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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

I can't find it now, but the company made a formal disclosure in the paper that there would be 19,000 additional furloughs. EEE YIKES!!! And flying only a fourth of the international schedule? That's tiptoeing along the edges of bankruptcy. How can they stay alive with so little income. Cutting flights and reducing schedules are good for cost savings, but do absolutely nothing toward generating income. What business do you know of that could survive any length period with no income?
Not many that i know of. Especially airlines, am not aware of one that shrank to profitability.

Now children...pay attention to this post. You need to learn the difference between "right-size" and "down-size." This difference may make a HUGELY difference on your future at American Airlines.

The difference: Down-sizing (which is NOT what AA is proposing) is where some managers also lose their jobs.

Any questions? You need to ask now before it's too late.

Sample answer: [to AMT with less than 40 years seniority] "you're toast."
Sample answer: [to randomly selected manager] "Nothing to worry about. Let's do lunch next week."

Cynical? Moi? How could you say such a thing to me?🙄
So whats your point ? How many Managers have you seen last beyond the longevity of your average mechanic. They usually start out as ground floor Supervisors and maybe get promoted once or twice if they get fast tracked before finally hitting the wall just before being jettisoned in a merger, or bankruptcy. Seniority doesn't mean crap to an employee at will. Get over the whining. No airline employee is safe in this Covid nightmare. It is what it is.
With the new layoff and bump we NO LONGER do it the TWU way. It will be done per our contract that you can pick anywhere there is a Jr. guy to you and bump him/her. The old way of the TWU telling you what stations you can select is OVER.
I GET that!!

My question was not how the lay off is done but what the next step is which OF COURSE is different since the company is no longer doing lay offs the "TWU Way". So, the company has thrown a number out there, there is talk of 2 stations closing, does anyone know where all the people are being laid off from ? Once you know that piece, then you can identify who's going to be let go from THAT station, figure out THEIR seniority and then identify junior stations and who's can get knocked out of those?

Am I correct in my thinking there ?

And to be honest, I hate to hear about guys getting layed off but, I don't give 2 shites about it, I have a bunch of sene so I wont be affected AT ALL. Which btw, when the union made a deal outside of the agreement in 03, we were all affected adversely for 17 years, I am not in favor of that. Follow the agreed upon contract, no matter the pain to those affected.
TPA is supposed to go up around additional 20 heads. MCO is also supposed to go up a couple. CLT isn't being touched. TULE supposed to take the biggest hit.
And to be honest, I hate to hear about guys getting layed off but, I don't give 2 shites about it, I have a bunch of sene so I wont be affected AT ALL.
Now THAT is the TWU membership I know and love.


At least you are honest "UNION brother".

We're all just one big, happy, backstabbing family. 🙂
And flying only a fourth of the international schedule? That's tiptoeing along the edges of bankruptcy. How can they stay alive with so little income. Cutting flights and reducing schedules are good for cost savings, but do absolutely nothing toward generating income. What business do you know of that could survive any length period with no income?

errr...that's why the govt. immediately went to work on the cares act in the early spring.

it wouldn't have been only aa, it would have been the legacy 3 and later southwest, as an additional BK would have given the legacy 3 a business advantage over southwest.

this is the meat and potatoes of why i argued in march and april the govt. didn't care what an airline's debt level was, the govt. can't have everyone filing. total disaster.

the grants pay a large percentage of salary (76% of aa's wages in 2q20) and ultra-low interest loans help with the day to day expenses of running the airline.

i read that trump may try an end-around and sign an executive order to extend the cares act for the airlines. i thought congress controlled the govt's purse-strings...but we see trump's $300 a week fed unemployment executive order become reality for states willing to accept it.
Now THAT is the TWU membership I know and love.


At least you are honest "UNION brother".

We're all just one big, happy, backstabbing family. 🙂

Says the man that never had any..

Now Loopy Loop,,,, How about just keep on quoting and replying to yourself and revel about days gone by, when you once worked for the big airline but were so unjustly relieved of your minuscule duties by the big horrible company with the subservient union... ... Oh wait, your wife still does...

Yessir you INDEED know what your talking about Loopster... We all know that you secretly dream of having a job where you do something not only lucrative but something that has some importance to it. Its never to late to change lulu..

Oh wait,,,, maybe you better hold off,,, you wouldn't have any SENIORITY... You'd be unceremoniously relived of your duties again...


Well , you can kind of come close to us, just keep on sitting there behind your keyboard and post and reply 24/7/365... Some ones gotta do it....
Says the man that never had any..
Oh? And what information are you basing this assumption off of? Tarot cards?

Now Loopy Loop,,,, How about just keep on quoting and replying to yourself and revel about days gone by, when you once worked for the big airline but were so unjustly relieved of your minuscule duties by the big horrible company with the subservient union... ... Oh wait, your wife still does...
Those 2 UNION officers stabbed Fleet in the back. It is a FACT that one of those officers bypassed seniority. It has been implied that the other was put into a shop where the increased headcount could not be justified and his knowledge of the work (electronics) was about 20 years out of date (his knowledge was acquired during his military days and he had been in Fleet for over 20 years). I could care less if you believe the UNION cut a deal to push a concessionary contract, I was there, I lived it. I saw the fallout from it.

Yessir you INDEED know what your talking about Loopster... We all know that you secretly dream of having a job where you do something not only lucrative but something that has some importance to it. Its never to late to change lulu..
I work for a major ISP and optimize the internet infrastructure. I would say that is pretty damn important, especially now during COVID. Also I made more in my second year than I made after 12 working for American Airlines. But, you just keep telling yourself that.

Oh wait,,,, maybe you better hold off,,, you wouldn't have any SENIORITY... You'd be unceremoniously relived of your duties again...
That is true I would have no seniority. Don't kid yourself though, if I wanted to be back at that base I could have been back several times over by now. I know that for a fact because many people in my shop with lower seniority than me were able to do so.


Well , you can kind of come close to us, just keep on sitting there behind your keyboard and post and reply 24/7/365... Some ones gotta do it....
Come close to us?

A bit arrogant are we.

No thank you I am fine right where I am.
"Based on current demand levels, we at American now plan to fly less than 50% of our airline in the fourth quarter, with long-haul international particularly reduced to only 25% of 2019 levels."

$hit's worse than they thought I guess!

I can't find it now, but the company made a formal disclosure in the paper that there would be 19,000 (involuntary) additional furloughs. EEE YIKES!!! And flying only a fourth of the international schedule? That's tiptoeing along the edges of bankruptcy. How can they stay alive with so little income. Cutting flights and reducing schedules are good for cost savings, but do absolutely nothing toward generating income. What business do you know of that could survive any length period with no income?

Says the man that never had any..

Now Loopy Loop,,,, How about just keep on quoting and replying to yourself and revel about days gone by, when you once worked for the big airline but were so unjustly relieved of your minuscule duties by the big horrible company with the subservient union... ... Oh wait, your wife still does...

Yessir you INDEED know what your talking about Loopster... We all know that you secretly dream of having a job where you do something not only lucrative but something that has some importance to it. Its never to late to change lulu..

Oh wait,,,, maybe you better hold off,,, you wouldn't have any SENIORITY... You'd be unceremoniously relived of your duties again...


Well , you can kind of come close to us, just keep on sitting there behind your keyboard and post and reply 24/7/365... Some ones gotta do it....

Let's just hope Trump will do another reach around on the congress if needed. He is getting tired of the games these dems are playing and will do a go around exec. order if he needs to get something done for the workers in America.
Save jobs Trump, do the reach around...

So whats your point ? How many Managers have you seen last beyond the longevity of your average mechanic. They usually start out as ground floor Supervisors and maybe get promoted once or twice if they get fast tracked before finally hitting the wall just before being jettisoned in a merger, or bankruptcy. Seniority doesn't mean crap to an employee at will. Get over the whining. No airline employee is safe in this Covid nightmare. It is what it is.
My. My. When you go shopping at the mall this weekend with wifey, you might look to see if anyone has senses of humor on sale. You're in need of one. That whole post of mine about downsizing vs. rightsizing that started the thread was a joke. It came from my experience of working at a major oil company that "rightsized" their staff.
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My. My. When you go shopping at the mall this weekend with wifey, you might look to see if anyone has senses of humor on sale. You're in need of one. That whole post of mine about downsizing vs. rightsizing that started the thread was a joke. It came from my experience of working at a major oil company that "rightsized" their staff.

Forgot to add...the oil company that "right-sized" no longer exists. It will be interesting to see if any of the Big 4 airlines fails to survive this exercise. There's such a thing called corporate memory. It enables company employees to walk in to the office or other work place and start working without extensive (or in best cases, any) direction from management. Massive layoffs tend to result in the loss of corporate memory. It is difficult to impossible for a company to survive such a loss. Not judgin'. just sayin'.
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TPA is supposed to go up around additional 20 heads. MCO is also supposed to go up a couple. CLT isn't being touched. TULE supposed to take the biggest hit.

Don’t know where you are getting your info but I know a CC in TPA with ‘89 seniority that got his RIF email...

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