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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

You really think Biden won the election? Best expand your sources of news. You won't find on mainstream media. Turns out your liberal peeps got a little too cocky. They have been caught red handed. As if the paper ballot fraud wasn't enough, these rocket scientists used an illegal voting system called Dominion in 38 states. Dominion is a Canadian based company that was set up for illegal election control. Used in Venezuela, and other banana republics; anyway, it was no secret that it was used during this election, and all the fraud has been logged. Long story short, 6 months from now your boy Biden will either be in jail or the memory care wing of an assisted living facility.
Wrong thread.
What else would you have expected? No doubt his next expose will appear in the MAX is Back thread. Dominion will have been used to create a replacement aircraft for the MAX, and to prove you wrong it will only have seats for Trump and family. (I read it in the Bull Goose Loony News. You need to start reading the News. It's the only paper that tells the true truth.)
Getting back on topic of "right sizing", SWA just sent out 403 Warn letters and an additional 1,000 plus notices of possible displacements from bumping when the furloughed notified folks exercise their seniority.
If an extension comes down for the PPP, no furloughs will happen in 2021...

Why do AMFA have to depend on the Welfare of the Government to help save its Members. Hell the TWU/IAM does that. Sounds like the same crap to me.. Hey dont Republicans hate the Welfare system. LMFAO
Well, you know...if a Body has an accessible and usable pile of cash somewhere then money from the government is outright COMMUNISM! If no cash pile, it's the government's job to keep essential personnel working at full pay (like a/c mechanics, but not baggage handlers🙄)
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Well, you know...if a Body has an accessible and usable pile of cash somewhere then money from the government is outright COMMUNISM! If no cash pile, it's the government's job to keep essential personnel working at full pay (like a/c mechanics, but not baggage handlers🙄)


There are essential workers across the board in many parts of our daily lives, putting one work group above another is narrow minded. (NO INSULT MEANT)
From the guy who stocks the shelves at your local food store to the waitress who brings your food while you are out dining. The Fleet guys have a part in moving the passengers bags the airlines service. One without the other breaks the chain. How is it the Government's job to pay one group over the other without breaking the chain? There are more Fleet workers at the airlines than a/c mechanics, what does that tell you? There is more than we see that is required of them in the airlines eyes than what is required by us. Separating work groups is what M&R wants, but that has to do with representation and all that comes with that.

Cutting the chain disrupts the operation, at that point the passengers will then decide if it's better to change from one carrier to another. With the CV19 which is affecting society today, every person has to put food on the table for their families. Is YOUR Family more important than the guy who works next to YOU?
It all comes down to dollars and cents, when the airline decides to cut your pay or lay you off, they are looking at their bottom line. They decide it's NOT one union members job to decide which group gets affected. It is a Union guys job to support other unions, even though they aren't in the same class & craft.
Many these days don't see it that way, that is why Unions today have so much trouble. The IGM attitude should be set aside, don't you think?

JMHO and this has NOTHING to do with Politics whatsoever.
Well, you know...if a Body has an accessible and usable pile of cash somewhere then money from the government is outright COMMUNISM! If no cash pile, it's the government's job to keep essential personnel working at full pay (like a/c mechanics, but not baggage handlers🙄)
Call it what it is. WELFARE.
[QUOTE="AMFAinMIAMI, post: 1360401, member:
AMFA, you are preaching to the choir. If you have not figured out yet that I'm a yellow-dog Democrat, you are not paying attention.

I was simply pointing out the differences in viewpoint from well-to-do Middle Class citizens to not so well-to-do folk. Both sides are hypocrites at this stage of the game. The majority of the well-to-do group are good evangelicals who will tell you to your face that if you are poor it's because you chose to be poor and deserve no assistance whatsoever. The other side think it's a hardship to even go to work to pick up your check.
Remember this quote from Parker back in 2017? Even the media is reminding Parker of what he stated publicly and on the record.

Back in 2017, CEO Doug Parker said while discussing airlines, “The old world was darkness, but now it’s light […] I know I sound like an evangelist talking about this.” He continued, “I don’t think we’re ever going to lose money again.”

Quote can be found in this article comparing the probable return of the airlines:

Remember this quote from Parker back in 2017? Even the media is reminding Parker of what he stated publicly and on the record.

Back in 2017, CEO Doug Parker said while discussing airlines, “The old world was darkness, but now it’s light […] I know I sound like an evangelist talking about this.” He continued, “I don’t think we’re ever going to lose money again.”

Quote can be found in this article comparing the probable return of the airlines:

When he says "WE" you need to question who are the "WE"?
That mindset is the right one; now you just have to convince the “stop riding our coattails!” crowd, I wish you well.
I never could understand that mentality myself. These fools act like the other work groups are plotting and scheming behind their backs to steal what is theirs. If they want a UNION more representative of their needs and more focused on their work group fine but, they need to stop accusing other work groups, who have no more control of the contract than they do, of riding their coattails. It is not productive. It only pisses people off.

If these dumbass mechanics think Fleet is getting a free ride then they need to go smash bags for a couple of months in the dead of winter and see if that tunes up their attitude a bit.

I'll be damned if I would tolerate baseless accusations due to someone else's greed and self importance.

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