Agree. It's that way here, your seniority takes you where it takes you. Ex: 30 year mechanic bids lead or inspector, he takes that 30 years with him into the new position, however, with that said; at his original first time bidding into new classification (mid year and not at annual bid) the 30 mechanic will have to take what is left open after all current leads and/or inspectors bid first, as they are already "IN" that classification. Once 30 mech. is in the new classification he then will use his 30 years of seniority to bid wherever he/she wants in future bids within the new classification. If no more bids come open in his new classification for the rest of year, then he/she is stuck until annual bid comes around and start off new year.
Classificational and Occupation time takes seniority away from the mechs that wait a long time to get into a new classification.