American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

There might be some Federal grants made available, but it's essentially the local government's property and debt.
Then why does the federal government provide security (TSA)? If it is the local governments property shouldn't they be providing the security?

I am sure you can see how it could be confusing for someone not in the know to understand how airports are financed because they have so many sources of income and there seems to be a high level of federal involvement at a lot of levels.
AA has again extended the VEOP and VLOA till aug 17. This tells me they aren't going to get enough people to take it given their not offering much when compared to DL n SW
AA has again extended the VEOP and VLOA till aug 17. This tells me they aren't going to get enough people to take it given their not offering much when compared to DL n SW
I'm not hearing many guys talking about taking it anymore. I guess in Aircraft Maintenance the target was achieved for voluntary leaves.
I'm not hearing many guys talking about taking it anymore. I guess in Aircraft Maintenance the target was achieved for voluntary leaves.
For fleet at DCA I only know of 2 guys taking the early ou . Not many are taking VLOA bec of AA lack of $$$$ when compared to DL and SW.
AA has again extended the VEOP and VLOA till aug 17. This tells me they aren't going to get enough people to take it given their not offering much when compared to DL n SW
No I think more are taking this than you think.
This has more to do with the possibility of an extension of the CARES act
No I think more are taking this than you think.
This has more to do with the possibility of an extension of the CARES act
Let's say your right but throwing a curve ball n say the stalling lingers... w DL stating 10s of thousands to be furloughed how would this impact those wanting out
Then why does the federal government provide security (TSA)? If it is the local governments property shouldn't they be providing the security?

Prior to 9/11, airlines were responsible for security. Feds took it over based on creation of DHS and TSA.

Some airports have since opted out of having TSA doing security after the laws were changed to allow privatization.
No disrespect, but no matter how many times you come back and brag about how good the offer at WN was, AA isn't going to match it. They can't afford it.

And yes, trying to do another round of CARES grants or loans is union driven entitlements.

Another round of handcuffs on management's ability to staff an airline the way it needs to be staffed will only benefit the junior union employees who will likely still need to be laid off come March 2021.

It's time to rip off the band-aid.
Read my post again E. Did not brag at all of how good or bad anything was. It simply said how all employees were treated fairly with the same offers rather union or not, p/t or f/t didn't matter. Besides if you read an earlier post of mine, you would also know that I said other airlines were offering a better medical package than ours as far as a medical payment of up to 150,000 (account rather not payment). Some are better in med coverage and some are better in pay out, and some are better in length of benefits carried out as well as flight bennies. They all are better in their own ways one way or another. However, in AA's case, if they were serious about getting more volunteers to avoid the layoffs, I would encourage a better payout worthy to get more numbers to take it. I think they did good on the upping of the medical coverage.
AA gas a debt problem and people seem to ignore that FACT.

Absolutely it is.

Yes indeed. Like I said this CARES act is nothing more than political pandering. However the rank and file UNION members have blinders on. Either they refuse to see it because the lie benefits them, they are in denial, or they are really stupid and can't see the obvious right in front of their face, take your pick.

It was the airlines who were poking the gov to step in the first time for assistance, NOT the unions. And congress acted upon all the negative articles that the airlines were soon to be layoffs and furloughs by the 100,000's within the airline industry. The second round of assistance was kicked off by unions, fully supported by the airlines, including A4A who also contacted congressional leaders pushing the support as well as letting congressional leaders know how bad it will get come Oct 1st if there were no extensions granted.
I know you two minds will not change about this being an entitlement by the unions, but, it's actually an employee based assistance not so much union based at all. It just happens to cover a majority of unionized employees in the airlines because the airlines are a very large unionized industry and the unions are all about supporting something that will save jobs and EMPLOYEES from being tossed to the streets just like the airlines also support saving as many employees as possible too. Yes, AA will still have to do some involuntary movements even after the CARES Act expires if extended and maybe UAL as well.
I understand, and respect your bandaid theory, but I would rather see another assistance (extension) for 6 months in hopes of a vaccine being out before that one expires and travel is picking back up and could quite possibly avoid the layoffs and furloughs, or at least maybe a hell of a lot less than if the did it on Oct 1st. Sure, it's probably kicking the can down the road, but so what, give the lower senior folks another 6 months to stash the cash and prepare (they should already have done this this past 6 months) but hey, some probably couldn't get all their monies in order.
Let's say your right but throwing a curve ball n say the stalling lingers... w DL stating 10s of thousands to be furloughed how would this impact those wanting out

Delta has now said if the stalling does continue that there will be layoffs. Hopefully hearing this from the airlines again will help to get the extension passed. Bastain is quoted below about the stalling as you have said. SWA also said that the no layoffs, furloughs and no pay cuts were only for 2020. That statement does not cover into and beyond 2021. And that is why the airlines are fully supporting the extension to go thru and pass in congress with "no new strings" attached.
For fleet at DCA I only know of 2 guys taking the early ou . Not many are taking VLOA bec of AA lack of $$$$ when compared to DL and SW.
I’m not sure what they are looking for.
The money for the insurance is pretty damn good.
But if your not set for retirement with a good savings plan then I get it but the company is not going to pay you a years salary to walk away

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