prez doesn't have any oversight of "His" military.....got it!
Once again your ignorance is just astounding.  If the presidents job was to sign off on every training exercise 
the military does that's all he would be doing.
southwind said:
Give a crap about our military is "NOT" the topic. You putting words in my mouth doesn't prove sh!t!
Sorry but you made it the the topic not me.
southwind said:
And thank you for your service but, doesn't excuse you from being a libtard!
Why didn't you join?  Guys like you are always talking tough but when push came to shove you didn't sign on the dotted line.  Didn't have the time?  Probably couldn't hack boot camp.  You would have been one of the guys crying for his mommy at night.
southwind said:
Two faced? Supporting our troops that defend our country is one thing, supporting the people responsible for sending them to your doorstep, 
So far all you have really talked about is how much an inconvenience this is and how they should stay on base.
southwind said:
Two faced? Supporting our troops that defend our country is one thing, supporting the people responsible for sending them to your doorstep, for a "Training" exercise, when they have millions of acres of military bases, to do so , is another!
Ignorance must be bliss huh SW.  You really have no idea the type of training that is being conducted do you?  Can't be bothered with details?
When taken as a stand alone exercise Jade Helm seems rather benign. However, it takes om a much more scary exercise when taken in context with things like the Patriot Act, NSA syping, multiple wars in the Middle East, warrantless searches, DHS, TSA and a host of other government activities designed to confiscate individual Liberty in the name of security..
southwind said:
" Dissin' a American hero who saved hundreds of lives "  ????????????????
W H A T.......D O N T..........Y O U.........UNDERSTAND........( YOU NINCOMPOOP ) about the whole  F'n    IRAQ thing  ???????????????
Saddam Hussain aside,.........WE INVADED A COUNTRY THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 911.
So SUPERMAN Kyle killed a shiit load of guys who were fighting against an INVADER !
I guess you must have missed my class about the two most dangerous types of an AMERICAN.
2.    ............." A ......B L I N D.....PATRIOT "  !!
" SD - F - S - H "
The  ' SD '.. stands for   SOUTHERN  DUMB
and the  ' H '  stands for HEAD  !!!!!
SparrowHawk said:
When taken as a stand alone exercise Jade Helm seems rather benign. However, it takes om a much more scary exercise when taken in context with things like the Patriot Act, NSA syping, multiple wars in the Middle East, warrantless searches, DHS, TSA and a host of other government activities designed to confiscate individual Liberty in the name of security..
All the whining dickheads from the left have a hard time fathoming why a large portion of America sees gov't in this context.
There have been people whining that the government was coming to take away all their rights for a long time (mainly when a Democrat is in office). I am still waiting for this to happen. The Patriot act was passed under GWB and has been extended under both parties.

Serialized ammo, confiscation of guns, etc., all were supposed to happen under the Kenyan socialist, communist, or whatever the label of the day is.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
ONLY a MORON like YOU would.....'SWALLOW' .......the BULL SHITT about the Great Chris Kyle.
( GULP / SLURP )  !!
Bears, you're such a chickenshite.... Let's see you man-up and say that to a Seal's face.

I'd pay good money to see his response.
eolesen said:
Bears, you're such a chickenshite.... Let's see you man-up and say that to a Seal's face.

I'd pay good money to see his response.
Your bad asss talk DOESN'T change the fact that KYLE was a 'cowboy' in a country he had NO BUSINESS in.
If he had done his heroics in afghanistan, no one would have heard a F'n peep out of me.
You talk a ton of RAG TIME Shiit about the military, so aside from your family member's service, or my service during the 'nam era,.....what branch of the service again were YOU in Eric  ????????
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Your bad asss talk DOESN'T change the fact that KYLE was a 'cowboy' in a country he had NO BUSINESS in.
If he had done his heroics in afghanistan, no one would have heard a F'n peep out of me.
You talk a ton of RAG TIME Shiit about the military, so aside from your family member's service, or my service during the 'nam era,.....what branch of the service again were YOU in Eric  ????????
Oh, so since you don't agree with the war in Iraq, that makes the service men and women that served there unworthy of your support?
I know people and have relatives that served in Vietnam and you are nothing but a disgrace to them!
Now, on you knees before your Porcelain God....Bigot!

A lot of people thought we had no business in Nam but there we were.
And noticed you mentioned your service "During" the Nam era but, no mention of actually serving in Nam.....big difference!

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