Too little too late. The layoffs and furlough processes have already begun 2 days before she mouthed off about the airlines to postpone their layoffs. She called on the airlines to delay their layoffs on Fri. when the airlines started these on Wed. 2 days prior. She's so stupid. She was told again and again that the hard date will enact on Oct 1st 2020, did she think the airline execs were bluffing?? This is how unconnected to the "REAL" problems she is, and how SHE is solely focussed on party rather than American workers. Now all of a sudden she states she wants to move an individual aviation bill thru.
How bad could it get. Well, for the first time even our CEO is saying if no stimulus is passed SWA will also be a target of layoffs and furloughs in 2021.
He has only promised no layoffs or pay cuts this year, next year is a whole other story if no agreement to extend comes forth.
Both sides need to wheel and deal and come to an agreement before its too dam late. Stop playing with peoples lives and get it done...
You are 100% correct, if a bill was to be past to aid the airlines and other industries it should of been done weeks ago. The airline CEO's should of been told that it was coming. At AA we closed a few stations for aircraft maintenance, those were going to happen either way, those also won't be un-done either. Rental space at those airports has been promised and gates and whatever other facilities that are required to operate at those airports contracts have been signed.
The airlines could of adjusted the packages to get more workers to go, thus keeping the new/Jr. guys on payroll.
I took the package, it was a good deal for me. Everyone has a different idea what is good for them and their families. Comparing what happens at each carrier really makes NO sense, each airline has its own problems. What ever those are it is and always will be just part of what we all know is part of our industry. What happens outside of our industry is also not something we can compare our industry too.
Many including myself had to start over either at another carrier or even change career paths depending on age. There is life outside of our industry don't fool yourselves. The real shame is that this is an election year and Both parties are looking at ways to bring a positive light to what they believe is best. CV19 hurt us all as well. We settled our contract this yr, and to this day they are still playing with it. Many challenges to the verbage have been filed.
Was right sizing going to happen this yr without CV19? "NO" but at some point it always does happen in our industry. Here at AA, at least most of the M&R employees got a chance to transfer to a station they wanted to be at before all this foolishness began. Each round of bumping that does happen will move some of the guys around but it is
MY opinion that very few in M&R will end up on the street, those with seniority who do go, it will be because they didn't want to commute.
Within M&R we do have a possibility of a light at the end of the tunnel, within the next 6-7 weeks we the AMFA Organizers are planning on filing with the NMB the cards signed by our members. This will give us a chance to remove the IAM/TWU industrial union ASSociation. Separating our class and craft will help us in the long run. How and what effect it will have on the other work groups is unknown.
GOOD LUCK to ALL the remaining airlines workers, I wish ALL of YOU the best. Stay safe, wear your masks, follow your state guidelines.