And that's the beginning, middle, and end of the discussion.
Do AA's AMTs want it bad enough? Do they want it bad enough to overcome the things O.A.M. has pointed out will happen? To overcome the tidal wave of fear-mongering we all know is coming?
Fear of change & fear of loss are very effective tools. You can best believe the Association is figuring out how best to use them as I type this.
Yes come today (this morning) I am sure we will get loads of folks reporting all the uptick in fear mongering, threats, and misinformation that will flood the rank and file from the Asso., TWU, and IAM and maybe even some from AA. Since announcement came over the weekend, and the filing was Fri., pretty sure we will get earfulls starting on Mon.
Just remember guys "DO NOT" just believe everything you are told about what will happen or going to happen. DO your own homework, and research and get the info yourselves. This includes any AMFA supporters telling you anything, find supporting structure that backs it all up. The propaganda machine will come on full force from the anti-AMFA galleries as it always does. It did at NWA, SWA, ALK, United, Horizon etc. everywhere where there was a representational vote for AMFA being held, and so far at all carriers listed AMFA prevailed. Usually the anti-AMFA propaganda will get so badly full of lies and misinformation that they usually help the AMFA get in with all their ridiculous made up stories, lies, and misinformation.
The Pensions questions? Go to the source to get answers. Goto the IAM pension fund website, call their contacts and ask all the questions if AMFA became the new representational union at AA. You guys WILL NOT lose your pensions. And YES, even though a representational change was made with the union you can and will still be able get the contributions should the majority of the members would want to keep it, and why wouldn't they at least until a new retirement package could be worked out "EQUALLY" across the board for all in the contract by AMFA after Amendable date is achieved. I would say more than likely the same match the other group will have in their 401K's will be moved over to all.
Stay strong, stay united and keep everyone informed. Answer all members questions no matter how small, verify everything for everyone, and AMFA will prevail the winner IMO, stay true and be professional and honest with backing support to show for anything that may come up. Still alot more work to do, but well worth it guys.
I think one of the biggest hurdles coming is the legibility list confirmations. The TWU/IAM/Asso as well as the company (AA) will knowingly pad the legibility list like they always have in the past. AMFA organizers are well prepared for it this time around and are expecting to have to trim that legibility list down (with evidence) and prove it to the NMB. The next couple moves will get very intense and busy for the organizers and AMFA National.
I am excited that the cards made it to the NMB. I am confident the will be an election coming the the Mechanic and Related at AA. Just gotta get thru these last, say, month, month and a half maybe...
OOPS! Thought I was in AMFA thread--sorry, will move it.