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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

Don’t know where you are getting your info but I know a CC in TPA with ‘89 seniority that got his RIF email...


richardhead is talking about M&R, the TWU has a list out and lists the stations that will have openings. He is correct. So you must be talking about Ramp/Fleet, or some other dept. CC.

richardhead is talking about M&R, the TWU has a list out and lists the stations that will have openings. He is correct. So you must be talking about Ramp/Fleet, or some other dept. CC.

Copy...you are correct
Don’t know where you are getting your info but I know a CC in TPA with ‘89 seniority that got his RIF email...
Dont forget new agreement goes by classification seniority..


Plus.. you talking TPA,, very senior...
You need to go look at the seniority list...cc time is different from mechanic time..

I know that as well but each groups classification is still occupational time or CC time within the workgroup. That is just another reason we need to get rid of the IAM way of doing that. Due to the way the structure is only Jr. guys will end up as CC. Why would anyone with any time become a CC and go to midnights with W/T off and bid last. makes no sense...
I know that as well but each groups classification is still occupational time or CC time within the workgroup. That is just another reason we need to get rid of the IAM way of doing that. Due to the way the structure is only Jr. guys will end up as CC. Why would anyone with any time become a CC and go to midnights with W/T off and bid last. makes no sense...
Ok,, whatever.... The original poster I replied to claimed a TPA guy with 89 sen got a notice. The fact is, that person if he did in fact get a notice has mechanic time of 89 and is a CC with 93 CC time.

Therefore the original poster was deliberately or not deliberately misleading.
I know that as well but each groups classification is still occupational time or CC time within the workgroup. That is just another reason we need to get rid of the IAM way of doing that. Due to the way the structure is only Jr. guys will end up as CC. Why would anyone with any time become a CC and go to midnights with W/T off and bid last. makes no sense...
Agree. It's that way here, your seniority takes you where it takes you. Ex: 30 year mechanic bids lead or inspector, he takes that 30 years with him into the new position, however, with that said; at his original first time bidding into new classification (mid year and not at annual bid) the 30 mechanic will have to take what is left open after all current leads and/or inspectors bid first, as they are already "IN" that classification. Once 30 mech. is in the new classification he then will use his 30 years of seniority to bid wherever he/she wants in future bids within the new classification. If no more bids come open in his new classification for the rest of year, then he/she is stuck until annual bid comes around and start off new year.
Classificational and Occupation time takes seniority away from the mechs that wait a long time to get into a new classification.
Agree. It's that way here, your seniority takes you where it takes you. Ex: 30 year mechanic bids lead or inspector, he takes that 30 years with him into the new position, however, with that said; at his original first time bidding into new classification (mid year and not at annual bid) the 30 mechanic will have to take what is left open after all current leads and/or inspectors bid first, as they are already "IN" that classification. Once 30 mech. is in the new classification he then will use his 30 years of seniority to bid wherever he/she wants in future bids within the new classification. If no more bids come open in his new classification for the rest of year, then he/she is stuck until annual bid comes around and start off new year.
Classificational and Occupation time takes seniority away from the mechs that wait a long time to get into a new classification.


Most of your statement is if a person takes a CC or Insp job mid bid, so with that I am assuming you (SWA) bid just once a yr? WE bid 3-4 times a year. Within our current CBA if you take a CC or Insp. bid at this point you would lose you OCC. time in MTC and start fresh in the new classification. So a 30 yr AMT would bid last for shift & days off, since he would be the Jr. CC or Insp and has the OCC time when he joined his new Classification. (That is the way the IAM did it.) This was done by an arbitrator during our contract negotiations. When we had just the TWU your OCC. Time would carry over and then you would bid accordingly, at bid time. If you came into a classification mid bid it worked the same here, get what slot is available unless more than one slot and multiple candidates were awarded bids at a station.
Ok,, whatever.... The original poster I replied to claimed a TPA guy with 89 sen got a notice. The fact is, that person if he did in fact get a notice has mechanic time of 89 and is a CC with 93 CC time.

Therefore the original poster was deliberately or not deliberately misleading.
He was not a mechanic, he was Ramp/Fleet.

richardhead is talking about M&R, the TWU has a list out and lists the stations that will have openings. He is correct. So you must be talking about Ramp/Fleet, or some other dept. CC.
Copy...you are correct

Most of your statement is if a person takes a CC or Insp job mid bid, so with that I am assuming you (SWA) bid just once a yr? WE bid 3-4 times a year. Within our current CBA if you take a CC or Insp. bid at this point you would lose you OCC. time in MTC and start fresh in the new classification. So a 30 yr AMT would bid last for shift & days off, since he would be the Jr. CC or Insp and has the OCC time when he joined his new Classification. (That is the way the IAM did it.) This was done by an arbitrator during our contract negotiations. When we had just the TWU your OCC. Time would carry over and then you would bid accordingly, at bid time. If you came into a classification mid bid it worked the same here, get what slot is available unless more than one slot and multiple candidates were awarded bids at a station.

Yes, we just bid once a year for annual positions. Then of course when openings come open they have mid year bids with trickling to fill positions after folks move around. Didn't realize you guys bidded 3-4 times per year.
I don't agree with OCC or classification time seniority.
Yes, we just bid once a year for annual positions. Then of course when openings come open they have mid year bids with trickling to fill positions after folks move around. Didn't realize you guys bidded 3-4 times per year.
I don't agree with OCC or classification time seniority.
Contractually yes we suppose to bid there times a year. Back fills are always posted as guys retire or transfer out. We also have back fills on vacation openings for the same reason. Of course local management can decide when to post it how often on back fills.
Yes, we just bid once a year for annual positions. Then of course when openings come open they have mid year bids with trickling to fill positions after folks move around. Didn't realize you guys bidded 3-4 times per year.
I don't agree with OCC or classification time seniority.


So how do you guys bid? Is it done by company time? If so then it's ok with you that a 25 yr ramp/fleet person goes and gets an A&P then comes into maintenance with zero experience and bids for your job?

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